On Business English Features

时间:2022-03-26 05:29:12

Abstract:This dissertation studies Business English features comprehensively,from prospective of lexicon and syntax.

Key words:Business English,Features,Definition

Business English is a social function varity of English,a branch of English for special purpose.It uses the basic vocabulary and grammar structure of general English,however with its special professional features in terms of lexicon and syntax.


1.1 Wide Use of Specialized Vocabulary

As Business English covers many subjects and involves different fields of international economy communication,it is characterized by wide use of specialized vocabulary.The following example illustrates this point.

For nearly four years the People’s Bank of China(PBOC)has classified monetary policy as “prudent”,which is supposedly a neutral stance―not too tight,not too loose.In reality it has been tightening,to cool an overheated property market and slow the alarming accretion of debt.

The above passage is part of The Economist report.There are 46 words,in which there are 4 specialized terms,such as the People’s Bank of China,monetary policy,prudent,overheated property market.

1.2 Borrowed Words

Some technical terms derive from Latin or French,as is shown in the following examples,force majeure,status quo,proforma invoice and ad valorem duty.

1.3 Preference Use of Abbreviation

Another marked feature of Business English is the use of abbreviation.Generally speaking,abbreviation consists of the initials of the professional terms,for example,FOB(Free on Board),MFN(the Most Favored Nation),CPA(Certified Public Account),CEPA(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement).

1.4 Constant Emergence of New Words

As Business English is closely related with the current politics,economy,culture and technology,it has been developing with the times.New words continuously come into being,for example,paperless office,intelligence cards and virtual store.


2.1 Complicated,long Sentence Structure

Business English sentences are rather complicated,inserted by phrases and clauses.

Local consumer spending grew solidly during the year,indicative of the strengthened consumer sentiment on the back of improving employment and rise-back of labor income,as well as the generally positive attitude towards the economic and employment prospects.

The above sentence with 38 words is made up of a main sentence and a adverbial paratively speaking,it is not simple.

2.2 Use of Fixed Sentence Structure

Business English tends to use fixed sentence structure,as is shown in the following example.At the beginning of a letter,such sentence structures are usually used to state that you have received the letter.

We are in the receipt of your letter.


Business English as an English for special purpose has its own characteristics.Understanding of its features is conducive to our Business English learning and conducting business.




[3]李贻定,Tactics for Business English[J],国际经贸探索,1999,(2)



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