Happy National Day作文250字

时间:2022-04-19 08:11:29

Happy National Day作文250字

  Today is October 8st,the holiday is coming to an end.I plan to write a diary every day so that I can earn some money and improve my English .

  now my roommates are all chat with their girlfriend,I am so poor that I don't have a girlfriend,but I will not feel sad about it,because everything have the reason.I know the reason of it.

  besides,I have used the openpose to analysis the pose of the people.it's really funny ,but my computer can not run it and I use my roommate's computer to run it ,the GPU is important to run it ,his computer 's GPU is RTX2060 but mine is GTX1650,that's why I can't run it but his computer can do it .

  let me think about what can I write more .my friends who studied with me in high school are chatting in the WeChat now and they are eager to see other's photo,that's really boring.

  it's time to sleep,good night.

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