How to Make Chinese Classic Culture Reach the Globe?

时间:2022-05-04 07:29:49

Recently, initial result of English-version Series of A hundred Classic Peking Operas C The compilation and publication of English versions of 10 Peking Operas in first volumes, for example, The Woman Generals of The Yang’s, haven been completed. As one of the world's three ancient dramas together with Indian Sanskrit drama and ancient Greek tragicomedy, it is the first time for Peking Opera to be translated into English. Peking Opera is getting rid of the embarrassment that "only the beauty of the mask, but not the meaning of words and music are appreciated”, which also causes us to think about how can Chinese classic culture can go abroad in a better way?

Classic Translation Is Required for Classics

David, an international student graduated from Capital Normal University, talking about the impression of Chinese culture, he said: "My initial understanding of Chinese culture is about Confucius, Peking Opera mask and the Great Wall." When asked about how to think of the plot, costumes or masks while enjoying Pecking Opera, he said bluntly: "I pay most attention to masks, watching Pecking Opera. Although I know Chinese language, but I don't quite deeply understand the librettos." Peking Opera librettos in the form of half classical Chinese and half dialect become an obstacle for foreigners to understand, they are not clear of some and of the old simple words language.

If foreigners cannot understand Peking Opera,it is due to lack of English versions in the market, the following talk may make us to think. Lisa comes from the UK, and now works in China. She said to the author: "I barely read translated works when I am abroad. I prefer strong narrative works and I don’t like long discussion.”

Deng Tengke, chief editor of the journal named Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, said: "The interpretation of Chinese literature is faced with many obstacles in foreign countries. Firstly, many foreign readers don’t like reading translated works; secondly, translation of classics of Chinese literature is not good enough, and translation of many modern Chinese literary works is not quite appropriate (Although in recent years things are getting better)." Long discussion is boring, for foreigners are accustomed only to the way expression of European and American literature; and unqualified translations cause trouble for the Chinese literary works to spread in foreign countries.We fall behind of what Russian, Japanese in terms language interpretation. Classic works are an epitome of an era, and better classic translation is needed so that foreigners can understand the real charm of Chinese language and culture.

Harmony in Diversified Culture Resulting from the way of Life of Socals

The first hurdle of translation of classic works is how to better make foreigners truly understand the relationship between plots and characters in the works, based on adhering to Chinese culture. A professor from Peking University said: "Translation of Pecking Opera transcript requires the same as translation of other Chinese works, which needs not only deep research of the content to be translated, but also needs fairly well understanding of the differences between Chinese and Western language and culture."

In regard to this issue, the famous translator Xu Yuanchong said: "Both the author's original intent and the phonology of English shall be conformed to." Adhere to the original works, but also accord with convertions of foreigners. National conditions vary in different countries, and more concern should be given to cultural integration in the circumstance of maintaining native cultural traditions. To follow local rules and to gain harmony in diversified culture result from tactfully incorporating foreign culture and blending in traditional Chinese culture.

Cultural Spread Needs More Platforms

Up to date, China has established 389 Confucius Institutes with 520 Confucius Classrooms in many countries around the world, which provides a showcase displaying Chinese classics to foreigns and to make them understand Chinese language and culture. Sun Ping, director of Research Center of Peking Opera, Renmin University of China, said: "English-version Series of a hundred Classical Peking Operas will enter libraries of foreign universities and Confucius Institutes around the world as important culture teaching materials, in order to allow more foreign students to know China."

The interpretation of Chinese classical culture is a must if we Chinese culture intend to gain a position in dominant culture industry in the era of global competition. In the worldwide cultureal market, statistics indicate that the United States amounts to 43% of market portion, EU 34%, Asia-Pacific region 19%, among which Japan amounts to 10%, Australia 5%, and the remaining 4% is shared by other Asia-Pacific nations, including China. The translation of a hundred classical Peking Operas is just a start. To continue persistenly with efforts of specialists and scholars and folk enthusiasm, can result in more high-quality translations in close touch with foreigners, so that Chinese culture can go abroad successfully. Only in this way will Chinese culture be understood and accepted by the world.

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