You Are Listening to …

时间:2022-07-31 04:54:12

In an era when the entire media industry is experiencing exponential changes, with the Internet, mobile phones and various tablets dominating the market and increasingly replacing traditional movies and TV programs, who is listening to radio broadcast? Indeed, when TV sets became widely popular years ago, some people said radio would decline and thus become insignificant and be favored by few. While we admit the heyday of radio broadcast has passed, we have to recognize its unique and irreplaceable functions, and therefore smart players in the media industry have already identified and are trying to exploit these functions to serve the general public.

Who on earth is still listening to radio shows then? The first group of people coming to our mind shall be drivers. Taxi drivers regard radio broadcast as their work mate and they almost cannot do without it, and we unprofessional drivers also turn on the radio whenever alone in the car; even though we don’t focus on the content of the radio, we are so comfortable with the background noise and it seems we won’t feel lonely in the car as it gives us a sense of belonging to a virtual community. We shall say that the widespread of car ownership has led to the rebirth of radio, and people in the industry begin to pay more attention to produce radio programs to attract the audience. Some interactive programs and talk shows thus become quite popular, so much so that when people arrive at their destination, they are sometimes reluctant to leave but rather remain in the car until the radio show ends. It is this audience loyalty that brings about commercial value to the radio broadcast in addition to its function of disseminating news, which is why it still holds a position in today’s world where there are so many new media options available.

The history of China’s radio broadcast started in 1923. On January 23 of that year, China’s first private radio station began broadcasting, which was run by a telecommunications businessman Osborne, and it was the first radio station in the territory of China, broadcasting for one hour each night, part of its purpose being selling more radios. The radio station soon stopped broadcasting due to the fact that it had not obtained the proper approval from the Chinese government, but it did bring radio into this ancient country. Since then, China’s radio broadcasting industry has experienced three stages of development: radio stations run by private entrepreneurs, official radio stations run by the KMT government, and radio broadcasting in the People’s Republic of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. In terms of international publicity, China Radio International is the major radio broadcasting institution that has been, and is still playing a significant role. In December 3, 1941, the Xinhua Radio Station based in Yan’an began broadcasting in Japanese, hence the beginning of CPC’s external publicity via radio broadcast. Later with the development of the radio broadcasting industry, CRI became a window for foreigners to know about China. Currently, China Radio International is broadcasting to the world around the clock in 61 languages, the most among all media institutions around the globe, and it covers five media categories, namely radio, TV, newspaper, the Internet and mobile phone. The station broadcasts more than 3,000 hours of programs on a daily basis in 2011, and have received more than 3 million letters from overseas listeners in 2011.

For people of my generation, our growth actually coincided with the development of our country’s radio broadcasting industry. When I was a little girl, coming back home after school every day, I would immediately turn on the radio and listen to a children’s show entitled “Little Trumpet”(xiao la ba), from which we listened to Mr. Sun Jingxiu’s children’s stories with great joy and enthusiasm. Chinese story tellers Liu Lanfang and Yuan Kuocheng were nicknamed “street clearers”, for whatever children were doing on the street, they would immediately rush home at the time the story-telling series “Legend of Yue Fei”and others began. Indeed, at that time most Chinese people got to known the grand events happened in the country through radio programs. During the grand ceremony to celebrate the inaugural of the People’s Republic of China, most Chinese people were fired with enthusiasm when they listened to Chairman Mao’s “the Chinese people, comprising one quarter of humanity, have now stood up” on the radio. And in 1970, Mao Zedong put forward his“Three Worlds” theory in Tian’anmen Square, which was broadcast not only to Chinese people but to people of all third-world countries. Even today, the“Three Worlds” theory is still a guiding principle for China’s diplomatic and external publicity work.

Radio broadcast in the Internet era is certainly different from that of the past. One advantage of radio broadcast on the Internet is that it is no longer real-time in a strict sense. One would not miss any radio show, for it is easy for her/him to find it on the Internet and listen to it repeatedly.

However, for further development, we shall continue to promote reform to China’s radio broadcast industry, not only making it an integral part of the public service system, but further commercializing the industry by distributing the content resources in an optimal way and constantly exploiting new resources. At the same time, we shall strengthen the government’s supervision on radio broadcast, and in particular, coordinate the dual roles of the government as a public service provider and as a regulator and supervisor of the mass media.

In an age when people are witnessing technological innovations every day, we believe the century-old radio broadcast will surely regain its vitality and bring to its audience even more joy, satisfaction and amazement.

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