Part―Time Jobs for Students Studying Abroad: Dreams Far Away from Homes

时间:2022-06-20 03:58:12

Doing part-time jobs has become a trend for international students as more students choose to study abroad. “To Read Sagacious Books” is no longer the only mission of students. In foreign countries, from luxury shop at high street to fried chicken cook-shops, Chinese students are busy everywhere. Many students wouldn’t tell their parents they work part-time because their parents may worry about them. The students believe what they gain from this kind of experience is more worthy than making the parents worried. The students interviewed by the reporter all claimed they not only made money in the study-work program, but also had a valuable experience that cannot be acquired in school.


Ding Yue, majoring in Business Analysis and Management in Loughborough University

“In order to check my work, the boss touches the floor with bare hands.”

丁,拉夫堡大学 商业分析与管理专业


24-year-old Ding Yue went to the UK when she was an undergraduate student. Compared with other graduate students, she has two more years of living experience abroad and several more working experiences.

Ding Yue has relatively open extracurricular time, and she started to work part-time since her second year in the UK, holding the attitude of experiencing more and learning more. The most unforgettable working experience for her happened in a fast food restaurant when she was in the last year of her undergraduate. She was the cashier and responsible for preparing food. Ding Yue said the working experience at a local restaurant helped her improve her listening and speaking of English very quickly. Although it was a little bit tiring, but it was still a pleasant thing to find she could communicate with people of different races gradually.



The owner of the diner was a white man at his 50s. Ding Yue thought he was a mild boss because he always joked around with his staff, until one day after a thorough cleanup, the boss touched the floor many times in order to check whether there was dust left. Ding Yue realized how foreign people treat their work and life differently. Ding Yue said, “I was completely freaked out. That was really uncalled for.” Fortunately, she worked very carefully that day and the boss didn’t find anything unsatisfactory. Another student worked there got scolded for some small mistakes and he was just like a buddy to the boss in daily life.

When she talked about life in the UK, what made Ding Yue proud was that she got a lot of tips from the customers. What made her moved was the boss offered to give her a break when the final exam came. Thanks to the considerate boss, no students working there had failed a course.



Chen Huan, majoring in Finance in the University

of Leister

“Taking mom and girlfriend to travel around Europe with the money made by himself”

陈欢,莱斯特大学 金融专业


Chen Huan studied in the University of Leister from 2012 to 2013. His working experience was a legend to his friends: After paying the tuition fees and the accommodation fees of the first term, Chen Huan still had £300 left. After he finished his program, there were £4000 in his saving account. The money he made not only paid his own bills, but was also enough to take his mom and girlfriend to travel around Europe respectively. All these seemed impossible in other students’ eyes, but Chen Huan made it.

The courses in finance were relatively less stressful compared with his undergraduate program in China, and the extra free time gave Chen Huan the idea to do part-time jobs. He worked as a waiter in the biggest Chinese restaurant in Leister and was responsible for reception, selling drinks, cleaning, and night shift. In order to balance academic life and working, Chen Huan only worked from Thursday to Sunday. The busy hours were from 5p.m. to 11p.m. He would also avoid night shift if he had class next morning. In busy seasons, Chen Huan could only catch some sleep when he finished working in the afternoon and the whole night. His time-control ability allowed him to be a good student as well as a good employee. Chen Huan was a Merit Graduatein the program.



Apart from economic benefits, Chen Huan thought the luckiest thing was to make many good friends. His coordinating ability and responding ability were also improved. Every time he dealt with a “drunken scene”, his social skills made a qualitative leap. As a graduate student who is slightly older than others, he became the “big brother” of many other fellow students. They would share little secrets with him and gave him the name of “Duck Soup for the Soul”. Chen Huan now has the shining reputations of being successful in both studying and working, excellent cooking skills, a filial son and considerate boyfriend. He is definitely the “Good Man” in his social group. The surprise brought by working part-time cannot completely comprehended by other people.


Qiu Xibei, majoring in TESOL, University of Exeter

“Working part-time makes me

a man-like girl.”




After submitting the graduation dissertation, Qiu Xibei moved from Exeter, a city in the south of England, to Newcastle, a city in the north, to live with her former roommate at college, and they decided to work together to make some money. She came to a buffet restaurant owned by an ethnic Chinese. She was responsible for guiding people, folding napkins, and collecting plates.

