
时间:2022-07-11 04:57:08


摘要: 如何才能做到高效率的阅读在英语学习中是非常重要的,本文介绍了WSP英语阅读法,即:如何理解生词(W)的含义、抓住句子(S)的中心意思和掌握段落(P)大意三个方面,以达到高效阅读的目的。

关键词: 生词 句子 段落 高效阅读 方法





Some sentences give the definition for a difficult word with the help of punctuation such as commas,dashes or parentheses.

如:He likes to take adventures and enjoy driving a helicopter,a kind of aircraft with horizontal revolving blades,for sightseeing.

在这个句子中,逗号后面的短语a kind of aircraft with horizontal revolving blades用来解释helicopter,因此,我们很容易猜出helicopter是直升飞机的意思。


Context sometimes gives examples to illustrate a difficult word rather define it. We can use the examples to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

如:So says Dr. Robert S. Eliot,author of a new book titled From Stress to Strength: How to Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life.

在这个句子中,title可能是生词,它用在“a new book”的后面,接下来是一串斜体字且首字母大写,说明是一本书的名字。因此,我们可以得出title的意思是“named or called”。


Synonyms are words or phrases that are similar in meaning. A synonym is one type of context clue that helps you to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.

如:This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that hinder (prevent) some students in expressing themselves.

在这个句子中,Hinder means prevent.(同义词)。

Antonyms are words or phrases that have opposite meanings to other words or phrases. Antonym clues can help you understand new words.

如:On the exterior,he was cool,calm and collected,but on the interior,stress was killing him.

在这个句子中,我们很容易看出两者是相互对应的意思,互为反义词,所以其意思分别是:On the exterior means “in outer appearance”; On the interior means “deep inside”。


Sometimes we can use our own experiences,or our knowledge about a certain topic,to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

如:Indonesians have traditionally favored large families,and their major religion,Islam,frowns on birth control.

在这个句子中,根据我们对Islam的了解,所以我们可以得出“Frown on” means “does not approve of”。


Word part clues. We can often figure out an unfamiliar word because we know the prefix,suffix,and root.

a. 前缀法(prefix)


b. 后缀法(suffix)


c. 词根法(root)





一篇阅读文章一般是由一个或几个段落组成,而一个段落又由若干个句子组成。要想做到有效的阅读,正确理解重点句子的主要意思是非常重要的(Finding the key ideas in sentences)。那么,怎样才能做到这一点呢?可以按着以下方法进行:

1. 分析句子是关于何人、何物(Asking who/what the sentence is about.)。

2. 分析该人、该物在做什么或发生了什么(Asking what the person or object is doing or what is happening to the person or object.)。

3. 正确区分出要点和细节(Learning to separate minor details from the mainidea.)。

如:On one occasion a fight broke out at a beach party,with everyone punching and shoving.

Key idea: A flight broke out.

在这个句子中,我们可以看出其主要意思是(A flight broke out.),它告诉我们的是发生了什么事 (It tells us what is happing.)。

又如:At the end of each semester,as long as the students pass final exams,American authorities grant a certificate,which is recognized in Brazil.

Key idea: American authorities grant a certificate.

这个句子讲述的是美国当局(This sentence tells about American authorities.),美国当局会发给结业证书(American authorities grant a certificate.)当然,必须在一定的条件下,这个条件在细节中给出了(At the end of each semester,as long as the students pass final exams.)。


一个段落通常由一些与主题相关的句子所组成。当阅读段落的时候,要理解各句子的主要意思,然后对其进行归纳得出该段落的段落大意,因而,就不难得出全篇的中心思想,也就达到了有效阅读的目的。一般说来,作者常用一个句子来表示该段落的中心,通常称作主题句(topic sentence)。主题句的位置一般在段落的首部(at the beginning)、中部(in the middle)或尾(at the end),有的甚至没有主题句。如:

1. 在首部(at the beginning of the paragraph)

Consequently,we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes,phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts,which though pleasant,take longer――especially given our traffic-filled streets. We,therefore,save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings.

Main idea: We work hard at the task of saving time.

2. 在中部(in the middle of the paragraph)

An important chemical in wine,beer,and hard liquor,ethyl alcohol is a natural substance derived from the fermentation yeast and sugar. Insofar as it contains calories,ethyl alcohol is a food,but since it affects the central nervous system,it is also a drug. Its presence in alcoholic beverages ranges from a low of 4% (eight proofs) in most beers to more than 50% (100 proof plus) in hard liquors. The higher the proof,the higher the calories and the greater the effect on the central nervous system.

Main idea: Insofar as if contains calories,ethyl alcohol is a food,but since it affects the central nervous system,it is also a drug.

3. 在尾部(at the end of the paragraph)

If you were planning to buy a television set,the following advertisement would certainly attract your attention: “Color TV,$190.Two day sale. Hurry.” However,when you go to the store ready to buy,you may discover that the advertised sets are sold out. But the salesman is quick to assure you that he has another model,a more reliable set which is just right for you. It costs $489. This sales tactic is called “bait and switch.” Buyers are baited with sales offer,and then they are switched to another more costly item. Buying items on sale requires careful consideration of the merchandises and the reasons for the sale.

Main idea: Buyers are baited with sales offer,and then they are switched to another more costly item. Buying items on sale requires careful consideration of the merchandises and the reasons for the sale.

4. 无主题句(no topic sentence)


If,for any reason,the solar cell is cut from the light,the calculator may become inoperative or erratic. Press AC and restart calculation.

Main idea: If light is not available,use AC power.





[3]Sterm,H. H. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching,Oxford University Press,Nov.1993.




上一篇:高职高专英语运用能力量化管理教学模式初探 下一篇:没有“将来时”的日语「テンス