On the cultivation of the gratitude consciousness of contemporary college studen

时间:2022-03-22 09:29:11

Abstract. Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and is an important part of contemporary college students' ideological and moral quality. In the era of the information explosion, in China where the family planning policy is earnestly implemented, the gratitude consciousness of more and more college students is slowly cut, but is more focused on the surface form. Therefore, in this paper the author puts forward some constructive opinions and suggestions on the lack the sense of gratitude of college students.

Key words: Gratitude consciousness; college students; cultivation; contemporary

The Chinese nation has given birth to many outstanding traditional virtues in the history of five thousand years, especially advocating gratitude, for example, "Gratitude for the source of benefit", "Little help brings much return", "Such maternal love can't be repaid by the inch-long grass", "who knows every grain of the food comes from the hard work", "It is inhumane to forget a generous act". Thanksgiving should be the due basic moral criterion and the basic literacy of everyone especially the college students, and should become a common social morality. However, due to the prevalence of the utilitarian concept during the period of the social transformation, some college students are emotionally indifferent and "ungrateful", and their self-consciousness expands and they have other undesirable phenomena. Therefore, cultivating their awareness of thanksgiving should be imperative.

1. The meaning of thanksgiving and

thanksgiving consciousness

The explanation of the word thanksgiving in the "Modern Chinese Dictionary" is "feel obligated for other’s help", while the explanation in the "Oxford Dictionary" is "willing to show up the gratitude while receiving the benefit and feedback to others". For "thanksgiving", "Origin of Chinese Characters" says, "Grace is also the kindness. It comes from the heart and out of the mouth." Grace is the kindness, opposite to the hatred. "Modern Chinese Dictionary" says, "Gratitude: the benefit others give." "Gratitude: thanks to others for their kindness." Some scholars have put forward the so-called Thanksgiving, which is a kind of understanding, emotion and behavior that we endorse from our heart the benefits and the help that the nature, society and others give to our own, and sincerely return.

Thanksgiving is from the heart, not fake, close at hand. It is a thought in passing, also is the sense of gratitude. "Ungrateful, bosom to quote the heart" (Chen Shou, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, History of Wu ・ Biography of Luo Tong") refers to the sense of gratitude. Dr. Ren Xianpin says, "The gratitude consciousness refers to the psychological demands people appreciate others for their goodness and try to repay it, which is a behavioral norm existing in the human society, and is also the basic moral law any culture acknowledges."

Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and is a kind of life attitude, a philosophy of life, a state of mind good at discovering the life touching and able to enjoy this touching, and a correct understanding of a person of the relations between himself and others and the society. Thanksgiving is a kind of responsibility. Owe a debt of gratitude and hope to recompense it, and we must recompense the kindness others give us, which is not only a kind of emotion, but also a reflection of the realm of life. As the well educated college students, we should know what Thanksgiving is, and should be willing to accept and find the good things in life, with a grateful attitude to repay the society and others for their own good care, and make Thanksgiving become the basic principles of ourselves.

2. Current status and reasons for the current lack of gratitude consciousness among college students

The contemporary college students basically were born after the 1980s and what they touch and feel more is the existing value of the individual in the economic society, and they lack adequate understanding on the Chinese traditional virtues of "gratitude". So they often exhibit the egocentric behavior tendency, and for all they only consider themselves, and they treat their parents’ dedication and even the care and help of the society and others as behoove.

Recently, there are some reports focused on college students not feeling grateful. For example, an impoverished college student financed by the social support in more than a year did not call, write, and even did not say a word of thanks to the sponsors, and the qualification of recipients was cancelled. The 25-year-old veteran Cao Yi rescued a young female college student from the sword, but the rescued threw the bloodied preserver in the field. And there are the reports as "The consumption of the financed college students exceeds 500 Yuan per month and the actress Sun Li stopped the funding and was blamed" etc. All these make more people feel that after the Chinese civilization of thousands of years develops till today, Thanksgiving seems to become increasingly difficult. Of course, a report can be interpreted from different angles, and some extreme cases are individual, but there is the gratitude crisis among some of today's college students, which is an objective reality that can't be avoided, and also reflects the lack of gratitude education and Thanksgiving culture of colleges.

