
时间:2022-03-19 05:59:25

























A Taiwan Actress in Beijing

For Wang Siyi, an actress from Taiwan, a decade on the mainland has fleeted. For more than ten years, the beautiful girl has starred in many television series. She has bought a house in Beijing, a gesture that signifies her settlement in Beijing. Yet, she does not hesitate to identify herself as one of the art drifters in Beijing.

I have met Wang on a few occasions during her visits to the Hengdian World Studios in central Zhejiang. We chatted about her career and life. Her zeal and candor are impressive. Here are some excerpts of what she says about herself from our conversations.

Starting as a Model

Wang had a passion for dancing in her childhood years. Her first dance contest on behalf of her primary school took place when she was a third grader. The passion persisted as years went by. She entered an art school to major in dancing. After physical injuries snipped her dream of becoming China’s best ballerina, she switched to modeling. Even after working as an actress for so many years, she still walks on the T-stage now and then and has served as a juror in a few national model contests. She endorses a name brand leather jacket of her sponsor. Yet, she regards herself as an actress. For her, modeling is entertaining, a kind of fun. She takes acting more serious.

Happy as an Actress

Many things in life make her happy. Working in Hengdian means that she will meet a lot of friends there. Wang gladly accepts invitations to banquets on the condition that partying will not interfere with her work next day. Being an actress means she does not need to live on diet. She still remembers her modeling days when her agent stopped her from sipping the watermelon juice, citing the sugar content.

In 1997 Wang’s appearance in the Outlaws of the Marsh, a television series adapted from a Chinese classic novel, made her well known across the country. She starred as Golden Lotus, a beauty who killed her husband in collaboration with the adulterer. She thought she was destined for such a role. The director wanted a slender and delicate beauty to interpret the infamous woman. If she had stayed in Taiwan and had not come to the mainland for further development as an actress, she would not have the opportunity to star in the Outlaws of the Marsh. The audiences enjoyed her acting when she played the role of the coquettish woman. In everyday life, though, she is a tomboy and loves to laugh. Some characters she has played have personalities more or less close to hers.

Honest and Kind-hearted

She agrees that the showbiz circle is a bit complicated. Yet no one forces her to do things she dislikes doing. She has a lot of friends and there is seldom”Pink news?about her. Doing a good job is her first priority and nothing else matters. She has a take-it-easy attitude toward things. Love is exciting. Those who are in love and those who are not are spiritually different. She was in love before but it turned out to be friendship. A serious relationship doesn’tmean you must get married in the end.

Enjoying acting

Regarding the work procedures, she likes the fast tempo in Taiwan but prefers the meticulous attention the mainland directors can afford to pay to details. The fast tempo results in lousy products. Details collapse under scrutiny and lighting effects are not ideal. The mainland directors sometimes spend hours shooting just one shot. She does not mind spending that much time to get one shot taken. She prefers to appear beautiful in these productions.

All the roles Wang plays are beauties. She loves to look beautiful and she devotes her time and acting skills to look beautiful. She enjoys repeating a shot again and again, knowing it’s not because her performance does not yield quality shots, but because the director wants to present more perfect shots and gets something more beautiful out of her.

(Translated by David)

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