
时间:2022-08-05 01:57:32


The click rate of a micro-film on environmental protection entitled “The Lost Homeland”, which cost five years to make, surpassed 850,000 twelve hours after uploading; and it has won high recommendations from many mainland celebrities including Ma Yun and Wang Shi within half a year's time. Director of the film, Qiao Qiao, has risen from nobody to a “spokesperson of the new generation” for environmental protection overnight by virtue of his close attention to the wildlife. As a modest man who isn't accustomed to boasting about his achievements, Qiao didn't talk too much before a camera and said frankly that he would rather be behind the scene.

“At first, I didn't know when a bird would enter my lens or what course it would take, all I could do was keeping my camera on and waiting. You know, a roll of film worth 1050 Yuan will be used up in just more than four minutes' time.” Hard and costly as the shooting was, Qiao stuck to it. In his words, his conviction of “protecting the ecological environment by means of film-shooting” was set upon his graduation and has remained unchanged ever since. He even sold his car and house to raise up to 8 million Yuan for realizing his goal.



Making a film for Animals


For a young man who is fresh from his university, it's really lucky for Qiao to own a house in China's capital Beijing with rapidly surging house prices. Therefore, it's quite natural that he was besieged with overwhelming doubts and dissents when he decided to sell his house and car for film-making. Even today, Qiao is reluctant to mention that the bygone experience. He told the reporter, “My original idea was to make a film about the wildlife, a true wildlife film without voice-over and completely consisting of wildlife images.” With no scripts at hand, Qiao made the film by selecting and re-combining a large number of materials shot in advance. With a general but bold idea in mind, the young graduate began collecting funds and investments through various channels. “I asked more than ten investors one after another, but no one would bother to give me a helping hand.” Qiao had no alternative but to sell his car and house.


“No more than two months later after my graduation in July, Our team came straight to the downstream of the Yellow River and began shooting on a wetland there.” Qiao told the reporter that luck was the No.1 factor in the shooting, because no wild animal would listen to your command. This idea resembled a drop in the sea and no one knew whether it would work or not. “As one’s visual impression lasts only three seconds, we have to keep a bird stopping there for at least three seconds when it enters the sight of a camera, which proves to be especially difficult as no one knows which direction a bird will take. Consequently, we made detours at the very beginning and used large sums of money.”

By the end of that year, members of Qiao's film crew decreased from six to two, only Qiao himself and a post-90s who wanted to learn skills were left. “We could barely make any money, nor could we find pleasures in it. When there was no bird in sight, we had to search everywhere for a bird, carrying a filming machine weighing over 50kg; and if we did find one, it was more often than not that it would fly away before we turned on the video, which meant another endless searching.” Qiao admitted that he felt really upset whenever a member decided to leave. He respected other people’s choices, but found it hard to find someone who shares his dream. “The idea that pushed me ahead was very simple: the money spent must count, and I must come up with something. Gradually, I became increasingly attached to the animal world.”



A practical environmentalist


The accumulated experiences and knowledge of shooting made Qiao, on the one hand, harbor more hatred of human beings' harm to the wildlife; and, on the other, have more love for animals and confidence in wildlife and environmental protection. As for the over 2,000 hours of materials shot within five years, Qiao did not rush to expose his work to the public. Instead, he edited a 12'21'' micro-film out of it "The Lost Homeland".

“This film is from a sea gull's perspective, and I myself is just an onlooker.” The story happens on the Tibetan Plateau: the origin blue sky, white clouds, green mountains and clear water were soon destroyed by roaring excavators and trucks. Qiao explained that the video is made along the Qinghai Lake, where some companies are dredging on the untraversed grassland, which may not disturb people's life, but can surly damage the habitat of Przewalski's gazelles, which is even more precious than the giant panda. In one scene, lives of several gazelles cubs are endangered the dredging machines in the distance.



Qiao's concern stretches as far as to the water conservancy project along the Yellow River. The splendid scene in the Qiaolangdi water conservancy project at the middle reaches of the Yellow River has made it a hydro interest spot. The man-made fall formed when the sluices are opened will definitely attract numerous visitors and media. However, this overlaps with the time when Asian short-toed larks make nests and reproduce. “The river sand washed off by following water at the project can easily destroy the hard-made nests, which has also been included into my video.”

The 12-minute video indicates Qiao's firm idea no voiceover. In front of the scenes made with soul, sweat and even life, any single word will appear redundant and reluctant. It' s those vivid scenes that touch our audiences. The ex-CEO of Alibabacom Ma Yun said in his weibo: maybe some of us would become the bird, or the fish in the next generation…Qiao's film reminds me of the atrocity committed by Hitler. We are all living creature and all need home! I will extend my appreciation to Qiao and his team for their persistence and undertaking.”



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