Surprising Animal Facts 动物奇事

时间:2022-07-26 08:28:14

【前言】Surprising Animal Facts 动物奇事由文秘帮小编整理而成,但愿对你的学习工作带来帮助。Most people are familiar with the notion that roaches are hearty, durable pests. Anyone who has ever been plagued3) by a roach problem knows just how resilient4) these ugly little creatures can be. Many are surprised at just how adept5) roaches...

Surprising Animal Facts 动物奇事

When most people think about animals, they imagine furry little cow-eyed creatures innocently plucking leaves from trees or bugs from the ground for nourishment. However, many people are shocked to learn that, just as in human life, there's an incredible part to the animal world. If you thought you knew a lot about animal behavior, the following unbelievable but true animal facts may cause your jaw to drop.


Cows Are More Deadly than Sharks

For most people, few things evoke fear like the image of a great white shark. A combination of popular culture movies and widespread media stories concerning shark attacks has worked in concert1) to create a universal fear of these toothy eating machines. However, the dangers posed by sharks to humans are overstated. In fact, sharks kill only ten people each year. By contrast, you're ten times more likely to die under the clumsy2) feet of ordinary cows who fatally trample around 100 people every 12 months.

Headless Roaches Can Live up to Nine Days

Most people are familiar with the notion that roaches are hearty, durable pests. Anyone who has ever been plagued3) by a roach problem knows just how resilient4) these ugly little creatures can be. Many are surprised at just how adept5) roaches are at survival and reproduction. Roaches are able to live up to nine days without a head because their brains are located deep within their body cavities6).





A Wolf's Howl Does Not Echo

Wolves hunt in coordinated packs7), so long-distance communication is critical to a successful kill. However, wolves hunt in mountainous areas, so their howling is left vulnerable to echoes that can distort their ability to communicate. To combat this, wolves howl at a frequency that will not echo. This allows them to confirm the exact location of their hunting partners, which helps them to ambush unsuspecting prey.

Half of All Orangutans Have Broken Bones

Orangutans seem to drift through branches from tree to tree with relative ease. However, almost all orangutans suffer serious falls at least a few times in their lives. Proving this is the fact that 50 percent oforangutans have fractured8) bones somewhere in their body.

Some Clams Are Transgendered

Every single clam is born into the world a male. To combat this, clams have developed the ability to change their gender from male to female. However, before the clam makes this serious adjustment, it has to be sure, as once the change is made, it's irreversible9).

Woodpeckers Are Soft-Headed

Woodpeckers bash10) their heads against wood about 20 pecks every second, so you'd think they'd need heads made of steel to survive. Instead, the reality is that woodpecker heads are relatively soft. Each bird is born with a soft, sponge-like mass behind its beak11) that absorbs the shock created by pecking.









1. in concert: 一齐;协力

2. clumsy [?kl?mzi] adj. 笨拙的

3. plague [ple?] vt. 困扰;使烦恼;折磨

4. resilient [r??z?li?nt] adj. 韧性的;病后恢复能力强的

5. adept [??dept] adj. 熟练的

6. body cavities: 【动】体腔

7. pack [p?k] n. (尤指狼或狗的)一群

8. fracture [?fr?kt??(r)] vi. 断裂;折断

9. irreversible [??r??v??s?bl] adj. 不可逆转的;不可挽回的

10. bash [b??] vt. 猛击;猛撞

11. beak [bi?k] n. (鸟的)喙

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