Explore Cooperative learning and assessment in ESL Class

时间:2022-06-14 08:20:21

【中图分类号】G63.21 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)32-0-01

一、Statement of the purpose

In my project I will mainly discuss a couple of strategies applied in cooperative learning of Senior One students. I’ll simply introduce the background of cooperative learning and include practical examples in my ESL class. Besides, I’ll recommend some assessment instruments in carrying out group activities.

二、Literature review

Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning has been well-known since the beginning of the 1970s and has gradually developed and became a learning strategy in class teaching in the mid-1980s. Thus it was widely used in the primary and high schools in over 50 counties. Always cooperative learning is conducted in the form of pair work or group work. Collie and Slater (1987, as cited in Norris, 1994) suggest that group work was built around task-based activities. Norris (1994) points out that group work has many advantages. It gives the students the opportunity to relate their own lives, activities, and interests and concerns to the second language and to what is being read in the second language. The students also have the opportunity to work together and learn from one another. Papalia (1987:78, as cited in Norris, 1994) explains:

Group work on a reading task stimulates student participation … Students become inquires investigators learning from their peers successful strategies for extracting meaning and interpreting content. In small groups, the students have the opportunity to decode and interpret the script, to include personal findings, refine those in association with others, and inject their own reactions. On the cognitive level, [students] acquire knowledge not only from what they have read, but also through working with other reflective individuals. Through the checks and contributions of others, they learn to relate bodies of knowledge meaningfully, to make cultural observations refined by discussion, and to evolve new and richer interpretations of the material read.

Assigning group work activities also frees the teacher to walk around giving attention to individual problems. Students feel more personally involved because they can no longer hide in the crowd. Teachers can also keep a closer eye on what students are doing and where difficulties lie, while still controlling the activities of the class (Reinelt, 1988,as cited in Norris,1994).

However, China is still in the primary stage of doing research on cooperative learning in English classes. So exploring application of cooperative learning to big classes in China will play an active part in changing the students’ language learning styles.

三、Introduction to the new English syllabus

The experimental practice with the new English syllabus has brought new ideas about English teaching. Students’ cognitive and affective factors in learning are especially taken into consideration. A Task-based Approach is encouraged. Students are guided by the teacher in class, achieving goals of the task, enjoying success by sense, experience, participation and cooperation. Students are expected to communicate with each other in the real world. As is known, the success of a new syllabus is partly based on a good textbook. Take SEFC Book Ⅰfor example, the textbook offers excellent Language samples. Classroom activities integrate subskills and motivate students to practice. A rich array of day-to-day themes help bridge the cultural gap and broaden students’ horizens. So to make full use of the textbook and design suitable tasks for class activities may stand a good chance of springing credit to the English teaching.

四、Strategies in designing group activities

1. Task setting

Any topic or theme can give rise to different types of tasks. And a well-designed task may not only stimulate the students’ curiosity and interest but help them understand a context easily. For example, in teaching unit 13, SEFC Book ⅠB, I design different tasks, before, in and after class, activities are also designed for group work. Look at the table below(见下表)

The students will enjoy the process of conducting the task together, resulting in the progress of their sense of cooperation and communicative competence.

2. LT (Learning Together) Model and Jigsaw Model

The textbook offers a wide range of topics for the students to discuss in groups and act out. So these two learning strategies are often seen in ESL class. For example, in Teaching Unit 15, SEFC Book ⅠB, (The necklace), the students are required to act out the play in groups, each of the group members must play his role well and at last act it out before class. And also in teaching unit 13, SEFC Book ⅠB (Festivals), the students are asked to creat their own festivals in groups, each member should contribute some suggestions before writing a short description and telling the classmates about it. Practice proves that LT Model and Jigsaw Model learning strategies relax the students, stimulate their participation, cooperation and communication.


It is a very important step to assess the achievement of the task goal. According to Johnson (1979, as cited in Morley, 2002), a communicative task where success or failure is judged is in terms of whether or not the task is performed. So the teacher should make sure the completion of task, assuming full control at the beginning and end of each phase. But as the task is always conducted in groups, assessment instruments are always planned for group work. The teacher plans assessment form for each group in which assignment of roles, description of cooperating task and items for assessment are set, the students can assess each member in the group during the activities and assess the group as a whole after the activities, sometimes they can do that among groups. The teacher should assess how the students achieve the task goal according to their oral and written production, then give effective feedback.

Here I’ll provide an assessment sheets for individual assessment

① Learning Log




1、My INTEREST level:

low high

1 2 3 4 5

2、My LEARNING level:

low high

1 2 3 4 5

3、One important thing I learned was:

4、The STRATEGY I used to learn this was:

5、One thing I still want to learn about this topic is:

6、The STRATEGY I’ll use to learn this is:

This sheet is fit for self assessment especially for when some learning strategies are used in a reading passage.

上一篇:关于初中历史课堂教学激励策略的思考 下一篇:《方剂学》方歌教学法探讨