文苑逸事 第1期

时间:2022-06-13 07:06:21




















Anecdotes in the Realm of Art and Literature

By Yun Cheng, Wang Jinjian, Wen Zhi

Mei Lanfang Learned Painting

About 1915, Master Mei Lanfang (1894-1961) in his twenties began to take a strong interest in painting. He learned how to paint first from Wang Mengbai and then learned from Chen Shizeng and Qi Baishi.

Though Mei had known Qi Baishi for a long while, it was in the autumn of 1920 that Mei began to paint under the tutelage of Master Qi. One day Mei invited Qi to his house. Upon arrival, Qi said, “I hear you’ve been working hard at painting. I just saw a Buddha portrait you painted. You’ve made big progress.”Mei Lanfang replied, “I am slow. Though I have had many good teachers, I am a lousy pupil. Would you please demonstrate to me today how to paint? I want to learn the way you use the brush pen. Let me grind the ink for you first.” Master Qi smiled, saying, “I will draw some grass and insects for you. In return, would you please sing me an aria later, all right?”

Qi painted grass, fish, shrimps and insects for Mei Lanfang and demonstrated to Mei how to use the pen. When the accompanist came, Mei sang an aria. That day, both the master of Chinese painting and the master of Peking Opera had a good time.

Mei Lanfang retired from acting during the Resistance War against the Japanese Invasion during World War II. During these years he lived partly on proceeds from his own paintings he sold in Shanghai.

Han Xizai at a Night Feast

Han Xizai at a Night Feast was created by Gu Hongzhong, an artist of the Five Dynasties (907-960). The painting depicts a night carousal held by Han Xizai, a high-profile celebrity. The vivid characterization and rich colors in the fine-brushwork style make the painting a masterpiece of Chinese fine arts. Although it is known as a milestone painting in the history of Chinese fine arts, few know the painting was in fact a graphic report made by a spy.

Han Xizai disguised himself and fled to the Southern Tang Dynasty after his father, a general of the Later Tang Dynasty (923-936), was killed by the emperor. He was appointed to an official post, but was never fully trusted by Li Yu, the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty (937-975). The emperor watched him closely for fear that the renegade might do something detrimental to the government. One night Gu Hongzhong, an artist at the Imperial Art Academy, was sent to Han’s house to spy on him.

The spy watched the banquet closely. Later, he recreated the party in a painting based on his memories. The painting was presented as an intelligence report to the emperor. The emperor, who was a scholar himself, liked the painting so much, that it came into his art collection.

Ouyang Xiu’s Worries

One day when Ouyang Xiu, a great literary master of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), took a stroll in the street with two friends, they saw a running-wild horse kill a dog. Ouyang proposed to his friends to describe the event in a minimalist style. One friend used 12 characters. The other friend could do no better. Ouyang Xiu used only six characters.

This anecdote embodies Ouyang’s uncompromising pursuit for accurate diction. He even described his concern with accuracy in a poem, saying that sometimes he spends half a night to search for one right word. Worried about his health, his wife said to him that since he was already a master, he did not need to worry that his teachers would scold him. To this Ouyang replied, “I did not worry about my teachers’ criticism, but I am afraid of being laughed at by after-borns!”

Wang Yipin Studio Brush-pen Shop

Wang Yipin Studio Brush-pen Shop is the most famous of all the brush-pen shops in Huzhou. The business started in the sixth year of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The proprietor’s name was not Wang Yipin at that time. As story goes, when provincial graduates would meet in Beijing for imperial examinations, the brush-pen maker thought it was a good opportunity to promote his products. So he carried a large quantity of brush-pens to the capital and began to promote his products to examinees. One provincial graduate bought a brush-pen from Wang. As it happened that the provincial graduate became a metropolitan graduate with highest honors in the imperial examination and then came out first as the principal graduate in the final palace examination. Some people concluded that the scholar’s success was essentially ascribed to the brush pen he had used. For this reason, those provincial graduates later called Wang’s pens as Yipin pens. And the owner himself renamed himself as Wang Yipin, hence the name of the shop. Wu Changshuo liked the shop’s sheep-hair brush-pens. He Tianjian and Fu Baoshi also liked the shop’s pens. Guo Moruo once wrote an inscription for the shop.

(Translated by David)

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