Who Says

时间:2022-03-31 06:35:29

Selena Gomez是个无法与音乐和光环分割开来的名字,名字的主人7岁出道,12岁便被“迪士尼全球才艺计划”发掘,能歌善舞还能演。甜美的外表加上迷人的笑容让Selena在偶像小天后这条路上走得顺风顺水。虽然长期生活在聚光灯之下,但她眼神依旧清澈,个性依旧张扬。在“美自己”与“没自己”的两种选择中,Selena毫不犹豫地用歌声唱出自己的立场――做自己即是最美。

“Who Says”出自Selena于2011年推出的专辑When the Sun Goes Down。这首歌的MV讲述了Selena摆脱质疑,脱下华服与高跟鞋,丢掉珠宝,卸去妆容,走下舞台,走向本真,与同伴们同歌共舞的故事。歌词俏皮而倔强,富有朝气。Selena在MV中用一系列行动表明,只有做最美、最真实的自己才是青春的无限魅力之所在。不需要五颜六色的“美瞳”,因为没什么比青春年少时的双眸更闪耀;不需要为别人无足轻重的评判黯然神伤,因为自信的光芒才最美丽。现实生活中,Selena不甘做任人打扮的芭比娃娃。她自己写歌,调制自己的香水,成立自己的乐队,出演自己喜欢的角色。看她那不媚俗不做作的笑容就知道,她从未忘记“Be yourself always. There is no one better”。

I wouldn't want to be anybody else

You made me insecure

Told me I wasn't good enough

But who are you to judge

When you're a diamond in the rough

I'm sure you got some things

You'd like to change about yourself

But when it comes to me

I wouldn't want to be anybody else

*Na na na

Na na na

I'm no beauty queen

I'm just beautiful me

Na na na

Na na na

You've got every right

To a beautiful life

Come on

Who says

Who says you're not perfect

Who says you're not worth it

Who says you're the only one that's hurting

Trust me

That's the price of beauty

Who says you're not pretty

Who says you're not beautiful

Who says*

It's such a funny thing

How nothing's funny when it's you

You tell 'em what you mean

But they keep whiting out the truth

It's like a work of art

That never gets to see the light

Keep you beneath the stars

Won't let you touch the sky

(Refrain *)

Who says you're not star potential

Who says you're not presidential

Who says you can't be in movies

Listen to me, listen to me

Who says you don't pass the test

Who says you can't be the best

Who said, who said

Won't you tell me who said that

Yeah, oh

Who says

(Refrain )

(Refrain )




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