Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China

时间:2022-08-26 04:38:03


invent vt. 发明

stress vt. 强调

resign vi. 辞职

importance n. 重要;重要性

thinker n. 思想家

kindness n. 善良

order n. 秩序

position n. 职位

adviser n. 顾问

honesty n. 诚实

inventor n. 发明家

argument n. 争论;辩论;议论

freedom n. 自由

fuel n. 燃料

condition n. 状况;条件;环境

teaching n. (常作复数)教导;学说

love n. 仁爱

justice n. 公正

principle n. 原则;准则

bark n. 树皮

contribution n. 贡献

leather n. 皮革

equal adj. 平等的

soft adj. 柔软的


be at war with 与……交战

bring up 养育;抚养

become interested in 对……感兴趣

be proud of 为……自豪

in conclusion 总之

for the first time 第一次

in some ways 某些方面

tell the time 看表;说出时间

hear of 听说

on the spot 当场;现场


monk n. 和尚

sutra n.(佛教的)经

category n. 范畴;种类

philosopher n. 哲学家

philosophy n. 哲学

influential adj. 有影响的


responsibility n. 责任;义务

revolution n. 革命;变革


1. 了解定语从句的相关概念:

(1) 定语从句:用来修饰或者限制某个名词或者代词的从句叫定语从句(限制性定语从句)。

(2) 先行词:被定语从句修饰或者限制的那个名词或者代词叫先行词。

(3) 关系代词/关系副词:连接主句和从句,并在从句中充当某个成分的代词或副词。常用的关系代词有:that,which,who,whom,whose;常用的关系副词有:when,where,why。

2. 关系代词/关系副词的具体用法如下:

关系代词/关系副词 指代 充当的成分 例句

that 人或物 主语、宾语、表语 I know the girl that attended the party.

That is the job that I’m hunting for.

which 物 主语、宾语、表语 He came from a family which was poor.

Mencius wrote a book which many people have read.

who 人 主语 I met someone who said he knew you.

whom 人 宾语或表语 Is that the teacher whom you referred to?

whose 人或物 定语 Confucious is a great philosopher whose influence has been the greatest.

when 时间 时间状语 It was also a time when there were many great philosopher.

where 地点 地点状语 Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other.

why 原因 原因状语 Often, the reason why people are unhappy is that they do not have enough love.

注意:介词放在关系代词的前面时,关系代词只能用which指代物,用whom指代人,不能用that。如:He is a man of whom China can be proud.This is the house in which the inventor lived.


1. equal adj. 平等的

All men are born equal. 人生来平等。

equal vt. 等;和……相等;抵得上

Three plus five equals eight.


None of us can equal her in strength.



4. principle n. 原则;道义;为人之道

You may find the examples dated in this book, but the principles still hold true.


It is a matter of principle with her to answer her children’s questions honestly.


in principle 原则上;大致上

on principle 按照原则

5. stress vt. 强调;着重;加压力于;使紧张

n. 压力;重音

The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.


Stress the second syllable.


The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing.


6. bring up 养育;抚养;培养;提出;呕吐

Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.


I was brought up to always respect the old.


The lunar exploration has brought up a new subject.


He was so ill that he brought up everything.


7. for the first time 第一次

Ten years ago, I went to the tropics for the first time.


I shall never forget seeing you for the first time in 1964.


比较:for the first time和the first time的区别

(1) for the first time首次;第一次,表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。

The two girl students talked for the first time at the beginning of the term.


(2) the first time首次;第一次,常引导时间状语从句,其重点不是讲第一次做什么,而是说明另一动作或情况;也可以作表语,强调到说话为止某一情况或动作的次数。

I knew we would be good friends the first time I met her.


This is the first time I have been to the Great Wall.


8. hear of 听说

(1) hear of作“听说”讲,指听到别人说某人或某事(即间接听说),后面通常接名词或代词,与hear about同义。

I have never heard of such a man.


(2) (will not) hear of 不同意;不允许

He wouldn’t hear of me paying for the bill.


sb hear (that)... 某人听说……

make oneself heard 高声说话使别人听见

hear from 收到……的信息;接……的来信

hearout 听完(某人的话)

heardo 听见某人做某事(针对已完成的事,被动

时则用sb be heard to do)

heardoing 听见某人做某事(针对正在进行的事,

被动时则用sb be heard doing)

9. they say (that) 人家说;据说

They say that Ken is very good at operating computers.

= It is said that Ken is good at operating computers.

= Ken is said to be very good at operating computers.


10. a bit 有点;稍微

I’m a bit tired tonight.


The painting on the wall is a bit crooked.


11. if so 要是那样的话;在那种情况下

If so, then my friend Peter is a bit mad.


