
时间:2022-06-09 09:36:42



“Which of them is the better choice?”“Well, it’s hard to tell.”“他们谁是更合适的人选?”“嗯,这很难说。”

Some of the more time-consuming jobs can now be done by machines. 有些更费时间的工作现在可以用机器做了。


Which of the two methods is the better?这两种方法哪一种更好?

Of the two possibilities, this is more likely than that. 两个可能性中,后者比前者更可能。

There are two books on this subject, but I am not sure which is the better (one). 关于这个科目的书有两本,但我不肯定哪一本更好。

Mary was the more beautiful of the two. 玛丽是这两个人当中较美丽的。



He’s had a holiday and looks the better for it. 他度假之后,气色好多了。

I love him all the more for his faults. 正因为他这些缺点,所以我越发爱他。

You’ll feel all the better for a good night’s sleep. 你好好睡上一晚,心情就好多了。



The younger you are, the easier it is to learn. 年纪越轻,学习越容易。

The more money you make, the more you spend. 你挣的钱越多,花的钱也越多。

The more she thought about it,the more depressed she became. 她越想越别扭。

I want you out of here, and the sooner the better. 你给我走开,越快越好。

The less said about the whole affair,the happier I’ll be. 对整件事谈得越少我越高兴。

用法四:by far the+比较级

当比较级前面有 by far 修饰时,比较级习惯上要带 the。如:

He is by far the cleverer than her. 他比她聪明得多。

This dictionary is by far the better than that one. 这本词典比那本要好得多。

【注意】这样用时,by far 总是放在比较级的前面,若将 by far 置于比较级之后,则可以不用 the。如:

He is cleverer by far than her. 他比她聪明得多。

上一篇:no more than及相似结构用法归纳 下一篇:more than与less than比较