太少太迟 第3期

时间:2022-05-29 03:21:50







中国汽车制造商,如东风、一汽、长城等在这项政府采购意见稿中一公布,股价就开始大涨;而在另外一边,大众、宝马、戴姆勒、标致 - 雪铁龙和雷诺的股价应声而下。













Too little too late

This move comes too late, it’s no longer able to change the buying behavior of private auto consumers.

When seeing an Audi A6L running on the streets of Beijing most people would guess that it’s a car from government officials. For some decades Volkswagen’s Audi, Mercedes-Benz and other foreign brands have been traditionally among those selected by the government, which accounted for about 80 percent of the official pool. Starting from this year there might be an end.

According to a proposal disclosed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last week, China’s government plans to stop procuring cars from all foreign brands, even including all the Joint-Venture brands, and solely select domestic brands.

All 412 models approved for purchase by state agencies 2012 will be limited to Chinese local brands, which means all foreign automakers will be locked out of an estimated 80 billion Yuan ($12.7 billion) segment of the world’s biggest vehicle market. The preliminary list of official vehicle purchases is open for public consultation until March 9, according to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

According to the rules, vehicles used for official purposes, such as tax collection must not have an engine size of above 1.8 liters and cost no more than 180,000 Yuan ($ 28,571). Furthermore eligible manufacturers must have spent not less than 3 percent of their core revenue on research and development in the past two years. The government said it’s also part of its effort to cut administrative costs, save energy and reduce pollution.

Chinese automakers such as Dongfeng Automobile, FAW, Great Wall Motor enjoy raising shares immediately afterwards the announcement was made. On the other side, Volkswagen, BMW, Daimler AG, PSA Peugeot Citroen and Renault’s share prices fell.

This is a strong signal that China’s government is determined to save the domestic auto industry. As we know from last year Chinese local brands suffered the most from the cancelation of incentivization packages, meanwhile foreign brands incl. JV brands enjoyed a large sales increase.

This indicates that Chinese consumers are no longer only focused on price but would rather base their buying decision on product quality, brand image and reliability. Perhaps this development made Chinese officials realize that after a few years more years in which the consumers’ buying habits will mature even more, they might no longer buy Chinese auto brands. Threatened by such a scenario the government decided to step in and stop this from happening.

People would like to argue that this is a phenomenon limited to auto consumers in Tier 1 cities as for customers in Tier 2, 3, 4 cities price is still the deciding factor when buying a car. Furthermore most of them are still first time car-buyers and therefore less prone to factors outside price.

In my opinion after a few years history will repeat there as well and we will observe the same situation as today in Tier 1 cities hoping that under-developed car-markets will keep different buying habits is a dangerous gamble that more often than not backfires.

In recent years many premium brands such as Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW are extending to the low cost segment while local brands such as for example Geely is trying to expand to mid-range segment through purchasing Volvo.

The competition is severe and while foreign automakers are trying to cut costs by localizing their products, Chinese automakers are trying to improve technology, quality and brand image. However the problem those local brands are facing here is that building-up brand image takes a long time, whereas cutting cost can be realized rather fast.

Perhaps this is another reason why Chinese officials determined to promote and cultivate local brands. But in my opinion this is too little too late. Just as an example: While still a large customer the government only accounts for 10% of Audi’s sales in China the vast majority, 90 percent, are private buyers. This move comes too late, it's no longer able to change the buying behavior of private auto consumers.

This is a dangerous move that could easily backfire. When joining the WTO more than 10 years ago China committed to open its markets. If now Chinese government officials stop buying foreign brands it would only be natural to expect foreign countries to stop buying Chinese brands. While this would not affect the automotive industry it might lead to unwelcomed consequences for industries where Chinese companies are doing very well abroad e.g. Huawei in telecommunication equipment.

In 2009, at the peak of the financial crisis US president Obama was considering enforcing a “Buy American” initiative, which would favor domestic brands when any governmental procurement occurs. In the end the Government decided to drop it because they understood this might hurt the American economy much more than it would benefit in the short-run.

Today’s auto industry in China is basically a government-run industry therefore it doesn’t come as a surprise that the government wants to save its investments. However I sincerely doubt that the decision to only buy local brands will do anything to improve the situation as it is nothing more than protectionist move with the aim to stifle healthy competition, improvement and growth.

While local auto brands might enjoy higher sales for a short time it would hurt them in the long run as they have less incentive to innovate.

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