
时间:2022-04-09 07:47:53

刘 鹏、朱一童 译


Halloween in Hawaii is a little complicated. Unlike on the mainland, where people carve their pumpkins a week before the holiday, here it’s so warm and humid, you only get a day or two to display a carved pumpkin before they grow a moldy(发霉的) beard or cave in on themselves in a slimy mess of goo...

That Halloween morning in Kaua’i, Hawaii―a glorious part of the world, where it’s hard to deny the divine― Bethany Hamilton responded to the shark’s stealth attack with the calm of a girl with heaven on her side.

Pushing pain and panic aside, she immediately began to paddle with one arm, focusing on a single thought: “Get to the beach...” Rushed to the hospital, where her father, Tom Hamilton, was about to undergo knee surgery, Bethany found herself taking his spot.

It’s the kind of coincidence that isn’t mere coincidence to the Hamilton family. To them it was a sign heaven had a greater plan than the one they’d been working on themselves―which had been to scrape(积攒) together whatever resources they could to help Bethany rise to the top of her sport. When the first thing Bethany wanted to know after surgery was “When can I surf again?” it became clear that her unfaltering(坚决的) spirit and determination were part of a greater story―a tale of courage and faith that this modest and soft-spoken girl would come to share with the world.

She began her career as a surfer with her first competition at age 11. By age 13, Bethany was an accomplished competitor and well-respected in the surfing world. They say she has saltwater in her veins. How else could one explain the tremendous passion that drives her to surf? How else could one explain that nothing―not even the horrific shark attack―could come between her and the waves?

Bethany had always been a compassionate child, but since that shark attack on Halloween, her compassion has deepened. Four days after the incident, she learned that fishermen on Kaua‘i’s north shore were talking about hunting down the 13-foot, 1,500-pound tiger shark. From her hospital bed, she tearfully insisted the animal not be harmed.

A few days later, her empathy surfaced again, during a stress debriefing session with Kai Swigart, a psychologist who is legally blind. Bethany told him his loss of sight was far worse than her loss of an arm. She offered to donate money being raised to help pay her medical bills to pay for an operation to restore his sight. Swigart added, “She told me that she had visited heaven and then had come back to be with her family. Anyone who touches heaven has a serenity(平静,安详), a spirit, a presence that transcends normal human experience.”

Bethany has already lived more than a lifetime’s worth of triumph and tragedy. After the shark attack she rose once again to the challenges of competition and dealt with the maelstrom(大漩涡) of media attention. She relied on her faith and innate(先天的, 天生的)positive thinking to embrace changes that would undo most people. When she lost her arm in the fall of 2003, it looked as if the career of one of the country’s topsurfers was over. But just ten weeks later, she returned to competition in her native Hawaii, vowing never to give up the sport she loves. Bethany continues to compete in the most challenging waves in the world and amaze everyone by achieving the unimaginable. She dominated the 2005 National Scholastic Surfing Association Nationals Championships.

She has earned an indelible place in America’s heart in appearances on Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, Entertainment Tonight and a host of other venues. She’s been featured in People magazine and her story has been written up in newspapers in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. In December, 2003, Bethany touched hearts again when, on a media tour of New York City, she suddenly removed her ski jacket and gave it to a homeless girl sitting on a subway gate in Times Square. Wearing only a tank top, Hamilton then canceled a shopping spree, saying she already had too many things. “Bethany was always very giving, very loving and very kind, but I’ve never seen anything like this,” says her father, Tom. “She’s got more wisdom, I guess.”

Surprisingly, Bethany doesn’t view herself as strong, driven or courageous. She sees the loss of her arm as her destiny, as a blessing in disguise. Her life is richer and fuller―and her surfing career more tangible and lucrative(有利的)―than before the attack. She has chosen to use her experience to become an inspiration and help others to overcome adversity(不幸, 灾祸, 逆境), no matter how great. “I know I have something important to say. Something that people need to hear―but sometimes they get so caught up in the story part, that they miss the meaning,” says Bethany. As always, she remains undaunted (大无畏的, 勇敢的)and is looking forward to the future. She’s asking herself, “How can I show the world I still have a life, that I enjoy my life and that my life is filled with joy?”













1. 原文作者Chelle Thompson系美国心理学家,人际关系学专家。

2. 本文主人公贝萨妮・汉密尔顿是美国残疾人冲浪运动员。在一次冲浪过程中被鲨鱼咬断一条胳膊,经过一系列艰苦的恢复性训练,先后夺得一系列赛事的冠军,其中包括2005年第15届美国冲浪锦标赛冠军。当年,汉密尔顿成为国家冲浪队的队员。汉密尔顿出版了自传《灵魂的冲浪》,这本书登上了《洛杉矶时报》畅销书的名单。

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