Study on the Organic Rice Yield Cultivation Mode

时间:2022-07-03 05:04:32

Abstract. Rice is one of the important food crops, improve the yield and quality is to ensure national food security and improve the living standards of the objective needs of the consumer. To meet the development of China's organic rice production, to be analyzed for organic rice cultivation technology in all sectors, not only to take into account the variety of selection and seed treatment, rational fertilization, scientific management of water and related technology and other aspects of pest control, but also consider to climatic conditions and soil conditions and other cultivated areas has important implications for organic rice yield.

Keywords: Organic Rice Cultivation Techniques; High Yield; Rice

1. Introduction

Organic Rice is grown in an organic environment means, do not use synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, etc., to follow the laws of nature and ecological principles, using a series of organic farming techniques for sustainable development, to maintain sustained growth in the stable organic agriculture out of the rice planting process, namely organic rice. Organic rice planting and cultivation is now not only the pursuit of green, pollution-free, environmentally friendly products under the concept of a healthy diet, but also a way of modern rice cultivation sustainable agricultural development. In this paper, it gives the Hainan organic rice cultivation mode for the study, analysis and study of organic rice cultivation patterns and growth environment.

2. Organic rice cultivation patterns

2.1 The main types of rice cultivation technology

As China's main rice crop, the relationship between national life and national food security. Seeking high-quality high-yield rice cultivation technology is the inevitable trend of future development. Of rice cultivation techniques are the following: First, the new high-efficiency organic rice cultivation model, the advantage of full use of natural resources, wind, light, temperature and other meteorological environment, improve organic rice production. Second, organic rice monoculture model, the advantages of using agricultural, physical, biological insect pest prevention and control measures, so that the production of the best quality rice. Third, the rice-duck Azolla mode, advantages rice, duck, Azolla, forming a virtuous environment, improve the productivity of paddy fields, reduce the use of pesticides in favor of protecting the environment and biodiversity, and promote sustainable poultry industry development. Fourth, rice and crab symbiosis model combines the advantages of planting rice crab symbiosis and mutual benefit, reduce the incidence and Crab Puffs costs, improve utilization of rice paddies.

2.2 Rice duck azolla mode

Organic rice varieties to choose grain quality, varieties of rice cooked evening, while rice cultivation technology is adopted "∧" font, with 1500k/hm 2 rapeseed field as organic fertilizer, field planting density 33cm × 33cm, seedbed sowing 1125kg/hm 2. Early in paddy fields stocking Ophelia, in about 10 days after transplanting begin stocking ducks 225 / hm2. Make Ping, duck, rice farming, to form an organic environment, promote the growth of rice-duck together. After the rice heading, in order to avoid the ducks eat rice, duck out of the rice fields of artificial feeding, which can reduce production costs.

2.3 Technical rice and crab work mode

Paddy is the crab farming and aquaculture combined, according to the theory of rice and crab symbiosis, the original organic paddy ecosystem in the direction of sustainable development transformation, make full use of artificial ecosystem, to play their respective roles and values. Technology paddy crab, crab Tanaka to remove weeds, pests eat, and crab droppings as fertilizer to promote the growth of rice. Rice provides for the growth of good crab habitat with abundant natural food, mutual benefit and a virtuous cycle of sustainable development.

3. The organic rice-planting environment

Organic rice is necessary for growth in an organic environment, i.e. in a pollution-free environment is growing, grown and processed. Organic rice production bases to be set up away from residential areas, there is no pollution in the region and wider buffer zone buffer zone (Quarantine at least 30m) between plants, industrial and mining areas and conventional railway lines and highways plots. Avoid industrial and urban pollution sources, not affected by fertilizers, soil conditioners and pesticides drift.

4. Species selection and seed treatment

Organic rice varieties selection is critical, we must first ensure that high-quality varieties, and secondly to take into account the climatic conditions of rice cultivation areas and soil conditions. To choose a good resistance to diseases and pests, big spike, grain quality place. And suitable for dry seeding, cultivation of high-quality varieties of lean mode, selected varieties to choose germination rate, high purity of breed. Moreover, you should ensure that the rice in 5 to 7 days to fully mature before frost, so the rice cannot be selected more area planted.

