
时间:2022-10-30 02:25:23




1. Emily gets up in the morning for breakfast. Hic-hic-HICCUP! What's that sound? Hic-hic-HICCUP! Clifford is having hiccups. Up pop the plates and cups. Up pops the orange juice ——right onto Mr. Howard's head. “Maybe the vet can help Clifford.” says Mrs Howard.

Emily 早上起来去吃早饭。嗝……嗝喽!什么声音?嗝……嗝喽!Clifford 接连打嗝。盘子、杯子弹了起来,橘子汁溅了出来,正好洒在 Howard 先生的头上。“也许兽医能治好Clifford。” Howard 太太说。

2. Dr. Dihn checks Clifford's breathing. Hic-hic-HICCUP! “Clifford just has the hiccups,” Dr Dihn says. “Sooner or later, they will go away.”

Dihn 医生查了查Clifford 的呼吸。嗝……嗝喽!“Clifford 就是打嗝,没别的毛病,” Dihn 医生说。“打嗝迟早会停止的。”

3. Outside the doctor's office, Clifford sees his friend Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! “I know how to make your hiccups go away,” Mac says to Clifford. “Follow me.”

在医生办公室外面,Clifford 看到了他的朋友Mac。嗝……嗝喽!“我知道怎么让你不再打嗝,” Mac 对 Clifford 说。“跟我来。”

4. They come to a kid's pool. “Close your eyes, hold your ears, then turn upside down, and drink!” says Mac.

他们来到一个幼儿泳池前。“闭上眼睛,攥住耳朵,躺在地上,把水喝掉!”Mac 说。

5. Clifford begins to drink. “Boo!”Mac jumps out of the pool! And Clifford's hiccups stop!

Clifford 开始喝了。“嘭!”Mac从泳池里跳了出来,Clifford 的打嗝就停了!

6. “I did it!” says Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! “My hiccups didn't go away, but I feel good because you helped me so much.” says Clifford.

“我成功了!” Mac 说。嗝……嗝喽!“我的打嗝没停住,但是我感到高兴,因为你们如此努力地帮助了我,” Clifford 说。

7. Just then, Emily comes over and asks Clifford:“How are your hiccups?” Everyone listens. Then they listen some more. Clifford's hiccups are finally gone!

这时,Emily 走过来,问 Cliffod:“你的打嗝怎样了?”大家在听,接着再听。Clifford 终于不打嗝了!


hiccup 嗝

eg. Clifford is having hiccups.

Clifford 正在打嗝。


Question: Are Clifford's hiccups finally gone?

Joke Nest and Hair

My sister, a primary school teacher, was informed by one of her pupils that a bird had built its nest in the tree outside the classroom.

“What kind of bird?”my sister asked.

“I didn't see the bird, only the nest,” replied the child.

“Then, can you give us a description of the nest?” my sister encouraged her .

“Well, ma'am, it just resembles your hair. ”


我姐姐是一位小学老师。一次一个学生告诉她说一只鸟儿在教室外 的树上垒了个窝。






(1) inform v.告诉

(2) nest n.窝;巢

(3) description n.描述

上一篇:孩子做作业拖拉怎么办? 下一篇:总有一个好男人在等你