Building a good relationship作文300字

时间:2022-04-19 05:23:02

Building a good relationship作文300字

  Good moring,everyone!It is my houor to be here to share with you my opinion on what to do in building a good relationship between and teenagers.

  What is well konwn all is that parents are to us what sun is to plants,which is most important in our life.

  Therefore,we should build a good relationship with parents.However,not all teenagers know that parents are important.Nowadays,many teenagers become very naughty and selfish.they do not listen parents' words.other reason is that a lot of children are addicated on Internet.They always want to play computer games,as a result,they have no time to study.What is more,to communicate with parents.parents are busy to their work result of on time company kids.

  There are some suggestions to help building a good relationship between parents and teenagers.teenagers should respect our parents,listening their words.Finding more interesting thing to communicate with parents.Parents also should spend time to company teenagers,giving their a more beautiful future.

  Thank you!

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