People in Newcastle have a heavy accent, and it became the first challenge confronted by Qiu Xibei. Fortunately, her English major experience made her adapt quickly to this accent, and she gradually acquired this new skill of understanding Newcastle English.

Most Chinese students studying abroad haven’t done much housework back home. They are lazy and afraid of troubles. Qiu Xibei is not an exception. Qiu Xibei told the reporter that she nearly did nothing physical at home. However, working at the restaurant made her more like a man-like girl. She washed dishes, held many plates at one time, and did not feel exhausted after a day’s work. These changes surprised her. She joked that “maybe I can carry a big bag of rice easily when I go back home.”




Although she only worked there for a short period of time, her many abilities were affirmed. The restaurant did not permit waitresses to take tips. One handicapped old lady avoided the supervisor and walked through the whole restaurant to give her tips. The time when she left the restaurant was before Christmas and it was the busiest time. Many co-workers snatched a bit of leisure to prepare farewell gifts and cards for her, even including her manager. Xibei said only foreign and old staffs can enjoy this treatment, so she was flattered and very touched.

Xiebei would like to observe various people at work, and she has learned many useful table manners that she did not know before. These unexpected gaining made her love her job more and would like to learn more from it.



Wang Fei, majoring in Occupation Career Education, Hokkaido University

“Being in charge of a kitchen of McDonald’s all by himself is a fulfilling task”





The policy of student employment in Japan regulates that one can only work no more than 28 hours a week, with travel allowance and the wage is guaranteed. Wang Fei hoped to practice his language, know more about the local culture, and make some money, so he decided to work in a busy McDonald’s.

Staying in Japan alone to pursue his dream, without families and friends around, Wang Fei thinks working dispelled his sense of strangeness and fear. He blended in very fast. Different from working in a Chinese restaurant, working in a McDonald requires fluent language and communication skills. At the beginning, he only did some work that requires less linguistic communication. As he got more successful with work and language, he started to do more challenging work.

Wang Fei has got used to being excellent because he has been a merit student since he was a child. Being a student in the famous Hokkaido University made him even more proud. However, the practical work was not as easy as he had imagined. Wang Fei said he could not handle criticism very well since had been used to being apprised. He was incompetent at work and usually got criticized by the supervisor. Just like a proud cock that lowers its head, Wang Fei started to accept criticism and had a better understanding of himself.




When the reporter asked what his proudest thing is during work, Wang Fei thought about it for a while and said, “It seems that I don’t have anything that I’m especially proud of. When I just arrived in Japan, I could barely talk in Japanese. After a month, however, I was qualified for any position in McDonald’s. Sometimes I can take charge of the kitchen all by myself. I made hamburgers, fried chickens, and chips. It’s kind of fulfilling.”

The original intention of students who study abroad was to realize their academic goals, which can make them more competitive when they find a job in China. However, when those “super students” leave their parents and their warm homes, they have to be adaptable and learn to be independent in a very short time. Those changes make them happy and also make them understand that the meaning of being far away from home is not only learning, but also growing. This is another comprehension of dreams.



Appendix: Policies on student employment in some popular countries


US: 20 hours per week is permitted, but only on campus. Work permit is not needed.

UK: 20 hours per week is permitted. Any person under the age of 18 is not allowed to work.

Ireland: 20 hours per week is permitted, with the minimum wage standard of 7 Euros.

France: 20 hours per week is permitted. Working is prohibited in the first year of language course.

Belgium: 20 hours per week is permitted.

Denmark: 15 hours per week is permitted.

Netherlands: 10 hours per week is permitted.

Canada: 20 hours per week is permitted for public school students. Students of language schools and private schools are prohibited to work.

Australia: 20 hours per week is permitted (no limitation in holidays). Tax number has to be applied for in advance. Working exceeding the regulated hours will lead to withdrawal of visa.

New Zealand: 20 hours per week is permitted, and 40 hours in summer vacation.

Japan: 28 hours per week is permitted. Students are prohibited to work in the business related to sex industry, which, once found, may lead to repatriation.

Singapore: 16 hours per week is permitted for students in public schools. Schools need to issue “Working Permits” in advance.













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