10月1日 星期二 小雨

时间:2022-01-17 04:18:22

This morning, I got up at about 5 o’ clock unwillingly. It was still dark outside. The street lamps pillars stood still in the rain, giving off faint light. On the lonely street, I was walking alone. I was going to my school for an honorable mission-to attend the ceremony of raising the national flag to celebrate the National Day.

When I got to the school, I found most of other people had already arrived. All of them were in high spirit, with bunches of flowers in their hands. A few minute later, we set out for the Exhibiton Museum where the ceremony was about to take place. After a while, we arrived. At that time, groups of people already gathered there. Clerks from Hua Feng Company were right there beside our team. Beside, there were crowds of folks along the road who came here voluntarily. Student teams took up 50 percent of all the parade procession. I thought I was lucky to be a member of it.

At about five past six, the mayor made an announcement that the ceremony of raising the national flag began. The national anthem was played, and the national flag rose higher and higher in the exciting and inspiring rhythm. Suddenly, I thought of the most exciting moment in the Olympic Games. The one who stood on the highest award-receiving platform was a Chinese, and the flag which was flying over in the highest position was our five-star red flag. In the female badminton competition, all the winners were Chinese. The five-star red flag reddened the whole gymnasium, and also reddened every Chinese’s faces. At that moment, honors, glories and pride were so infinite that nothing could compare.

The ceremony was over. The dawn was coming, and the national flag was dancing in the wind. It seemed as if it was telling us the stories of the past 51 years and showing its great expectations for the future.

2000年10月1日 星期二 小雨





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