40 Years of Sino—German Relations:Perspective for Enhanced Future Cooperation

时间:2022-07-14 04:25:37

中图分类号:D8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0745(2013)01-0117-01

Abstract: China has a long relationship with Germany in the history. Though the relation between them underwent tortuous period, both of the 2 countries have been more cooperative and complimentary in politics, economy, culture and education in recent 40 years of development. The paper will illustrate the relationship of Sino-Germany from the above 3 aspects, and come to my conclusion.

Key Words: Sino-German relation, cooperation, perspective

1. Introduction

The peaceful world has been undergone great changes and reforms. The Chinese government issued the policy to the European Union(EU) in the Chinese Policy Paper to the EU with 3 goals to endeavor to make overall development. Being continual and stable during the 2 decades, the relation of Sino-Germany is gaining the momentum of the all-round and fast development. The article will look at the Sino-German relation from the perspective of politics, economy and culture respectively, to see the achievements and problems of recent years and to prospect for the future cooperation.

2.The Continuous Deepening of the Sino-German Relationship

2.1The Sound Political Relation of Sino-Germany

Under the unremitting endeavor of three generations of Sino-German leaders, the relationship between China and Germany is on the track of sound development. In politics, China and Germany take the strategic partnership with the responsibility for the whole world as the common aim. They have build up the mechanism of regular visit at prime ministerial level and consultation on the politics and defense, and set up dialogue on the field of civil right, democracy and so on.

The frequent visits build the solid political foundation for the sustainable development of the overall friendly cooperation. And in the Sino-German Joint Declaration of the promotion of the strategic partnership in 2011, both countries stated that they will stress the core interest of each other, in the spirit of the mutual respect, and will strengthen the mutual understanding and trust in politics to ensure the standing and stable development of bilateral relation.

2.2The Enormous Development of Sino-German Economy

In economy, Sino-Germany has built up the cooperation mechanism of economy and scientific technology to promote win-win. They are the largest regional trade partner of each other, which demonstrates the immense potentiality of trade and commercial cooperation. Meanwhile, Germany stresses particularly to open up the international market to ensure the safe economy. So, Germany is no doubt to take it as the fundamental task to develop trade and commercial relation with China.

The Sino-German leaders agreed to strengthen cooperation between their nations’ respective enterprises, especially between small and medium-sized enterprises. The government will provide more convenient conditions to encourage more Chinese firms to invest in Germany, such as preferential measures on bank credit, trade policy, insurance, and finance and investment policies.

2.3The Accomplishments of Cooperation in Culture

The Sino-German communication in culture and education is also accelerating in recent years. Since the Sino-Germany has signed agreement of cultural exchange in 1979, it began to enliven the cultural exchange. In this year, the German welcome and support the Chinese Cultural Year to be held in German on the occasion of 40 years’ foundation of relation between China and Germany, which demonstrates that they have been attaching importance to the cultural exchange. Both sides hold unanimously that the advancement of the strategic partnership needs continuous expansion and deepening of the cooperation and communication in the cultural field.

Both nations encourage the communication and cooperation in the field of media and news. They both agree to take the media dialogue to enhance the effect of communication, to ensure the long standing and stable and healthy development of the Sino-German bilateral relation to be the liability of the 2 nations’ people.


The future of Sino-German relationship is bright and optimistic. The common points connecting both nations represent the mainstream. The reason and objective reality will always defeat the bias in ideology and gap. So, the future of Sino-Germany will be bright and optimistic when both nations endeavor to cultivate the mutual relation based on the principles stated above.


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