The Application of STM in Junior English Class

时间:2022-08-12 08:11:26

Abstract: Along with the development of China's economy, English becomes more and more important in people's daily life. The English teaching methods used in each period are quite different. It has been a few decades since situational teaching method was put forward. The situational teaching method is one of the most popular teaching methods in Junior English class. Students will accept knowledge actively in efficient classroom learning in which language acquisition is carried out completely in full language environment.

Key Words: Situational teaching method; Junior English class; Application

中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:C DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-8181.2013.13.085

1 The current situation about English teaching

Nowadays learning a foreign language is not only to appreciate its literature, but also to obtain information, to communicate effectively, to do business, to meet different people, to understand different ways of living and so on. With some visible weak points, traditional English teaching can not be encouraged any more. And as a result, some new and effective approaches should be applied in junior schools. One of the effective ways which are encouraged by many expects and teachers should be the situational teaching approach. In the English teaching of junior schools, good classroom teaching situation not only makes the teaching interesting, but also activates students' thirst for knowledge properly. The purpose of foreign language teaching is to develop language ability, so in English teaching, students could improve the ability of comprehensive linguistic performance only by setting realistic or quasi-real situation. Considering the requirement of English curriculum standards, it is necessary to apply situational teaching approach in junior schools.

2 The application of situational teaching method

In junior English class, teaching tools are designed to arouse students' attention while they are learning new things. At the same time some amusing activities are quite necessary. The reason is that students prefer to do activities around the classroom rather than just sit on the seats.

2.1 Showing PPT

Along with the development of technology, teaching tools also developed so much. Except the traditional tools such as chalks and blackboard, some new teaching tools are used in English classes. One of the new teaching tools is multimedia, which is also known as PPT. Specifically, it is a kind of technology which could display many information activities, for example, graphics, text, sound, image, animation, video with the use of computer system. PPT helps to create an amusing atmosphere by showing vivid pictures and lively scene. It also makes the abstract situation more interesting and much simpler for our students.

In traditional English class, new words are taught mechanically. The most common way is to read them again and again, which is boring for junior students. In this example, the teacher makes learning new words more vivid and interesting by showing different kinds of pictures with multimedia. "Hat, socks, pant, closes……" are common nouns which appear in students' every day life. However, it is hard for them to distinct one from another if these words come at the same time. With the help of multimedia, students have a chance to learn the correct pronunciation while they are enjoying the lively pictures. The reason is that multimedia teaching has changed the single, one-way transmission of traditional teaching methods to a great extent. It not only shows the vivid pictures, but also combines sound, images, words and animation as an organic whole so that interactive teaching environment is created with sound, light, color and figure.

Multimedia teaching may have the following advantages. Firstly, it can arouse students' interest in learning by its dynamic pictures, lifelike sound effects, rich colors, which is helpful for them to acquire, maintain and use the language effectively. Secondly, it can set up good language environment. Multimedia can show English film clips, English songs, short English dialogues, which are so lively that can arouse students' desire in learning easily. Thirdly, it can optimize class teaching. Multimedia has the ability to change difficult language points into easy ones by setting up intuitive, vivid and understandable situations. Fourthly, it is beneficial to develop students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities and finally arouse students' enthusiasm in learning.

2.2 Doing Games

Game is another practical activity which is often used in junior English class. It has the same function of role-play when games are used to set up amusing situations. Games can not only be used to guide the relaxing atmosphere, but also give students the chance to communicate with each other. The forms of game are various, and the most common forms are to sing English songs, to tell stories, to guess and competition.


T: We have learned the new words of this unit, and next you should try your best to remember them. Clear?

S: Yes.

T: Ten minutes for you.

…… (Students try to remember these words one by one)

T: Time is up, can you remember them?

S: Yes.

T: Very good. Now, let's play a game and I will check you.

T: Four persons a group. You should play a game named Solitaire(单词接龙), and it is time to test your vocabulary. All the words you use should be the new words of this unit, OK? I will show you an example:


T: Each group has two minutes. Write as much words as you can, the group write more words will win. Clear?

S: Yes.

T: Close your books and put other things away. Four groups stand in front of the room, and the other groups sit on your own chairs. Now, let’s begin.

…… (Each group tries their best to think about more words)

T: Stop. Let's check your work. How many words are there in group A?

S: Nineteen.

T: How many words in group B?

S: Twenty-three.

…… (Group C twenty, group D twenty-two)

T: The winner is group B. Congratulations.

This example is a good designing for the students to review the words they have learned just now. Junior students would like to join in active games, where they can not only cooperate with their partners, but also learn and review words successfully. Playing games is much more effective than traditional teaching ways when it is used in setting up situations. The traditional way of checking students' vocabulary is dictation, which seems to be mechanical without any interest. To make things worse, the students become nervous unconsciously when hearing the word "dictation". The game to spell a new word with the last letter of the former word, however, is more creative and more practical. All the students are so attracted by the new game that they have no time to feel pressure, and it is certain that the effect of doing games will be better.

The games which are easy to do are more likely to be accepted by the junior students. Singing a simple English song before or during the class, for example, is often applied to the English classes. One notable reason is that simple English songs are familiar to the students, and when hearing their favorite English songs, the students will become more interested in English and improve the ability of remembering knowledge gradually. No matter what kind of games we apply to the class, the ultimate goal is all the same. In a word, the function of doing games is to guide an interesting learning atmosphere and to release students' learning stress.

3 Conclusion

Situational teaching is a teaching approach in which language and teaching points are presented and practiced in authentic situations. Due to the fact that learning English is usually hard and boring for some students, and they may lose their confidence and interest in it easily. In order to stimulate their motivation in learning English, teachers should set up situations that are inspiring and interesting so as to arouse students’ interest, improve their four basic skills of language, since it provides students a favorable language atmosphere. It also makes English class more interesting and lively and helps students develop their ability of using English in daily life.


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[2]Donald Freeman and Richards. Teacher Learns in Language [J]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2002.



作者简介:强萍,绵阳师范学院外国语学院,四川绵阳 621000

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