The Application of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in the Sports Equipment

时间:2022-06-12 07:18:08

Abstract. The modern sports competition constantly challenges the limits of humanity, and professional sports equipment proposed higher requirements. Traditional sporting goods mostly are made of wood and wood composite materials and subject to the limitations of the material physical characteristics, athletic performance is difficult to have a substantive breakthrough. Carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials by virtue of its high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, light weight, high mechanical strength outstanding advantages emerge in the new material, in the sport of rowing or sailing, bike, badminton, skiing, golf, sleigh, archery, everywhere this black fiber figure. Therefore, this article is a brief analysis of the specific application of carbon fiber composite materials in sports equipment.

Key words: Carbon Fiber Composite Materials; Sports Equipment; Use


With economic development, people's living standards continue to improve, more and more people today relax into all kinds of sports, and the development of modern competitive sports experts to be scientific training, but also the attention of sports equipment improved and developed. Since the fiber reinforced composite material with light weight, high strength, design flexibility, easy processing, and a wide range of applications in the area of sports equipment.

Introduction of the Carbon Fiber Composite Materials

The carbon fiber is mainly composed of carbon of a specialty fiber, the carbon content varies depending on species, and generally more than 90%. The carbon fibers have general carbon material characteristics, such as high temperature, abrasion resistance, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, etc., but it is different from general carbon material, its shape has a significant anisotropy, soft, can be processed into various kinds of fabrics, and exhibit a very high strength along the fiber axis direction. The unit weight of the proportion of carbon fibers is small and therefore has a high "strength" ("strength" = the strength limit of the material / material). Carbon fibers belong to polymers of carbon, organic fibers by solid phase reaction into a fibrous inorganic carbon compounds. The carbon fiber is a new type of non-metallic materials, and its composites with high strength, high modulus, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, creep resistance, electrical conductivity, heat transfer, a small proportion of small thermal expansion coefficient excellent performance carbon fibers when used alone, is mainly the use of its heat resistance, corrosion resistance, conductivity and other properties.

The carbon fiber is a rocket, aerospace and aviation, the need for state-of-the-art science and technology in the early 1950s, is still widely used in sports equipment, textile, chemical, mechanical, and medical fields. With cutting-edge technology is increasingly demanding technical performance of the new materials, to promote scientific and technological workers' ongoing efforts to study, and also constantly improve and enhance the performance of carbon fiber. Early 1980s, high-performance and ultra-high-performance carbon fiber one after another, which is another leap forward in technology, but also marks the research and production of carbon fiber has entered an advanced stage.

The main purpose of the carbon fiber is to integrate with resin, metal, ceramic matrix composite to make structural material. Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composite, specific strength, and specific modulus composite indicator, in the existing structure of the material is the highest. Strict requirements such as strength, stiffness, weight, fatigue characteristics, the requirements of high temperature, and high chemical stability of occasions, carbon fiber composite materials are considerable advantages.

Carbon fiber composite material is used as a structural material, mainly to take advantage of the excellent mechanical properties of high-performance products. At the same time, they are based on the carbon fiber reinforced composite materials being used in the form of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and carbon fiber composites. Rapid development, and clearly showing that a material multi-energy, multi-use characteristics of a material has been widely used in aerospace, missiles, rockets, aircraft, automotive, chemicals, machinery, textiles, medical equipment, and sports goods, etc. in various fields. At present, it is still in the development stage, and its performance has been improved, and yields a significant increase in new varieties, emerging and growing range of applications.

In order to meet the requirements of lightweight, rigidity, most of the traditional sporting goods Wood and wood are composite products. However, carbon fiber reinforced mechanical properties of the composite material is much higher than wood, its specific strength and modulus are the fir 4 times and 3 times, 3.4 times and 4.4 times of the Indus wood. Therefore, it is in the Sporting Goods has been widely used, the amount accounted for almost 40% of the total consumption of the world's carbon fiber.

Advantage of Fiber Reinforced Composite Applications in Sporting Goods

As we all know, not the advent of fiber-reinforced composite materials, the material used for sports equipment such as wood, steel, stainless steel, aluminum alloy. Compared to these materials, fiber-reinforced composite materials have obvious advantages in the following areas.

Lightweight. The most sports equipment is to rely on the human to make it movement, thus requiring the equipment as light as possible, such as tennis rackets, golf clubs, bicycles, skis. Fiber reinforced composites has unparalleled advantages in this regard. Golf clubs such as carbon fiber reinforced material, the use of carbon fiber cloth tape molding method, and its mechanical properties than metal rods many weights than metal pole light 30 to 50%.

Mechanical properties. Sports equipment must have a good free performance with excellent mechanical properties. The fiber-reinforced composite material has a projecting specific strength, specific modulus and specific modulus, more suitable for use as sports equipment. The composite material has good shock absorber damping performance is also suitable for use as one of the reasons of the sports equipment and raw materials.

It can be designed. The development of composite molding technique makes its design freedom than conventional materials is greatly enhanced, and a variety of products can always find a corresponding method of forming different situations according to the players themselves, and therefore, can be designed separately, and easy maintenance and low cost.

Others. In the development process of the sports equipment, environmentally friendly and cost-effective also must consider the issue. Composite material during use does not emit harmful gases, and thermoplastic composite materials can be recovered using the same time, the prices of raw materials for production of composite materials is generally low, low processing costs, conducive to the popularity of the product and promotion.

