
时间:2022-08-29 03:50:13

Whether to immerse yourself in the settings of your favorite books, to get a better perspective on what made the authors tick1) or to engage with a community of like-minded literature-lovers, you will definitely find something to write home about2) in these six bibliophile3)-friendly cities.


Dublin, Ireland 爱尔兰的都柏林

It's only natural that the capital of the country with the gift of gab4) would produce some of the greatest writers in history. Home to the likes of James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, and Samuel Beckett, Dublin is a literary Mecca5). It was named a UNESCO City of Literature in 2010, which is a testament to the fact it has produced more Nobel Prize laureates for Literature than any other city in the world. Today, fans of Joyce and all can get a taste of Dublin literary history by visiting the Dublin Writers Museum, the National Print Museum of Ireland and the famous Abbey Theatre.


Paris, France 法国的巴黎

Few cities in the world have inspired as many bons mots6) as the City of Lights. Who's to say what inspires the literary air in France's capital, but it's certainly true that it's difficult to admire its beauty without getting a little florid7). And this is perhaps what inspired so many expat8) writers like Henry Miller and Gertrude Stein to leave their home countries to lift their pens at Paris' cafes. Of course, Paris' homegrown talent is legendary as well. Tributes to Honoré de Balzac, Cyrano de Bergerac, Voltaire, and Jules Verne, among many other giants of French literature, can be found throughout the city in the form of boulevards, memorials, and cafes.


Montreal, Canada


Mordecai Richler's9) vivid portrait of Montreal in the 1940s, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, is actually the literary guide to the city. Though much has changed in the 55 years since its publication, there is no question the book still evokes Montreal's distinct electric10) atmosphere. But Richler was not the only one to be fueled by Montreal's reserves of inspiration. Yann Martel's best-selling Life of Pi was finished here. Contemporary novelist Heather O'Neill's Lullabies for Little Criminals casts a light on Montreal's grittier11), darker corners. Leonard Cohen authored Beautiful Losers in Montreal (and then became a world-famous musician). In fact, he's still known to hang around Parc du Portugal on Boulevard12) St. Laurent.


Boston, USA 美国的波士顿

Victorian-era Boston was home to some of the greatest literary minds of the 19th century. Like Paris, the city attracted writers and thinkers from abroad in numbers, but also produced its own legends. The likes of Nathaniel Hawthorne, David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson lived and wrote in Boston, while expats like Charles Dickens and Henry James were temporary residents. Boston's walking tours of former writer haunts places you in the author's contemporary Victorian world. Boston has also provided a backdrop13) for countless works, from William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury to modern classics like David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. It's hard to find a single block in Boston without some literary connection.


Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh was UNESCO's first City of Literature and rightfully so, for there is really no other city that is best seen through the pages of a book. Edinburgh's narrative runs the gamut14) from philosophy (David Hume and Adam Smith) to poetry (Robert Burns) to printing (the Encyclopedia Britannica was first printed here). And next to Robert Burns, its most famous literary natives are Robert Louis Stevenson and Sir Walter Scott, no mere lightweights themselves. Meanwhile, modern novels like Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting and Ian Rankin's Inspector Rebus prove that the inkwells15) of Edinburgh's scribes aren't yet empty.



London, England 英国伦敦

London's reputation as a centre of literature needs no lengthy justification. From William Shakespeare to Charles Dickens and Bond to Sherlock Holmes, London has played host to some of the most famous authors and characters in the entire pantheon16) of English literature. Fortunately for the bibliophile, there are innumerable literary touchstones to be explored in this capital city. The British Library in London stocks some 14 million books. Fans of The Bard17) can find a reconstruction of the iconic Globe Theatre, for which Shakespeare wrote the majority of his works. 221B Baker St. is the real-life address of the fictional Holmes and Watson. And when you tire from a landmark tour, grab a pint or a coffee at one of the numerous pubs and cafes where famous names like P. G. Wodehouse, Agatha Christie, and Joseph Rudyard Kipling penned their best-known works.

伦敦作为文学中心的名气无需长篇大论的证明。从威廉・莎士比亚到查尔斯・狄更斯,从邦德到夏洛克・福尔摩斯,伦敦孕育了整个英国文学圣殿里的诸多大文豪和最有名的文学人物。在这座首都城市里,有无数景点可以证明伦敦是文学之都,并供人们探索,这对爱书人来说自然是幸事。位于伦敦的大英图书馆有藏书1400万册。喜欢莎士比亚的读者可以去参观重建后的地标性建筑环球剧场――莎士比亚的大部分作品都是为这座剧院创作的。福尔摩斯和华生虽然是虚构的人物,但他们生活的贝克街221B却是真实存在的。当游览名胜感到疲倦时,你还可以在随处可见的酒吧和咖啡馆中随便挑一家,喝杯啤酒或是来杯咖啡,诸如P. G. 伍德豪斯、阿加莎・克里斯蒂和约瑟夫・鲁德亚德・吉卜林等著名作家当年就是在这些地方创作了他们的代表作。

1. what makes sb. tick: 使某人这样做的原因;使某人做事的动机

2. something to write home about: 值得大书特书之事;非常出色的事

3. bibliophile [?b?bli?fa?l] n. 图书收藏者;书籍爱好者

4. the gift of gab: 口才

5. Mecca [?mek?] n. 麦加(沙特阿拉伯西部城市);向往的地方;圣地

6. bon mot: 妙语

7. florid [?fl?r?d] adj. 绚丽的;花里胡哨的

8. expat [eks?p?t] adj. 移居国外的;n. 移居国外者

9. Mordecai Richler: 莫德凯・里奇勒(1931~2001),加拿大著名作家、编剧、评论家

10. electric [??lektr?k] adj. 热烈兴奋的

11. gritty [?r?ti] adj. (描述)反映现实的,写实的

12. boulevard [?bu?l?v?d] n. 林荫大道

13. backdrop [?b?kdr?p] n. 背景

14. run the gamut: 囊括……的全部

15. inkwell [???kwel] n. 墨水池

16. pantheon [?p?nθi?n] n. 万神殿

17. The Bard: 全名为The Bard of Avon,埃文河畔的诗人,莎士比亚的别称,因为莎士比亚出生并安息在英国埃文河畔的斯特拉特福。

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