If so, why didn’t you tell me?


if any 假如有

if possible 如果可能的话

if only 只要……就好了;但愿

if anything 如果有什么(区别)的话

When many people are hesitating to press forward on the road, they have to make way for the one who values highly his time, and let him overtake them.






One of the most popular literary figures in American literature is a woman who spent almost half of her long life in China, a country on a continent thousands of miles from the United States. In her lifetime she got this country’s most honored literary award, the Pulitzer Prize, and also the most prestigious (有声望的) form of literary recognition in the world, the Nobel Prize for literature.

Pearl Buck was almost a household word throughout much of her lifetime because of her literary output, which consisted of some eighty-five published works, including several dozen novels, six collections of short stories, fourteen books for children, and more than a dozen works of nonfiction (非小说).

When she was eighty years old, some twenty-five books were awaiting publication. Many of those books were set in China, the land in which she spent so much of her life. Her books and her life served as a bridge between the cultures of the East and the West.

Her background (背景) as the product of those two cultures made her into an unusually interesting and versatile (多才多艺的) human being. As we examine the life of Pearl Buck, we cannot help but realise that we are in fact meeting three different people: a wife and mother, an internationally famous writer, and a humanitarian (人道主义者). One cannot really get to know Pearl Buck without learning about each of the three. Though honored in her lifetime with the William Dean Howell Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in addition to the Nobel and Pulitzer Prize, Pearl Buck as a total human being, not only a famous author, is a fascinating subject of study.

1. What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage?

A. To offer information about the works of Pearl Buck.

B. To show Pearl Buck’s views on Chinese literature.

C. To show the background and achievements of Pearl Buck.

D. To discuss Pearl Buck’s influence on the cultures of the East and the West.

2. Pearl Buck is known as a writer of ___ .

A. novels B. children’s books

C. short stories D. all of the above

3. What does the underlined words mean in Paragraph 2?

A. Pearl Buck was well known.

B. Pearl Buck was a poor woman.

C. Pearl Buck used to be a housewife.

D. The name Pearl Buck was used only at home.

4. Why was Pearl Buck an unusual woman in American literature?

A. She published half of her books abroad.

B. She achieved her first success very late in life.

C. She wrote extensively about a very different culture.

D. She won more awards than any other woman of her time.



philosopher important kindness teach principle

order equal thinker complain educate

1. We should follow the ____ of seeking truth.

2. This big news is received as a development of major ____ .

3. His ____ had a great influence on my way of thinking.

4. Good looks are not as important as ____ , which is a good quality we should have.

5. All countries, no matter how big or small they are, should be ____ .

6. He eventually became one of America’s most respected twentieth century ____ .

7. Confucius was not only a great educator but also a well-known ____ .

8. I don’t like to think of the means the military will take to keep ____ .


1. 他强调我们应当总是诚实。

2. 尽管她是在城市里出生和长大的,但她更喜欢农村的生活。

3. 中国古代大部分伟大的思想家信奉仁慈的重要性。

4. 有一段时间没有人听从他的劝告。


1. ― I think he is playing an active part in social work.

― I agree with you ___ .

A. in a way B. in the way

C. by the way D. on the way

2. It is reported that the police will soon ___ the case of the two missing children.

A. look up B. look after

C. look into D. look out

3. All of us want to live ___ , but some countries are still ___ with each other.

A. in peace; in war B. in peace; at war

C. at peace; in war D. at peace; at war

4. Can you make a sentence to ___ the meaning of the story.

A. bring out B. bring on

C. bring up D. bring about

5. Experts have been ___ warning of the health risks caused by smoking.


Next came the electric vote recorder. It made voting quicker and more accurate, yet no one wanted to buy it. Edison then moved on to tackle the stock market ticker, the machine that gave information about stock market prices. Edison improved it, and sold the rights for US$40,000.


In his late twenties, Edison built an “invention factory” where he and his business partners could dedicate all their time to inventing. After improving upon the telephone, Edison created the phonograph, his favorite and most lucrative invention. Although Edison did not actually invent the light bulb, he did create an electric lighting system which led to its widespread use.


A tireless achiever, Edison established the first central electric power station in 1882, enabling New York to be the first city in the world to have electric lights. This was the beginning of the modern world in which electricity became a way of life.


The following year, one of Edison’s engineers discovered electrons, which eventually led to electronics. This discovery was patented as the “Edison effect”. Without electronics, we might not have radio, TV, computers, or space travel. The rest of Edison’s life was spent making and improving inventions including the motion picture camera, the alkaline battery, the copy machine, and the microphone.


Thomas Edison died at the age of eighty-four in 1931. Three days later, much of America dimmed its lights in honor of the inventor―man who had more impact on the development of present-day civilization than anyone else in history.


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