College students lack the sense of gratitude, the reasons of which mainly have three aspects of the responsibilities of the family, the school, and the society. First of all what we have to reflect is that the family education seldom teaches the children of gratitude. At home, the child is the center of attention of the family, with unlimited rights, but their obligations are zero, which makes the original emotion between parents and children that should be interactive become the "unilateral action" of the only selfless love of the parents of the children. If things go on like this, the children will think that it is no sense of guilt that their parents give and they only claim, and they have no sense of guilt and they think that all that people do for them is as it should be. They don't know absolutely to owe a debt of gratitude and hope to recompense others’ kindness, and they do not know how to appreciate and cherish, and do not want to use their own repayment to pay back to others and the society, which will cause the lack of the "gratitude consciousness".

Secondly, the Thanksgiving education at university campus is ignored. Thanksgiving education should become an important content of the moral education in colleges and universities, but the general situation is that Thanksgiving education is ignored and even forgotten in the university campus, Some colleges focus on cultivating students' professional skills, and the most concern is the problem of the employment of students, so they pay too much attention to the utilitarian education, ignoring the educational function of education. University moral education implementation is not enough, and especially thanksgiving education is neglected, which will make the students egoistic, lack cultures, and emotional indifference, which is extremely unfavorable to the students' healthy growth and all-round development.

Thirdly, the social bad style has negative influence on the college students. In the period of social transformation, in the establishment of the socialist market economy today, the values of every hue have an impact on the college students in the ivory tower, and money and interests replaced the true feelings between people. How to find a well paid job, and how to enjoy life has become a hot topic among many college students, and how to take responsibilities and contribute to the society is rarely involved. Some students always complain about the "debt" of others and the society for their own, but do not think what they have done to others and the society. For vanity, they do not want to talk about the aid they have received from the country and others, so the social education becomes a tool of desire and utilitarian.

3. Constructing the socialist harmonious society urgently needs to strengthen the training of the sense of

gratitude of college students.

In February 19, 2005, Comrade Hu Jintao points out in the "Speech on the seminar of the leading cadres in the provincial and ministerial levels to increase the abilities of constructing the Socialism Harmonious Society", "Whether a society is harmonious or not and whether a country can realize the long period of stability largely depends on the ideological and moral qualities of all members of the society. It is impossible to achieve social harmony if we have no common ideals and beliefs, no good moral standards." The construction of the socialist harmonious society needs tens of millions of talents, and the college students are the main force of building a socialist harmonious society. Only when every college student has lofty ideas, good ideological and moral quality, strong sense of responsibility and dedication spirit, only when he always has a grateful heart of the family, others and the society, always cherishes the meaning of Thanksgiving, and always owns grateful feelings, can we promote the harmonious development of the whole society.

First, the Thanksgiving education should start from the family. There can be no doubt that parents' love is the most extensive and most selfless. Chinese parents are especially not easy, and they do what they can to be willing to pay for their children. This kind of filling love sometimes makes the feelings of love for their children numb. In building a socialist harmonious society today, parents should educate their children not only accept the love, but should know how to feedback and rewards the love. Young children should have a "Thanksgiving" heart, which is the essential content of the family education. It is not only a kind of ritual, but also a healthy mind, and is also a manifestation of the social progress and modern civilization.

Second, give full play to the role of university moral education in cultivating the gratitude consciousness. First of all, strengthen the education of traditional virtues, and let the students know how to do thanksgiving. Through the traditional moral education, the students not only consciously feel and repay the gratitude, but also spurn the behaviors in real life that "forget a generous act" or "return kindness with ingratitude". This has promoted virtually the formation of a good social atmosphere. Secondly, with "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" as the starting point, carry out rich and colorful Thanksgiving educational activities, and enhance students' awareness of thanksgiving. For example, carry out the Thanksgiving activities into the families, schools, and communities, which can specifically be designed as "Wash feet for parents", "Serve a cup of tea for the teacher", "Offer a seat for the elderly", "Beautify nature" and other activities. We can also carry out issuing Thanksgiving proclamations, Thanksgiving lectures, Thanksgiving letter written and the Thanksgiving essays, etc., to rouse the resonant identity of the students, and cultivate the gratitude consciousness of the students. To stimulate students' emotion of gratitude, and to enable students to know how to do Thanksgiving is the life of the country, and the source of happiness, which can make the thanksgiving trip a natural thing to do.

