Dating in High School

时间:2022-04-28 05:59:22

Now it’s time to approach a subject that some of us might want to ignore:

dating.1 In today’s modern world, TV and media are spreading the idea that it’s no big deal2, and even

encouraging it at times. Children as young as five years old are starting to “date”. In high school it is accepted as the social norm3. In fact, if you don’t date, then suddenly you’re the odd one out.4

Dating is often when a boy and a girl go somewhere together, wanting to be more than friends. However, in many situations of dating in high school, couples never actually go anywhere, nor do they really do anything. In many cases, the “relationship”might just mean they are good friends. There are occasional displays of affection, but often nothing too serious. Overall, the terms “girlfriend” or “boyfriend” hardly mean anything any more. Some boys I know change girlfriends every other week. A girl I know once changed boyfriends three times in one day.

Despite this, teens are still drawn to the idea of dating. Once I asked a friend of mine, “What’s the point of dating?” Without missing a beat he replied, “It’s being able to spend time with someone you care about and enjoying yourselves.” Another responded with “Sometimes you just have the overwhelming urge to be with someone. Just being near them can make you happy, just seeing them smile can give you a warm feeling inside.” Other friends replied in a similar fashion5. But I still say that at this age, it might as well be the same thing as friendship.

Dating can ruin a friendship. A “relationship” might last a few months, but a friendship can last a lifetime. In some cases, after a couple breaks up, they scarcely even speak to each other anymore. Things are never the same again. So just ask yourself, “Is a few months of dating worth possibly ruining a friendship?” To a small population of American teenagers, it’s not. However, for the majority, they are sucked in by what they think dating should be. In popular TV shows and books, they paint the image of a “perfect”relationship. It could show a happy couple walking around holding hands in blissful happiness. They might even exchange a kiss or two. Many teens want that, thinking that it will make them happy. To me, I don’t think high school is a good time for this. Speaking for myself, I barely have time to breathe between school, homework, and extracurricular activities. I know that I have no time for dating.

Of course, I’m just offering my opinions. The idea doesn’t appeal to me, but some couples really do seem to enjoy themselves. Teen dating in America seems to be a culturally accepted thing. American parents often shrug it off6, trusting their kids to make the right choices. Many believe that it’s a harmless thing, and that kids should be allowed the freedom to date. Either way, no matter where you stand on the subject, it’s a personal choice.




但约会能断送友情。一段“浪漫关系”或许会持续几个月,而友情却能延续一生。在有些情况下,一对情侣分手后,他们几乎不再与对方说话。物是人非。所以你且自问一下:“究竟值不值得为了几个月的约会而断送一场友情?”对 一小部分美国青少年来说,那不值。然而,对大多数来说,他们被自己对约会的理解所吸引。林林总总的热播电视剧和畅销书勾画出了“完美”恋情的图景:一对幸福的情侣手握着手非常快乐地四处闲逛着。他们甚或会亲吻对方一两下。很多青少年都渴望这样,认为那会令他们幸福快乐。但对我来说,我认为中学时代还不是做这些事情的好时候。说说我自己吧,夹在学校、作业和课外活动之间,我几乎没什么时间歇口气。我知道自己是没时间约会的。



1. approach: 探讨(问题等);ignore: 无视,对……置之不理。

2. no big deal: 没什么大不了的,不要紧。

3. norm: 准则,标准。

4. the odd one out: 〈英〉与众不同的人或物。

5. fashion: 方式。

6. shrug off: 对……满不在乎,对……一笑置之,不理会。

上一篇:太阳神的牧牛 下一篇:The Moment that I’m Most Proud of