Hayao Miyazaki 宫崎骏的动画世界

时间:2022-04-21 12:08:12

Hayao Miyazaki 宫崎骏的动画世界

译 / 朱红梅


Hayao Miyazaki is regarded by many people as the world’s greatest maker of animated films. At the age of 71, with more than 20 features1) to his credit, Mr. Miyazaki has become a beacon for those who believe that animation has a special power to tell stories with universal appeal. “He celebrates the quiet moments,” said John Lasseter, the chief creative officer of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios, in enumerating2) traits that make Mr. Miyazaki “one of the most original” filmmakers ever.

Mr. Miyazaki’s work has often combined computer animation with traditional techniques and has provided inspiration for films like the Toy Story installments3), Cars and Up.

Mr. Miyazaki roots are in both manga4) and anime5) (comic books and animated films). Starting with his 1997 epic, Princess Mononoke, he has used computer-generated imagery in his movies.

The conscious sense of mystery is the core of Mr. Miyazaki’s art. Spend enough time in his world and you may find your perception of your own world refreshed, as it might be by a similarly intensive immersion in the oeuvre6) of Ansel Adams7), J. M. W. Turner8) or Monet9). After a while, certain vistas―a rolling meadow dappled with flowers and shadowed by high cumulus clouds, a range of rocky foothills rising toward snow-capped peaks, the fading light at the edge of a forest―deserve to be called Miyazakian.

So do certain stories, especially those involving a resourceful, serious girl contending with the machinations of wise old women and the sufferings of enigmatic young men. And so do certain themes: the catastrophic irrationality of war and other violence; the folly of disrespecting nature; the moral complications that arise from ordinary acts of selfishness, vanity and even kindness.

As a visual artist, Mr. Miyazaki is both an extravagant10) fantasist and an exacting naturalist; as a storyteller, he is an inventor of fables that seem at once utterly new and almost unspeakably ancient. Their strangeness comes equally from the freshness and novelty he brings to the crowded marketplace of juvenile11) fantasy and from an unnerving, uncanny sense of familiarity, as if he were resurrecting12) legends buried deep in the collective unconscious.

Mr. Miyazaki’s world is full of fantastical creatures―cute and fuzzy, icky and creepy, handsome and noble. There are lovable forest sprites, skittering dust balls, as well as talking cats, pigs and frogs. Howl’s Moving Castle, adapted from a novel by Diana Wynne Jones13), features a garrulous14) flame; Spirited Away had its melancholy, wordless no-face monster; Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, the director’s first masterpiece, was nearly overrun by enormous trilobite-shaped insects called Om.

Some of Mr. Miyazaki’s creations seem to have precedents and analogues in folklore, fantasy literature and other cartoons. The porcine15) title character in the 1992 film Porco Rosso, for example, is a dashing Italian pilot from the early days of aviation, and it is just conceivable that he might have a stuttering16) cousin somewhere on the Warner Brothers17) lot, looking for a pair of pants to match his blazer. But most members of Mr. Miyazaki’s ever-expanding menagerie18)―including Totoro, the slow-moving, pot-bellied19), vaguely feline20) character who has become the logo and mascot21) of his Studio Ghibli―come entirely from the filmmaker’s own prodigious imagination. Mr. Miyazaki was once asked where he thought his work fitted within the expanding universe of children’s pop culture. “The truth is I have watched almost none of it,” he said with a slightly weary smile. “The only images I watch regularly come from the weather report.”

The director, a compact, white-haired man whose demeanor combines gravity with a certain impishness22), was not just being flip23). It is hard to think of another filmmaker who is so passionately interested in weather. Violent storms, gentle breezes and sun-filled skies are vital, active elements, bearers of mood, emotion and meaning. His monsters and animals, who share the screen with more conventionally human-looking animated figures―adolescent girls with wind-tossed hair, short skirts and saucer eyes, mustachioed24) soldiers and wrinkled crones25)―are an integral part of Mr. Miyazaki’s landscape, but the most striking feature of his films may be the landscapes themselves.

