A Lesson Plan on The 1st extract of The House of Sixty Fathers

时间:2022-08-25 11:45:38

【摘要】 In this paper the author cites a lesson plan, and specifically analyzes the lesson plan.

【关键词】 English Lesson Plan student

【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-4772(2014)01-090-01

Topic of lesson+ Focus:The 1st extract of The House of Sixty Fathers+Understanding & Applying

Lesson Objectives:Reading & Grammar ( past perfect tense)

Level of class:Middle school students and above

Materials needed:Text,Pictures,PPT

Lesson Plan

Preparation(40 MINS)

Let students preview the story and do the following activities:

1. New words’ pre-learning(5 MINS):

2. Comprehension(20 MINS):

(1) Why hadn’t Tien Pao and his parents stopped pushing the sampan even at night?(2)What had they seen from the clump of bamboos at the edge of the river where they had crouched?(3)Why had Tien Pao’s mother flung him to the floor of the sampan?(4)What had Tien Pao done to protect his baby sister on the floor?(5)Where had Tien Pao enjoyed his first whole day of rest after the hard journey?

3. Finding job(15 MINS):

(1)Phrases or sentences which describe the frightening scene of being invaded and Tien family’s hard journey for escaping from the invasion with their lives.(2)All the sentences with “past perfect tense”

Teaching procedure(50 MINS)

Pre-Activity(3 MINS)

Step 1:Greeting and lead-in

(1)Show pictures of the book & author with clear and articulate prose description.

(2)Check out Ss’ preparation results(group leaders reported). (Teacher gives comments ).

(3)Let the Ss read this lesson’s objectives which teacher have already shown on the PPT).

Main Activity(40 MINS).

Step 2:Error correction and enhancement(10 MINS):

1. let every group answer 3 of the Questions and correct the mistakes with interactive discussion.

2. Let Ss retell the 1st extract with clues from the answers of the questions above.

Step 3: Key points’ teaching and applying with PPT(27MINS):

1. Let Ss read all the sentences with “past perfect tense”.

2. Let Ss discussion in groups to perceive the definition(to describe events done by a certain time in the past),structure and usages of “past perfect tense”and write down as much as they can remember of what Tien Pao and his parents had done and what they had not yet done. ( Check every group with showing the best answers or the standard references on the blackboard.)

3. Let Ss compare past simple tense with past perfect tense. (construction of written sentences based on set pattern, followed by free oral interaction and writing.)

(1)Ask each student to think of some period that made a great impression on him or her: a course of study, an impressive trip, some kind of edifying experience. Then ask them to express the difference it made to them in a sentence, or sentences, based on the formula:

I had never ( or always)....before.

And possibly adding: But afterwards I....

Using the past perfect tense in the first clause and the past simple in the second. Teacher gives an example from her or his own life. Then ask students to write down their sentences as many as possible. (Teacher supply individuals with vocabulary as needed.)

Three kinds of activities can be used in this procedure.

Ask a volunteer student to describe his or her experience, and to explain to the class what differences it made to his or her life ---using the written sentences as a basis, but amplifying freely.

Ask students to tell their experiences to one another in pairs and then report back to the class in the third person, each student describing the experiences of his or her partner.

Ask the students to describe the difference something made to their lives in writing, contrasting what they had been/ known/ felt beforehand with their situation afterwards.

Let Ss finish the relevant exercises(single choice, completion, translation and such alike.)

Post Activity(7 MINS)

Step 4 Summary

(1)Let Ss revise the grammar points

(2)Back to the reading material, let some Ss read the description parts which showing the frightening scenes of war and Tien famiy’s hard journey with showing some anti-Japanese centered songs .

(3)Teacher guide Ss through reminding problems of the text or grammar.

Consolidation(30 MINS)

1. Let Ss do more relevant practices on the grammar points(10 MINS).

2. Preview the 2nd extract with teacher’s guidance paper(20 MINS) and try to perform a english drama or draw pictures according to the story within groups and prepare for showing them in class.

上一篇:充分利用体育课激发青少年的正能量 下一篇:音乐激活体育课堂