Hot summer.作文800字

时间:2022-04-12 10:58:57

Hot summer.作文800字

  Summer is here, the sun is burning and the earth is burning.The grass on the roadside is almost burning, and the air is filled with a hot breath, which makes me breathless.It's another hot summer.

  A hot summer sun hung high in the sky, it is a big fireball.At this time, the sun is hot and hot, and the earth is scorched by him. Every creature is like a steamer. It is very hot and uncomfortable.Behold, it seems that the road is smoking, and the information on the book is non-stop.The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. The footsteps of several pedestrians on the road are also in a hurry.

  The hot summer is a reflection of our teenagers.We are in adolescence and we are full of blood.We are the summer of life.

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