
时间:2022-08-22 07:20:39




背单词时常会碰到这样的情况:有些单词明明背过,但放在文章中却读不懂了。这让花费大量精力背单词的同学颇为恼火。少安毋躁,先了解这样一件事:看似不起眼的单词其实大都是“年纪一大把”,历史短者百年,长者千年。你怎么能奢望这些承载着历史、记录着文明的单词单纯得只有一个含义呢?事实上,那些你熟悉的单词在具体语境中并不一定表达的就是你熟悉的那个含义,它可能是另一种含义与用法。对于这样的单词,我们不仅不要嗔怪,反而要敬畏。如何准确抓住单词的含义呢?答案是语境。新闻话题层出不穷,最不缺单词使用的语境。考生在精读新闻时,一定不要忘了“结合语境,推测词义”这一招。下面我们来看两则新闻,推测一下新闻中的straight和rosy health分别表达何种含义。

1. A new poll has revealed the people most admired by Americans. U.S. President Barack Obama tops the list of most admired men for the seventh straight year and Hillary Clinton retains her title as top woman for the 13th year in a row, Gallup found. (AOL News, Dec. 29, 2014, “US President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Named Most Admired People in the World”)

解析:单词straight最常见的意思是“直的”,比如straight line (直线)和straight hair (直头发),但例句中的straight显然不是这个意思,我们可以根据语境推测出其含义。这条新闻的标题先交代奥巴马和希拉里被评为(named)美国“最受尊敬的人士”,然后再提到“U.S. President Barack Obama tops the list of most admired men for the seventh straight year”,这里出现了seventh straight year的搭配,此处的straight不可能是“直的”,而是表示时间如同一根直线般“连续的,不间断的”。因此这句话可以理解为:“奥巴马连续第七年当选‘最受尊敬的男士’称号。”

2. Life is pretty sweet for America’s airlines at the moment. The price of jet fuel has been hovering at its lowest point for six years…. Yet there is also another reason for American carriers’ rosy health: the amount they reap from baggage fees. (Economist, May. 5, 2015, “Sky-high Profit”)

解析:短语rosy health的表面意思是“气色很好,非常健康”。而在本条新闻的语境下,航空公司并非人类,跟健康与否扯不上关系,所以我们得结合语境来理解这一词组的含义。上文说目前美国航空公司的经营状况不错(pretty sweet), 然后给出第一个原因为航空燃料价格六年来一直不高,接下来又说了令航空公司出现rosy health的另一个原因,即它们从行李托运上赚了不少钱。由此可见,rosy health的含义是“经营状况或盈利状况极好”。



3. More Americans than ever before are living alone. Some people are better at this than others; they thrive on “alone time,” and seem perfectly happy flying solo at the movies, restaurants and on vacation when the rest of the world couldn’t imagine doing these things without a partner, spouse or friends. (CBS News, Mar.13, 2015, “Too Much ‘Alone Time’ May Shorten Your Life”)

解析:上述两句话来自一篇谈论“独处”的新闻。这两句话中有两处表达了“享受独处”的含义:第一处是 thrive on “alone time”,单词thrive的本意是“繁茂,茁壮成长”,在这里表示人们在独处中“自得其乐”,用得妙;第二处是seem perfectly happy flying solo中的happy flying solo,描写出人们快乐地独来独往于各种场合与活动之间的场景。瞧,从新闻中学习多样化表达就是这么唾手可得。

4. Stanford accepted 5% of applicants, Columbia took in 6.1%, Yale sent acceptance letters to 6.49%, Princeton said yes to 6.9%, Brown accepted 8.5%, 9.9% of applicants got into Penn, Dartmouth took 10.3%, and Cornell offered spots to 14.9%. (CNN, Apr. 3, 2015, “Harvard Rejects about 95% of Applicants”)

解析:这一句话中有八处表达了“录取”的含义,其中七处的用词各不相同。第一处“Stanford accepted 5% of applicants”和第五处“Brown accepted 8.5%”使用了accept,该词为“接受,录取”的意思;第二处为“Columbia took in 6.1%”,其中的took in为“接受,录取”的意思;第三处为“Yale sent acceptance letters to 6.49%”,其中的sent acceptance letters to意为“发送录取信函”,还是表达“录取”的意思;第四处为“Princeton said yes to 6.9%”,其中的said yes to意为“答应别人的请求”,还是表达“录取”的意思;第六处为“9.9% of applicants got into Penn”,其中的got into为“获得准许进入”的意思;第七处为“Dartmouth took 10.3%”,其中的took为“接收”的意思;第八处为“Cornell offered spots to 14.9%”,其中的offered spots to为“给(某人)提供位置”的意思。


