
时间:2022-02-03 02:15:52

When I arrived at 6 a.m. in the large hospital kitchen, Rose was already checking name tags on the trays against the patient roster. Stainless steel shelves held rows of breakfast trays which we would soon be serving.

“Hi, I’m Janet.” I tried to sound cheerful, although I already knew Rose’s reputation for being impossible to work with. “I’m scheduled to work with you this week.” A stocky middle-aged woman with graying hair, Rose stopped what she was doing and peered over her reading glasses perched on her nose. I could tell from her sour expression she wasn’t pleased to see a student worker.

“What do you want me to do? Start the coffee?” I was feeling less confident by the minute. Rose sullenly nodded and went back to checking name tags. Moments after I filled the pot with cold water, Rose gruffly snapped, “That’s not the way to make coffee.” She stepped in and took over.

“I was just doing it the way our supervisor showed us to do it,” I said in astonishment. “The patients like the coffee better the way I do it,” she replied curtly.

Nothing I did pleased her after that. All morning her eagle eyes missed nothing and her sharp words stung. She literally trailed me around the kitchen. Later at break time, some of the older full-time workers decided to have some fun and started teasing me. “Are you having a good time working with Rose?” Margaret baited me. “That’s not even funny,” I said, biting my lip to keep back the tears.

Totally exhausted, I trudged the six blocks home from the University of Minnesota Hospital late that June afternoon. As a third year university student working my way through school, I had never before encountered anyone like Rose. I wrestled with my dilemma alone in my room. I turned the possibilities over in my mind. Should I see if my supervisor would switch me to work with someone else? On the other hand, I didn’t want to be a quitter.

Working with Rose next morning, I ignored the barbs thrown in my direction and did things her way as much as possible to avoid friction. As I worked, I silently began to surround Rose with a warm blanket of prayers. “Lord, help me love Rose.” Over the next few days, an amazing thing began to happen. As I prayed for this irritating woman, my focus shifted from what she was doing to me, and I started seeing Rose as the hurting person she was.

As I worked with this lonely woman, I listened to her. I learned she was burdened by elderly parents who needed her care, by her own health problems and by an alcoholic husband she was thinking of leaving. I began to understand what made her the way she was. As I listened, I discovered that her unique way of doing things resulted from her desire to do something special for the patients. She had her own reasons for everything.

In return, she wanted the patients to appreciate her for doing special things for them. This woman―whom I once considered so unlovable―was actually begging for someone to love and appreciate her!

The days slipped by quickly as I finished the last several weeks of my summer job. I soon would be returning as a full-time student. One day, while I was working alone in one of the kitchens, Rose entered the room. Instead of her uniform, she was wearing street clothes. I looked at her in surprise. “Aren’t you working today?” “I got me another job and won’t be working here any more,” she said, as she walked over and gave me a quick hug. “I just came to say goodbye.” Then she turned abruptly and walked out the door. Although I never saw Rose again, I still remember her vividly.

In that summer, I learned a lesson I’ve never forgotten. The world is full of people like Rose―irritating, demanding―yet hurting inside. I’ve found that love is the best way to turn an enemy into a friend.












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