Application Examples of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Sports Equipment

Golf clubs. CFRP-made golf clubs reduces the weight of about 10 to 40%. According to the law of conservation of momentum, allows the ball to get a larger initial velocity. On the other hand, CFRP has high damping characteristics, the batting time can be extended, the ball hit farther.

Fishing rods. Fishing rods of carbon fiber-reinforced composite material is much lighter than in the GFRP products or bamboo poles, making it less energy consumption in Caesar pole, and withdrawal of the pole pitch than the latter far about 20%. CFRP-made fishing rods long, rigid, fishing rods bent to recover quickly, so that it feels more sensitive transfer bait. The volumes now available merchandise sales, with carbon fiber reinforced plastic fishing gear can also be made of uranium; its weight does not exceed l40 grams, but its high fatigue strength, abrasion, and thus long service life.

Tennis racket. Tennis racket made of composite material, light and Caine, rigid strain small, can reduce the degree of deviation of the time of contact of the ball with a racket; simultaneously, good damping of CFRP, prolong the contact time of the guy with the ball, the tennis obtains The larger acceleration. For example, the contact time of the wooden racket of 4.33 milliseconds, steel products was 4.09 milliseconds, CFRP is 4.66 milliseconds, corresponding to the initial velocity of the ball were 1.38 km / h, 149.6 km / h and 157.4 $ m /. This tennis racket exists in commodity supply market.

Badminton racket. Carbon fiber reinforced composites just into badminton racket which is characterized by light weight, rigidity, to avoid breaking the phenomenon caused by wood products because of its lack of rigidity. It also has the advantage of the same with the tennis racket.

Racing. Pipe made with graphite fiber filaments may be used to manufacture a race car or the general frame of the bicycle, which is characterized by light weight, about 50% weight loss than the steel frame, so that the total weight of the bicycle (15%). The mixing of the carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforced composite material used to manufacture the cross-country car, and it is characterized by lightweight. Using the same metallic material to the total weight of the vehicle body to 226.8 kg, 63.5 kg of CFRP manufacture, The CF / GPRP manufacturing reduce the weight to a 31.8 to 36.5 kg.

Skis. Snowboard carbon fiber reinforced composite material, which is characterized by rigidity, abrasion, and force smaller in turn, slopes and cross-country in the soles of the feet. The ski poles manufactured using CFRF reputation in the sports world. Which is characterized by rigidity, light weight, generally about 150 grams?

Hockey sticks. Inside Switzerland Composites Busch SA company, today only capable of producing one-piece composite hockey stick units. The reason why the company advocate one molding bar the durability and entry performance, significantly better than the two glued together (leaves and sticks) manufacturing of hockey sticks. Using integrally shaping hockey stick user proposition uniform integration rod structure, serials, no leaves and rod between the physical rupture, provides better balance and feeling of use. This rod because the rod and

The separate leaves, processing is easier, the integration of the whole rod of the molding process, but the company believes it structure foot appropriate, and to avoid the connection occurs in the weakness rupture. The development of integrated forming ice hockey stick is a proprietary technology, including foam in different densities above, the use of carbon fiber, glass fiber and Kevlar overlay, and subsequently by RTM infusion resin.

Relief with composite expander. TSL rescue team and its partner companies to work together to develop rescue composite expander. This free mailing alpine rescue composite expander won the 2005 JEC Composites Innovation Award. The expander is a vacuum molding method, manufactured by two thermoplastic composites. The project can be traced back to 2001, when the alpine Police Department (PGHM) security sector and Validation Alps rescue team, expect using this newly developed extension instead of 20a old expander has more than service, that is, the use of the more modern profile of the expansion of the composite material. Said the key feature of this new expansion is the light quality, good rigidity, the rescued personnel use comfortably (and compared to the old metal extension 20 a), to use it to replace the old metal expander.

Composite material climbing wall. DJP Espace composites developed composite materials, climbing wall, and is satisfied that it is removable composite climbing wall, 8 m, after the determination of the wall is high wall 6 m wide, the quality is only 450 kg, it is easy to use handling trailer from one place to another place. Install a combination of all automatic operation. Goods to the site, the use of l electric manipulation of hydraulic pumps, control two pistons, the plate "open", operate automatically removed from the trailer to be constructed to the climbing wall. The DJP company evaluation within LH can easily climb the wall. The climbing wall is moved to a new place, turned around and operation is very simple. Before 3 vertical wall climb "pathway", each "pathway" is of different levels of difficulty. Each panel provides additional "route", on the vertical wall 90. Although the panel is put into an aluminum rack, it is to provide the necessary strength and stiffness of processing and assembling composite board. First use of a hand lay-layer method will be made of glass fiber and epoxy resin of the skin of the hands, feet, the outline feature, then poured on the inner polyurethane foam processed into a panel, this panel is lightweight (50 kg), good durability and rigidity, when athletes climb, not because of the weight step on the pedal while flexing.

For other purposes. In addition, the carbon fiber reinforced composites in the sporting goods manufacturing power sled with spring board, foreign bow, arrows, jump pole, yachting, rowing, rowing oars, sailboat masts, motorcycle parts, hiking supplies as well as gliders, human aircraft.


Currently, the carbon fiber market is still in the development stage, the future materials for sports equipment in a new generation of aircraft, wind power, windmills, automotive, consumer goods and defense industry development space also will be unlimited. These products began to gradually replace traditional materials, in addition to a large number for the sporting goods, SGL Carbon materials and products in the steel, automobile manufacturing, chemical, aerospace, defense industry and many other fields, playing an increasingly important role in people's lives.


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