
时间:2022-06-08 12:49:01


摘 要:随着全球化进程的推进,跨文化交际活动变得愈加频繁与重要。作为社交言语的重要组成部分,寒暄语成为当今社会热门话题,且不同文化有不同寒暄语这一现象已为人熟知。然而虽然在翻译理论研究领域这一现象已被深入讨论,针对该现象在文化起源方面的深入探讨确实少之又少。从礼貌理论角度出发分析中英寒暄语差异的文化原因,并指出中英对于“脸面”的不同态度正是差异的决定因素。


中图分类号:H0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X(2012)12-0238-02


Phatic communion is an informal type of discourse that does not cover any functional topics of conversation or any transactions which need to be addressed. It is universal and exists both in eastern and western culture. Although seeming to have little useful purpose,phatic communion is a bonding ritual and a strategy for managing impersonal distance.

Different nations and countries have different ways to perform the phatic communion,and the cultural reason is that different civilization has different ethnical characteristics. As a carrier of culture,speech manifests this difference most. And analyzing and explaining the phatic communion from the view of “face” is the primary approach in the pragmatics. The politeness theory established by Brown and Levinson is the most influential one.

二、A Comparison between English and Chinese phatic communion

Phatic communion rules and topics can differ widely between cultures. Questions about the family are usual in some Asian and Arab countries,while weather is a common topic in regions where the climate has great variation and can be unpredictable,such as England.

1.English Phatic Communion

In English-speaking communities,besides the commonly-used greeting words such as“hello”,the selected topic of phatic communion usually depends on any pre-existing relationship between the two people,as well as the circumstances of the conversation. In either case,someone initiating phatic communion will tend to choose a topic for which they can assume shared background knowledge,to prevent the conversation being too one-sided. And the level of detail offered should not overstep the bounds of interpersonal space. There are some common topics:

* The weather

* Television and films

* Sports

2.Chinese Phatic Communion

In Chinese-speaking community,a smile,good eye contact and politeness are expressions of sincerity. These are the beginning of communication. Just like westerners,the Chinese usually pass the time of day with one another as a precursor to getting to the point of a conversation or presentation.

Different conditions require different styles in which conversational greetings may be exchanged. When you meet someone for the first time,the most commonly-used words are:

For greeting acquaintances,the words will be more informal and friendly like the following:

三、Politeness Theory and the difference between Chinese and English Phatic Communion

1.Politeness Theory and Phatic Communion

Politeness theory is first formulated in 1978 by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson. Politeness here is the expression of the speakers’ intention to mitigate face threats carried by certain face threatening acts toward another. Analyzing and explaining the phatic communion from the view of “face” is the primary approach in the pragmatics. And the politeness theory established by Brown and Levinson is the most influential one.

2.Politeness Theory and Chinese Phatic Communion

In Chinese-speaking communities where phatic communion is very important,when people gather,they will use some conventional phatic communion words to show their regards for each other’s life. This is because Chinese culture emphasizes “the positive face”,which requires Chinese to take a positive part in communication. What’s more,Chinese often pay highly attention to the wholeness of their interpersonal relationships. And this kind of attitude can only be expressed through showing care and giving help. Thus Chinese usually tend to ask some private question about salary and heath to show their concern about your situation.

3.Politeness Theory and English Phatic Communion

Different from people in China,masses in English-speaking communities value their privacy very much,and what they appreciate is the negative face. In medieval time,people in Europe suffered a lot from the church’s repression. Therefore,nowadays people in English-speaking countries usually value freedom and their personal life very much,and they believe the behavior which may hinder others is impolite. Besides,the purpose of English phatic communion is to create a comfortable atmosphere. Thus they prefer to talk about the weather.


One of the major characteristics identifying us as human is our ability to use language. Language plays a very important role in people’s daily life,and it has close relations with culture which determines the way the people consider ‘face”. It is impossible to separate language from culture. As an important part of language,phatic communions also have close connections with culture. Since topics of them vary from different speech communities,one should pay more attention to the cultural factors. What’s more,with the process of integration of global civilization,only the cultural factors are concerned,communicators can have a satisfactory communication.


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Cultural Origins of the Differences Between Chinese and English Phatic Communion

in the View of the Politeness Theory

WANG He-yao

(The English Department, Sichuan International Studies University,Chongqing 400031,China)

Abstract:As an intimate part of socializing speech, phatic communion is an important subject today.This thesis analyses the differences in Chinese and English phatic communion, then studies the cultural reason why English and Chinese phatic communion differs from each other from the angle of politeness theory and points out the attitudes about“face” in Chinese and English culture is the determiner.culture is a whole way of life, therefore cultural diversity determine the difference of the discourse of greetings.

Key words:phatic communion; culture; politeness theory

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