
时间:2022-04-03 12:20:21


1. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

This timeless classic is what solidified Audrey Hepburn's place in the memories of all vintage1), Old Hollywood, fashion lovers and anyone else who appreciates a good movie. Based on the same-titled novel by Truman Capote2), this film is Hepburn's most famous one. She stars as Holly Golightly, a party girl running from herself while at the same time trying to find herself. She meets her neighbor Fred, and, together, they fill the film with laughs and eventually romance. Breakfast at Tiffany's is a must-see.

2. Roman Holiday (1953)

Here we have the role that won Audrey Hepburn her first Oscar and shot her to fame, as Princess. Young and feeling frustrated with all the royal responsibilities entrusted3) upon her, she runs away from the palace to see the town and be as normal as she's never been allowed to be. Journalist Joe Bradley, who tries to use her and get a money-worthy story, eventually takes her in4) for the world's biggest scoop5), and then falls for6) her.

3. Sabrina (1954)

This movie is charming, heart-warming, and will have you rooting for7) one of the three main characters once you get the story. Hepburn plays a chauffeur's8) daughter who finds herself torn9) between two brothers from a wealthy family.

4. My Fair Lady (1964)

An adaptation of the popular same-titled musical, My Fair Lady is the story of Eliza Doolittle, a poor and slightly uneducated woman who sells flowers when she meets a snobby10) linguistics professor who insults everything about her. The professor makes a bet with his colleague that in six months he could completely transform Eliza and have her pass as royalty at the next ball. Hepburn does a great job at first being the uneducated, ill speaking Eliza and then slowly transitioning to a graceful, witty11) beauty.

5. The Children's Hour (1961)

Tackling a topic that was taboo12) at its time, this film is a more serious one, in which Audrey's character and her best friend are accused of being lesbians13) by a troublemaker at the school they teach at. Their lives come apart14) as the movie takes tragic turns.











1. vintage [?v?nt?d?] adj. 经典的,经久不衰的

2. Truman Capote: 杜鲁门·卡波特(1924~1984),美国著名作家,其多部小说、短篇小说、戏剧和纪实小说都被列为文学经典,代表作有《蒂凡尼的早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany's)、《冷血》(In Cold Blood)、《圣诞忆旧集》(A Christmas Memory)等。

3. entrust [?n?tr?st] vt. 委托管理(事物等)

4. take sb. in: 欺骗某人

5. scoop [sku?p] n. 独家新闻;轰动的新闻

6. fall for: 对……倾心,迷恋

7. root for: 声援,支持

8. chauffeur [????f?(r)] n. (受雇于私人或公司等的)汽车司机

9. tear [te?(r)] vt. 使苦恼;折磨

10. snobby [?sn?bi] adj. 自命不凡的,自以为懂行的

11. witty [?w?ti] adj. (人)说话风趣的

12. taboo [t??bu?] n. 禁忌的事物(或行为)

13. lesbian [?lezbi?n] n. 同性恋女子

14. come apart: 破碎;崩溃,垮掉

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