
时间:2022-08-16 04:00:07

Finally, a word about the awful things that happen to people and what we choose to do or choose not to do about them.

I’m talking about an attack on a man named Allen Haywood in a Washington, D.C. metro station the day after New Year’s. He was attacked in the early evening by two young teenagers for no apparent reason that anybody can see, as he read a book waiting to board a train after working out at a gym on 1)Capitol Hill.

He was beaten, his book was thrown in the tracks as those two kids and a number of others laughed about it.

Besides being really disgusted by and worried about the behavior of the two very young people who started this, I’m even more worried about what seemed to be dozens of people around him who apparently did nothing to stop the attack or help Haywood except take pictures. In the video, you can hear the voice of a man who might be a teenager himself, expressing disgust with what’s going on but he doesn’t seem inclined to do anything about it, except film the whole thing with what looks like a cell phone camera.

Can I just tell you, it’s easy to 2)rail against the indifference of humanity; it’s a lot harder to figure out what to do about it. But rail we must, because silence really does equal 3)assent, and we also have to ask the hard questions, including questions of ourselves.

Why, first of all, do some step in and so many look away? Or more to the point, continue to look and do nothing?

So why did nobody help Allen Haywood or even apparently call metro authorities who are present at every train stop? Because Haywood is a man and they thought he should be able to take care of himself? Because he’s white? Because they were afraid the kids would turn on them?

I remember when one of my stepdaughters and I were watching a news story unfold together. It was about a lawyer who was shot outside of a courthouse by a 4)disgruntled former client as a news cameraman who just happened to be there, captured the whole thing on tape.

My stepdaughter, who is a doctor, whose father is a lawyer, who may or may not have a disgruntled client someday, was disgusted by this. Why doesn’t he help him, she kept asking me. I had an answer: he was doing something by recording the scene. But that hardly seemed 5)adequate, and that’s exactly how I feel about what went on in that Washington metro station.

These days we talk of the citizen journalist, one who stands by and aids the reporting process by using increasingly inexpensive and accessible recording devices. Does this mean we are all bystanders now?

Just a few weeks ago I stopped to get my morning tea, when I saw a young teenager, maybe 14 or 15 years old, repeatedly slapping a very young child of maybe three or four. The teenager was surrounded by his friends and I 6)surmise that he was probably babysitting the child, would rather have been with his friends, and was 7)resentful about it.

I ran across the street saying, “Can I help you? Can I help you?” explaining I had young children too and maybe I could help him get things back on track. The boy—and he was a boy—told me in no uncertain terms to mind my own business. I told him if somebody bigger were hurting him, I would hope I would step in. I hope I would. I hope.













上一篇:一个新词的诞生 下一篇:少年网络欺凌诉案