
时间:2022-07-26 06:42:54







英歌的表演形式,全班分为前部分、中间部分、后部分。前部分是唱英雄,它是全班的主要部分。表演道具为短棒和小鼓,鼓旁有弓,可以单手持拿。表演人数大体为16~24人,也有增至32或36人,最多可至108人。中间部分是化装拉弦唱戏,节目有《洗佛》《牵猪 》《拖车》《抛网》《双摇橹》《桃花过渡》等,其节目可视队伍人数而增删,但节目不能少于三个。后部分为“打布马”。由一身穿清朝服饰,头戴红缨帽、挂上鼻须、手执双锏、腰装一头布马像骑马姿态的“老爹”与一和尚装扮、手持长棍者对打。后来还加进若干武术人员作徒手、刀、剑、棍等单打、对打的武术表演。最后以“老爹”被打败狼狈逃走,作为英歌整个活动过程的结尾。





Yingko Dance in Guangdong Province

By Liang Zi

It is said that Yingko dance, a rural folk dance popular in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, is just another variation on Yangko, an extremely popular rural folk dance in northern China. The similarity in the names does not mean the two are actually like each other. Yingko dance in Guangdong and Fujian provinces is a fascinating mix of dance, southern kongfu and theater performance. Moreover, Yingko dance is traditionally performed by a team of men.

It is said that the Yingko tradition in the south goes back to about 300 years ago and originated in Puning, a rural area of Guangdong Province. It started as a kongfu practice in villages. Something quite dramatic was added to the sequence of kongfu movements: a story that relates how outlaws of the marshes in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) besieged a city. The dance gradually evolved from one generation of dancers to another and absorbed local folk arts. In rural areas, the dance was developed and staged during festivals mainly for exorcising ghosts and plagues, deterring invaders and encouraging soldiers. In particular, the dance was designed to exorcise ghosts and plagues. The dancers screamed like ferocious animals to scare evils and ghosts. Yingko dancers are usually the vanguards of rural parades.

In a typical Yingko dance, dancers are dressed like the outlaws in the legend of the Song Dynasty. Every dancer has two specially made short sticks in the hands and each has a drum. As they dance, they change the formation in various ways. They not only have special formations but also special movements with the sticks. The team dance features power, vigor, ferocity, unity, and battle spirit. The original form of the Yingko had singing. Performers danced and sang. But singing part was later dropped as dancers thought it too difficult to sing while dancing to such powerful movements.

A complete Yingko performance is like a dramatized story. A team is usually composed of 16 to 24 men. A super large team may have 108 performers. A team is usually divided into three groups: the front group, the central group and the back group. The front group is the major group. With drums, they dance. The central group performs short dramas. Players are all dressed up. The group can put up as many shows as possible and the minimum number is three. The last group stages a kongfu show. It is often called “Battling the Cloth Horse”. A man dressed like a government official of the Qing Dynasty wears a cloth horse around his waist as if he were riding a horse. The government official fights a man that dressed like a monk with a long stick. The battle usually ends with the government official beaten and driven away. Some teams have more complicated kongfu shows.

Different villages feature different styles of Yingko dance. Some display steady steps and stick movements. Some exhibit more exaggerating and dramatic steps and hand movements. Yet some show fancy choreographic work and display more jumping and kicking movements. A village team even shows some slow kongfu fist movements.

Yingko is extremely popular in rural areas of Puning. Every village has at least a team. Some villages have as many as six. A survey shows that, of the hundreds of teams across Puning, 160 are very good. During traditional festivals and celebrations, Yingko teams are a must across villages in Puning. The folk art is on the first list of state intangible cultural heritage.

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