习语是语言中的精华。习语具有简洁生动、幽默风趣的特点。在体会习语运用的时候,你往往会折服于那些充满想象力和幽默感的表达方式。在精读新闻时,习语的出现有时会让人一头雾水,但请一定发扬刨根问底的精神,借助良师、词典、网络或书籍去探究,随之而来的收获是巨大的:你将越来越懂得native speakers的语言世界,你的英语表达也会越来越地道。下面就列举两例来谈谈如何学习新闻中出现的习语。

5. This plant is a far cry from the hot, smelly, noisy places that people normally associate with manufacturing. Workers in goggles hand-build the LiftFans, which sell for millions of dollars, with the help of state-of-the-art machinery. Computers quietly hum. The atmosphere is disarmingly serene. (Economist, Feb. 28, 2015, “Not Quite What It Seems”)

解析:短语a far cry from是不是“从什么地方大叫一声”呢?先看看这个句子后面的几句话所描述的工厂环境:戴着护目镜的工人,现代化的机械装置,计算机轻声运转,整体气氛安静祥和……这不禁让人心生怀疑:这里是工厂吗?工厂不是又热、又吵、又难闻的地方(hot, smelly, noisy places)吗?没错!这里描述的工厂环境就是与传统工厂的车间环境大相径庭,由此我们可以判断出第一句出现的习语a far cry from的含义为“与……颇为不同”。追溯一下这个习语的源头可知,在19世纪早期,英国尚无报纸等传媒手段,town crier (街头公告员)会大老远跑来向居民传达重要信息,而传达信息的方式通常是“大喊”,由此可推出a far cry就是far away或a long distance的意思。

6. As many people with a guilty conscience will testify, few things grease the wheels of forgiveness quite like a bouquet of flowers. So it should not come as too much of a surprise that the taxman also makes floral arrangements his gift of choice as a goodwill gesture to business owners…. (Dailymail, Jan. 2, 2015, “The Taxman Says It with Flowers”)

解析:短语grease the wheels是“给轮子上油”吗?回答问题之前,先跟笔者回到1911年5月31日那一天,英国皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号首次下水,为了能使这个庞然大物顺利入水,据说使用了23吨动物油脂和软皂给滑轨,从此grease the skids (skid即滑轨)的说法不胫而走,后来又出现了grease the wheels的说法,两者的含义相似。渐渐地,人们用grease the wheels来表达“为了某件事情进展顺利而做的工作”。回看上面的新闻:“正如许多内心有愧的人所证明的那样,没有什么比带着鲜花去请求原谅更奏效的了。”这里grease the wheels of forgiveness就是“使道歉这件事更为奏效”的意思。



7. News reporter Giuliana Rancic recently denied having ever had an eating disorder. But in her new memoir, Going Off Script, the 40-year-old recounts a dark time when she turned to food binges for comfort. “I’ve always had a sweet tooth, but sugar became my drug, and I went on a binge every single night.” (Radar Online, Apr. 13, 2015, “Eating Disorder Confession?”)

解析:通过这则新闻,我们可以收获 “暴饮暴食症”这个话题的实用表达,如下所示。

①患有饮食失调症:have an eating disorder

②借助暴饮暴食寻求安慰:turn to food binges for comfort

③喜欢吃甜食:have a sweet tooth

④糖成了某人必不可少的东西:sugar becomes sb.’s drug

⑤大吃一顿:go on a binge

8. ①Emergency measures introduced in Paris to halve the number of vehicles on the roads after a noxious smog descended on the French capital have been hailed as a success.

②Only “clean” cars, … were permitted to enter Paris and 22 surrounding areas on Monday in an attempt to reduce the level of fine PM10 particles from diesel engines.

③This time last year, a similar two-day ban was said to have had a positive impact on air quality, reducing the PM10 particles and the toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) according to Airparis, which measures pollution in the capital.

④Experts say the problem is caused by carbon monoxide and PM10 particles from vehicles, an absence of wind to disperse the pollutants and other meteorological conditions … (Guardian, Mar. 23, 2015, “Paris Emergency Measures to Combat Smog Hailed as a Success”)


①将路上行驶的机动车数量减半:halve the number of vehicles on the roads

②(某地)遭遇一场严重的雾霾:a noxious smog descends on …

③目的是减少柴油发动机排放出的PM10微小颗粒物的水平:in an attempt to reduce the level of fine PM10 particles from diesel engines

④对空气质量的改善效果明显:have a positive impact on air quality

⑤减少了PM10颗粒物和有毒的氮氧化物的数量:reduce the PM10 particles and the toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx)

⑥这个问题是机动车排放的一氧化碳和PM10颗粒物、促使污染物扩散的大风的缺乏以及其他气象条件造成的:The problem is caused by carbon monoxide and PM10 particles from vehicles, an absence of wind to disperse the pollutants and other meteorological conditions.


上一篇:强化企业离退休职工的几点思考 下一篇:好泡沫与坏泡沫