Euphemism on Death in English

时间:2022-08-18 11:08:02

Abstract: In western countries, people could trace back the history of English euphemism to the period of Anglo-Saxon. People can find euphemism in the text of its national epic, Beowulf, for instance, the literal meaning of “ellorsi” is “journey elsewhere”, however, it is used as euphemism to avoid saying death directly in fact. After Norman Conquest in 1066, euphemism started to flourish.

Key words: Anglo-Saxon;euphemism;ellorsi

中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2012)33-0121-01

1. The History of Euphemism

Then in Victorian period, euphemism reached the top height. This period was one of the most taboo-minded and taboo-ridden societies in the history of western countries. At that time, women would fall in a faint when they heard one saying “leg” which take the place of “limb” because it was regarded as the sexual implication in that peculiar age.

2. Analysis of Euphemism on Death in English

2.1 Euphemism on Death in the Field of Religion

In western countries, lots of men are Christians. Under the circumstance, many expressions of euphemisms on death can be found in Bible or Church Doctrine. Disciples of Christianity believe the existence of God and consider that God creates the world. As a result, a kind of euphemism on death is “to return to dust or earth”. People believe that they were born with guilt and they live in the dirty world because they need to pay back, therefore, death is also called “to pay for the debt of nature”. Besides, “The last judgment” will be given by God after death. As a result, “the last judgment” becomes another expression of euphemism on death. During the period of judgment, people must hand in their accounts. It is God who decides whether people can go to heaven and be with god or not. Because of this, Men are bound to “be called to God to answer the final summons”. If people do like this, they will launch into eternity and be at peace. God is the one that people respect most in western counties, hence, “to go the heaven”, “to be with God”, “to launch into eternity” and “to be at peace” are also the expressions of euphemisms on death. “Full asleep” also occurred as one kind of euphemism on death. It is one kind of common euphemism on death which is often used to carve on tombstone. According to this, people also use “asleep in the arms of God” and “asleep in the lord” as “full asleep”. Other widely used prepositional phrases brought out by religion as in “God took her to himself” or “he was gathered to his father or ancestor.


[1]Allan, K. & Burridge. Euphemism & Dysphemism [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

[2]Enright, D.J. Fair of Speech: The Use of Euphemism [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

[3]Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, 1996.


[5]黎昌抱、吴锋针.英汉 “死亡”委婉语对比研究[J].西安:西安外国语学院学报,2005.

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