祁连冰酒 浪漫香醇

时间:2022-08-30 06:11:07


冰酒对产地的气候、地理等自然条件的要求极为苛刻;干燥少雨,保证葡萄自身水分冰冻;昼夜温差大,保证冰晶可以融化;光照时间长,保证葡萄积蓄足够的糖度及其他营养物质。 无工业大气的污染,保证自然纯正的品质等等。据众多行业专家考证,我国的祁连山山麓一带的环境条件完全符合生产冰酒的所有要求,这也是我国第一支冰酒――祁连冰酒诞生的原因。





The Qilian Icewine from“Silk Road” lies in the foot of Qilian mountain ,it fills the vacancy in China’s Icewine production in 2004. As its natural environment and health-pure quality ,which be acknowledged by “China Greenfood” in 2005.One of its series―“Black lightning” was made from the rare grape “Merlot”、“Simillon”, the material is much multiples good the Drywine, which be called “Golden liquid”.

Rarity of the Icewine lies in its unique and noble;

Precious of the Icewine lies in its pregnant from icesnow;

Red Icewine concentrates essence of nature, gorgeous , unique and noble;

White Iicewine, absorbs nature’s fragrant, pures like jade, gestates the magic power.

Qilian Manor is the largest produce base in China, which is one of the only few places can produce the Icewine in the world.

Qilian wine Co., Ltd would have a ambition of hundreds of years. Nature, health, fashion, romantic is Qilian Icewine’s special noble present to you.

上一篇:成名后 胡戈离滑翔渐远 下一篇:海边京族三岛