Before sowing the rice seed treatment, to ensure that this was done to get the full seeding rice seedlings. Of seed germination test, germination rate of more than 95 percent of before use. Primed to be "uniform, homogeneous, fast and strong," bud preferably not more than 2 mm. Germination optimum temperature is between 25-30 ℃, the temperature is not too low or too high, to prevent overheating and damage to seedlings in the occurrence of disease phenomenon.

5. Nurturing seedlings

To select rice seedling flat, adequate lighting, clean pollution-free, convenient irrigation, medium fertility plots. Basal plots full maturity of manure 15.0/hm 2, organic rice special fertilizer 1.5t/hm 2, then split the whole car, car width, Goushen were 1.2,25.0 cm. Seedling: field = 1:6. Sowing rice, regular rice respectively 45 ~ 90kg/hm 2 is appropriate to require uniform sparse sowing sowing, after sowing buried buds. Bud stage to keep the car surface without water, after the two-leaf stage requirements have shallow surface layer of the car and keep the seedling free of weeds.

6. Timely planting

Grab Zhuazao, early sowing. When the temperature is stable at 5 ℃ can be planted 1 to 2 JiWenDai early April nursery, 3-4 JiWenDai April 15 nursery, finished sowing seed before the end of April, infertility May seedlings, seedling dry nursery or greenhouse to take Sports seedling pot, do everything possible to nurture seedling. Unplugged June seeding, transplanting to improve the quality, so that the side from seedlings, while planting, shallow plug, plug straight, uniform plug, plug dilute, close planting and found an empty place sprout deficiency, transplant seedlings Planting monthly to ensure that all seedlings Qi Miao Miao Miao Zhuang uniform.

Rice planting temperature is generally about 13 ℃, generally start planting in mid-May, for completion in late May plug seedlings, seedling try not to plug in June. Sparse take over the planting methods, improving the quality of rice. To do shallow planting plug, straight plug, plug even if found Deficiency place, should be timely Planting monthly to ensure that all seedlings, Miao Qi, Miao uniform.

7. Rational fertilization

Organic rice is grown in an organic environment, not fertilizer, pesticides, etc., must be organic fertilizer, can be combined with soil preparation, organic rice dedicated 1.5t/hm 2as basal fertilizer, manure applied to the full maturity of 15.0t/hm 2, or organic fertilizer 30 ~ 45t/hm 2. The main application in the rice growing maturity cake is 1500 ~ 3000kg/hm 2, in which the hybrid rice tillering based. Prohibit administration of any synthetic fertilizers. Rice transplanting to early tillering deepwater reviving irrigation water layer 5cm or so, to prevent dehydration, late tillering moderate resting fields; booting stage shallow ground irrigation; after heading shallow irrigation; filling to dough stage, keeping dry wet, wet-based , dough late withdrawal of water.

8. Insect pest control

Organic rice in the growth process, prohibit the use of chemical pesticides and growth regulators, etc., so the growth process of organic rice insect pest control has mainly taken the following measures: First choice of insect resistant varieties to avoid the occurrence of pests. The second is to take paddy ducks or fish, the use of pest control predatory fish duck, let the rice grown in a benign environment and reduce costs. Science organic fertilizer to prevent excessive fertilization, vigorous plants, pests and diseases cause. Close planting to prevent pests and diseases, such as caused by planting density is too large. Fourth, weeds can also soak advance the field, and then plowing herbicides, manual weeding, plowing through another way to eliminate grass sources.

9. Timely harvest

Timely harvest is an important part to ensure product quality organic rice. The best rice harvest reached 9 under normal circumstances when mature. Premature immature rice on the party appears too hard meters, easily breaking phenomenon. Place the rice harvest piles, bundles of small bundles, ground Fanshai timely threshing dry and then stored in the warehouse of rice, rice drying yard and other special places, to avoid mixing with other grains. After cutting rice in the fields of green manure to seed enough to improve soil fertility, reduce organic fertilizer inputs, and reduce production costs.


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