文坛逸事 第2期

时间:2022-10-30 12:36:38








Mystery of Yongle Encyclopedia

The Yongle Encyclopedia was the most complete and splendid encyclopedia in ancient China. Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty ordered to have the encyclopedia compiled. It took more than 3,000 scholars 4 years to put together 22,877 volumes into 11,095 books in about 370 million characters. However, only 800 volumes in about 400 books of the encyclopedia have been found around the world. And they are all copies. None of the originals has ever been seen.

Luan Guiming, an authoritative scholar of this encyclopedia, holds that the last time the original encyclopedia was seen was during the mourning and burial period of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. He believes that the missing of the originals of the encyclopedia is closely connected with the emperor’s burial. If the original was entombed with the emperor, there will be a day when it is unearthed. However, this is only an educated conjecture. The missing of the Yongle Encyclopedia will remain a mystery for a long while before the emperor’s mausoleum is unearthed.

Why is 福 Posted Upside Down?

It has long been a Chinese custom to post the character 福 (fortune) in bright red on doors, windows and walls on festive occasions such as the Spring Festival and wedding ceremonies. Some people in some places are in the habit of posting the character upside down, celebrating the best wish for the auspicious arrival of 福. They justify their practice with such an explanation: as 福 (upside down) and 福 (arrival) are homophones, double wishes can be achieved with the word posted upside down.

As a legend goes, the tradition started with the chamberlain at the Lord Gong’s residence in the years of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty. The chamberlain wrote a few large-sized 福 for the New Year and told his underlings to post them on the main gates of the residence and warehouses. However, an illiterate servant posted a 福 upside down. When hearing pedestrians say 福 at the residence was upside down, the lord’s wife was enraged and wanted to get the poor servant caned. The chamberlain knew he would be held responsible if the servant was punished for the error. The quick-minded chamberlain tried to explain the error away, saying that he had long since known that the lord was blessed with fortune and it was a good sign that fortune had actually arrived. With this explanation, people’s remarks about the 福 posted upside down could be regarded as best wishes uttered by these people. The lord’s wife was pleased to hear so many people say the arrival of fortune at the residence. So instead of punishing the servant, she gave a large award to the chamberlain and the servant.

(Translated by David)

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