The action in his movies takes place far from the cramped26) cities of modern Japan, and also from the futuristic metropolises that provide the dystopian backdrop of so much anime. His characters tend to live in hillside villages or in tidy, old-world towns where half-timbered houses huddle27) along cobblestone streets. As much as they can, in gliders, on broomsticks and under their own magical powers, these characters take to the sky; the evocation28) of flying, for metaphorical29) purposes and for the sheer visual fun of it, is one of Mr. Miyazaki’s favorite motifs. But one reason he ventures aloft may be to offer a better view of earth and water, which he renders with cinematic precision and painterly virtuosity.

Even though his frames evoke the careful brushwork and delicate emotions of Japanese landscape painting, Mr. Miyazaki is very much a product of postwar Japan, and he sits at the artistic and commercial pinnacle of his country’s churning30), eclectic31) visual culture. Though he has concentrated almost entirely on film, his earlier career includes television cartoons and manga. Animation, which arrived in Japan with the American occupying force, has since the war become at once the embodiment of the country’s antic modernity and also, in the hands of artists like Mr. Miyazaki, a vehicle for reimagining and preserving its history.

Mr. Miyazaki’s movies, whose settings variously evoke medieval Japan, 19th-century Europe and the antique futures of Jules Verne32) and H. G. Wells33), cast a sorrowful, sometimes scolding eye toward the present. The antiwar implications of Howl’s Moving Castle are as unmistakable as the ecological warnings in Nausicaä and Princess Mononoke, and in nearly every film, technological hubris34), political ambition and greed are the true roots of evil. His criticism of the modern world, though, seems less topical35) than philosophical; his movies do not represent a point of view, but rather present a way of seeing that is radically at odds36) with what usually meets the eye.

It can hardly be denied that they are marvels of escapist entertainment, but this is in no small part because they offer escape from the noise and aggression that dominate so much other modern entertainment. His power to enchant can seem unlimited―the wizards, witches and sorcerers who bedevil, beguile and befriend his heroes are less his alter egos37) than his kinfolk38)―but it arises from and communicates an equally powerful sense of disenchantment.

It is not that Mr. Miyazaki’s films are pessimistic, exactly; being fairy tales, they do arrive at happy endings. (“I’m not going to make movies that tell children, ‘You should despair and run away,’” he said.) But the route he chooses toward happiness can be troubling, perhaps especially to an American audience that expects sentimental affirmations based on clear demarcations between good and evil. The division of the world into heroes and villains is a habit Mr. Miyazaki regards with suspicion. “The concept of portraying evil and then destroying it―I know this is considered mainstream, but I think it’s rotten,” he said. “This idea that whenever something evil happens someone particular can be blamed and punished for it, in life and in politics, it’s hopeless.” Like the natural world, which follows its own laws and rhythms― “it does what the hell it pleases,” in Mr. Miyazaki’s words―human nature is not something that can easily be explained or judged.

In the Miyazakian cosmos, minds change, as do bodies, rivers, forests, nations and everything else. Wizards turn into birds of prey; young girls are transformed overnight into 90-year-old women; greedy parents are changed into pigs; shooting stars mutate into fire demons. You can call this magic, or you can call it art. But it may just be that he reveals, in his quiet, moving, haunted pictures, the hidden senses of the word “animation,” which after all means not only to set things in motion, but also, more profoundly, to bring them to life.