Third, the society should create a good atmosphere for cultivating the awareness of thanksgiving of college students. Gratitude education is a social engineering, and the families, schools, and especially the society should build a good social environment. In the whole society a wave of Thanksgiving Education upsurge should be set off, and we should advocate and promote the culture of Thanksgiving together to create a good atmosphere, so that the students cherish the hopes of life, care for others, show respect to work, and repay the society, and during the Thanksgiving atmosphere they can grow up, and strive to create a perfect life.

To sum up, the above is the author’s discussion on the topic of the article.

4. Empirical analysis

Recently, there are institutions making a questionnaire survey on the Thanksgiving topic, and the investigation was carried out at the four universities of Jilin University, Northeast Normal University, Jilin University of Finance and Economics and Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology. The questionnaire topics are mainly:

"Are you doing the housework at home?"

"Do you remember the birthday of your parents?"

"What topics do you usually have when calling your parents?"

"Do you always think about how to repay your parents?"


More than 200 questionnaires issued caused a hot discussion among the college students. In the face of a farewell special "exam", some students are ashamed, and some are lost in thought. According to the statistics, 12% of the college students say at home they never do the housework, and 20% of the students totally can not remember the birthday of their parents, and 70% of the students admit that they call their parents only when they lack the living expenses, but nearly 60% of the students often think about how to repay their parents after graduation. At the end of the questionnaire there is an open question: "Would you please write down the most wanted sentence you want to say to your parents." 31% of the students chose to say they are lost for words and leave a blank.

Peruse the questionnaire and we can perceive that the love that parents give to the children is comprehensive and detailed, and many students have become feeble in repaying this love. Thanksgiving to their parents, they didn't do very well.

Xu Yingying (a pseudonym) is a university sophomore. At 7 o'clock in the morning, she came to the school canteen. As usual, she didn't line up to buy food together with her roommates, but headed southwest habitually to the canteen angle. There stood her mother carrying boxes of food waiting for her. Xu Yingying is the only child in her family, and when she was a freshman she was not used to the school food and living, so on the phone she often told and complained to her parents. Not trusting her daughter, her mother rented a room beside the school, and full-time care for her daughter's life.

So, for two years in the university Xu Yingying has had a life of "no worrying about the food and clothing" just as before. Of the three meals a day to washing clothes, everything of university life is done by her mother, and Xu Yingying just feel at ease to do her learning. "My mom likes to worry, and I have become accustomed to it." Xu Yingying said.

Therefore, parents are the most important teachers of the children, and the family education plays an important role in cultivating children’s EQ. Han Dong thinks that now some college students are not aware of the gratitude, which is inseparable to the lack of the family education. In the traditional family pattern, the role of parents is to give freely to their children, and they do not ask for the return no matter how painstaking and tired, which makes the emotional communication between parents and children supposed to be two-way and interactive become only the "unilateral actions" of the parents’ dedication to their children. In such an environment, the child's sense of gratitude is very difficult to develop.

5. Conclusion

The author of this article thinks that Thanksgiving is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and is an important part of the contemporary college students' ideological and moral quality. In the era of information explosion and in China where the family planning policy is earnestly implemented, the gratitude consciousness of more and more college students in slowly cuts, and is more focused on the surface form. Therefore, Thanksgiving education should start from the family, and we should give full play to the role of the school moral education in the cultivation of the university Thanksgiving awareness. The society should create a good atmosphere for cultivating the awareness of thanksgiving of the college students. Specifically, in the building of a harmonious socialist society today, parents should educate their children that they should not only accept the love, but should be aware that they feedback and reward the love. We should strengthen the education of the traditional virtues, and let the students know how to do thanksgiving. Gratitude education is a social engineering, and the families, schools, and especially the society should build a good social environment. Finally, the paper serves as a modest spur to induce someone to come forward with his valuable contributions.


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