
时间:2022-08-17 04:50:56


摘要:[目的] 探讨7-9岁小学生肥胖和哮喘的关系,明确下一步研究的方向。[方法] 采用整群抽样方法,随机抽取上海市6所学校的小学部,调查被抽中学校的所有1年级和 2年级学生的家长,并对学生进行体格检查。率的比较采用卡方检验检验,学龄儿童中心性肥胖和哮喘的多因素分析采用Logistic回归分析方法。[结果] 肥胖率(BMI)为9.40%,中心性肥胖率为7.36%,曾经患过哮喘比例为4.4%。单因素分析中用体质指数(BMI)评价学生的营养状况,肥胖与非肥胖组比较其哮喘病人的比例没有差异,但是用腰围进行评价则显示腰围超标与肥胖有关。多因素分析的结果显示男生、年龄增长、周末睡眠时间少、胃口好、不挑食、饭量大、吃饭速度快是中心性肥胖的危险因素,在模型中有哮喘史是中心性肥胖的独立影响因素。[结论] 7-9岁中心性肥胖与哮喘有关,需要继续跟踪研究肥胖的影响因素,以及深入探讨肥胖与哮喘的相互关系,为公共卫生实践提供更多的证据。


Abstract: Object To explore the association between central obesity and asthma in 7 to 9 year old pupils, and to clarify the direction of next research. Methods By cluster sampling, 6 primary schools were randomly selected from the Shanghai City; the school questionnaire survey was pumped in all 1 grade and 2 grade students' parents, and physical examination for these students. Rates were compared using the chi square test, association between central obesity and asthma were analyzed by Logistic regression analysis model. Results The obesity rate (BMI) was 9.40%, the rate of central obesity was 7.36%, and the rate of asthma was 4.4%. With body mass index in univariate analysis (BMI) to assess the nutritional status of students, there is no difference between the obese and no-obese group of the proportion of patients with asthma, but the difference was significant in the central obesity situation. Multivariate regression analysis showed that male, age, weekend less sleep and a good appetite, not picky eaters, appetite, eating fast is dangerous factors of central obesity, a history of asthma in the model was an independent risk factor of central obesity. Conclusion The central obesity and asthma are related, it is needed to study the influencing factors in cohort study, and probing into the relationship between obesity and asthma have been significance to gain more public health evidence.

Keywords: Central obesity; Asthma; Primary school student; Immune

在全球,和青少年肥胖和哮喘的发生呈现上升的趋势,我国的情况也呈现出相同的趋势。2010年全国学生体质调研结果发现我国7-22岁城市男生和女生肥胖率为13.33%、5.64%,比2005年分别上升了1.94和0.63个百分点 [1],上海市学生肥胖率呈现出逐年上升的趋势。一项全国性的儿童哮喘研究显1990、2000、2010年全国16个城市儿童哮喘总患病率分别为0.96%、1.66%和2.33%,出现了明显的上升趋势,上海市在2010年儿童哮喘总患病率为5.73%,位居十六个城市之首[2]。从起病年龄的分布逐渐从婴幼儿向学龄前儿童和学龄儿童偏移。国外已有研究发现了儿童哮喘和肥胖的流行病学的关联,并对其机制进行了探讨。



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