1. feature [ˈfiːtʃə(r)] n. (电影的)正片,故事片

2. enumerate [ɪˈnjuːməreɪt] vt. 列举

3. installment [ɪnˈstɔːlmənt] n. (戏剧的)分本演出(或播送)

4. manga [ˈmæŋə] n. 日本漫画

5. anime [ˈænɪmeɪ] n. 日本动画

6. oeuvre [ˈɜːvrə] n. 艺术作品,全部作品

7. Ansel Adams:安塞尔・亚当斯(1902~1984),美国摄影师,环境保护论者

8. J. M. W. Turner:约瑟・马洛德・威廉・特纳(Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1775~1851),常简称J. M. W. 特纳,19世纪英国最具代表性的风景画家之一

9. Monet:克劳德・莫奈(Claude Monet,1840~1926),法国最重要的画家之一,印象派的代表人物和创始人之一

10. extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəənt] adj. 恣意的,放肆的

11. juvenile [ˈdʒuːvənaɪl] adj. 青少年的,适合于青少年的

12. resurrect [ˌrezəˈrekt] vt. 复兴

13. Diana Wynne Jones:黛安娜・温尼・琼斯(1934~2011),英国奇幻小说家,擅长写作以魔法为主题的故事。

14. garrulous [ˈærʊləs] adj. 饶舌的,絮聒的

15. porcine [ˈpɔː(r)saɪn] adj. 猪的,像猪的

16. stutter [ˈstʌtə(r)] v. 口吃,结巴

17. Warner Brothers:华纳兄弟,全球最大的电影和电视娱乐制作公司。目前,该公司是时代华纳旗下子公司,总部分别位于美国加利福尼亚州的伯班克和纽约市。

18. menagerie [məˈnædʒəri] n. 动物园,动物展览

19. pot-bellied:大腹便便的

20. feline [ˈfiːlaɪn] adj. 猫科的,猫一样的

21. mascot [ˈmæskɒt] n. 吉祥物,吉祥符

22. impishness [ˈɪmpɪʃnɪs] n. 顽皮,讨厌

23. flip [flɪp] adj. 冒失的,轻率的

24. mustachio [məˈstːʃɪəʊ] n. 髭(特别是大的髭须)

25. crone [krəʊn] n. 干瘪的丑老太婆

26. cramped [kræmpt] adj. 狭促的

27. huddle [ˈhʌd(ə)l] vi. 挤在一团,聚在一起

28. evocation [ˌiːvəʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 再现(通过记忆和想象的力量再创造)

29. metaphorical [ˌmetəˈfɒrɪk(ə)l] adj. 比喻性的

30. churn [tʃɜː(r)n] v. 剧烈翻腾

31. eclectic [ɪˈklektɪk] adj. (在思想观点、兴趣爱好等方面)不拘一格的;(从不同学说、方法或风格中)兼收并蓄的

32. Jules Verne:儒勒・凡尔纳(1828~1905),19世纪法国著名的科幻小说和冒险小说作家,被誉为“现代科学幻想小说之父”,曾写过《海底两万里》、《地心游记》等著名科幻小说。

33. H. G. Wells:赫伯特・乔治・威尔斯(Herbert George Wells, 1866~1946),常简称H. G. 威尔斯,英国著名小说家,尤以科幻小说创作闻名于世。1895年出版《时间机器》一举成名,随后又发表了《莫洛博士岛》、《隐身人》、《星际战争》等多部科幻小说。

34. hubris [ˈhjuːbrɪs] n. 骄傲,傲慢

35. topical [ˈtɒpɪk(ə)l] adj. 时下关注的,有时代性的

36. at odds:意见不一致,


37. alter ego:个性的另一面,第二自我

38. kinfolk [ˈkɪnfəʊk] n. 亲属

1. feature [ˈfiːtʃə(r)] n. (电影的)正片,故事片

2. enumerate [ɪˈnjuːməreɪt] vt. 列举

3. installment [ɪnˈstɔːlmənt] n. (戏剧的)分本演出(或播送)

4. manga [ˈmæŋə] n. 日本漫画

5. anime [ˈænɪmeɪ] n. 日本动画

6. oeuvre [ˈɜːvrə] n. 艺术作品,全部作品

7. Ansel Adams:安塞尔・亚当斯(1902~1984),美国摄影师,环境保护论者

8. J. M. W. Turner:约瑟・马洛德・威廉・特纳(Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1775~1851),常简称J. M. W. 特纳,19世纪英国最具代表性的风景画家之一

9. Monet:克劳德・莫奈(Claude Monet,1840~1926),法国最重要的画家之一,印象派的代表人物和创始人之一

10. extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəənt] adj. 恣意的,放肆的

11. juvenile [ˈdʒuːvənaɪl] adj. 青少年的,适合于青少年的

12. resurrect [ˌrezəˈrekt] vt. 复兴

13. Diana Wynne Jones:黛安娜・温尼・琼斯(1934~2011),英国奇幻小说家,擅长写作以魔法为主题的故事。

14. garrulous [ˈærʊləs] adj. 饶舌的,絮聒的

15. porcine [ˈpɔː(r)saɪn] adj. 猪的,像猪的

16. stutter [ˈstʌtə(r)] v. 口吃,结巴

17. Warner Brothers:华纳兄弟,全球最大的电影和电视娱乐制作公司。目前,该公司是时代华纳旗下子公司,总部分别位于美国加利福尼亚州的伯班克和纽约市。

18. menagerie [məˈnædʒəri] n. 动物园,动物展览

19. pot-bellied:大腹便便的

20. feline [ˈfiːlaɪn] adj. 猫科的,猫一样的

21. mascot [ˈmæskɒt] n. 吉祥物,吉祥符

22. impishness [ˈɪmpɪʃnɪs] n. 顽皮,讨厌

23. flip [flɪp] adj. 冒失的,轻率的

24. mustachio [məˈstːʃɪəʊ] n. 髭(特别是大的髭须)

25. crone [krəʊn] n. 干瘪的丑老太婆

26. cramped [kræmpt] adj. 狭促的

27. huddle [ˈhʌd(ə)l] vi. 挤在一团,聚在一起

28. evocation [ˌiːvəʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 再现(通过记忆和想象的力量再创造)

29. metaphorical [ˌmetəˈfɒrɪk(ə)l] adj. 比喻性的

30. churn [tʃɜː(r)n] v. 剧烈翻腾

31. eclectic [ɪˈklektɪk] adj. (在思想观点、兴趣爱好等方面)不拘一格的;(从不同学说、方法或风格中)兼收并蓄的

32. Jules Verne:儒勒・凡尔纳(1828~1905),19世纪法国著名的科幻小说和冒险小说作家,被誉为“现代科学幻想小说之父”,曾写过《海底两万里》、《地心游记》等著名科幻小说。

33. H. G. Wells:赫伯特・乔治・威尔斯(Herbert George Wells, 1866~1946),常简称H. G. 威尔斯,英国著名小说家,尤以科幻小说创作闻名于世。1895年出版《时间机器》一举成名,随后又发表了《莫洛博士岛》、《隐身人》、《星际战争》等多部科幻小说。

34. hubris [ˈhjuːbrɪs] n. 骄傲,傲慢

35. topical [ˈtɒpɪk(ə)l] adj. 时下关注的,有时代性的

36. at odds:意见不一致,


37. alter ego:个性的另一面,第二自我

38. kinfolk [ˈkɪnfəʊk] n. 亲属












宫崎骏的电影再现了不同的社会背景,有中世纪的日本、19世纪的欧洲,还有儒勒・凡尔纳以及H. G. 威尔斯创造的古老的未来,并向当今时以忧郁――有时也带有责备――的目光。《哈尔的移动城堡》中的反战意味和《风之谷》以及《幽灵公主》中的生态警告同样无可置疑。而且,几乎在他的每一部电影中,技术傲慢、政治野心和贪婪无度都是罪恶的真正根源。然而,他对现代世界的批判,与其说是针砭时弊,倒不如说是哲学意义上的;他的电影并不代表某种观点,而是提供了看待事物的一种方式,这种方式和我们平时所见大相径庭。




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