On Translation of English Humor

时间:2022-10-30 10:19:06

Abstract:Humor translation has been a difficulty for translators.The issue of translatability and untranslatability has been the translator’s focus.Therefore the paper gives a brief introduction of the features of humor and then offers some translation approaches to cope with different types of humor.It is concluded that English humor is translatable,though its translation is not easy to deal with.

Key words:humor language,functional translation,translation method


Humor is something that all the nations have in common,but different nations have different sense of humor which is quite different from each other.Humor is often related closely with religious beliefs,ideology,social values,political system,and cultural customs,etc.Although humor is not equal to ridicule,if not appropriate,it will backfire.Therefore,as long as we understand the commonly used techniques in the English humor and enhance the knowledge about the British and American culture,we can strive to maintain the original effect in the humor translation.

II.The Commonly Used Techniques in English Humor

Humor reflects the cultural characteristics of the particular social groups in different historical periods.The commonly used techniques are as follows:


Anticlimax is one of the important techniques in English humor.It makes use of the content transferred from significance to insipidness and ridicule,thus producing the effect of humor.

2.Quick wit

It is the art of life of people to use quick wit to get out from difficult position,especially the British and Americans who are good at handling it.


Punning is the main carrier of humor,on the base of which many humorous languages are built.Therefore,punning always makes reader confusing and thought-provoking,then the effect of humor is created.Punning is often represented from speech,semantics and structure.

III.The Translation Strategies of English Humor Language

As for the translation strategies of English humor language,I think,those humor languages which describe scene can be translated by means of literal translation,while those humor languages which are difficult can be translated using the method of domestication translation,functional translation,etc.

1.Literal translation

The so called literal translation is one that translates literally.For example:

She :You remind me of the ocean.女:你使我想起大海。

He :wild ,romantic and restless.男:粗犷,浪漫和永不停息。

She :No ,you just make me sick.女:不,你只是使我作呕。

The language in example does not reflect the national characteristic,and it has strong common characters between nations,therefore,the literal translation can reflect the humor and this humor only exists in the context.

2.Domestication translation

Domestication is the most natural form of translation which changes the culture in source language to that in target language.I think,when a humorous language has a strong sense of the national language culture,it is not appropriate to use the dissimilation to translate.

Eg:A famed Chinese diplomat attended a gala reception in Washington in the early part of the day.A Senate lady,trying to start a polite conversation,asked,“Dr,Wang what ’nese’are you Chinese,Japanese,or What ’kee’are you Monkey,donkey,or Yankee”

In example2,this language phenomenon like “nese” and “kee” which appear in the form of both speech and content possess a strong national characteristic and it is difficult to translate it into Chinese.In the translation,the translator translate the “nese” into “人” and “kee” into “老”,obviously,he used the domestication.In this way,the translation reflects the original humor again.


As some humorous languages are abundant in national culture,and it is hard to find the same or corresponding language means to keep the original humor,so the translators have to add annotation to translation.

Eg: A dead leaf fell in soapy’s lap.That was JackFrost’s card.(The cop and the Anthem) .

译文:一片枯叶飘落到苏贝的膝头,那是杰克?弗罗斯特的名片。(《欧?享利短篇小说选》,王仲年译,人民文学出版社,P.31) 。

注释:Jack Frost ,是英文里对“寒霜”的拟人称呼。

Through annotation,the reader will understand the witty humor well.However,humor can only be understood but not being remarked,the annotation becomes the processed humor which presents less appealing.So I think that annotation is a way when we have no other choice to better translate the humor language.


To sum up,English humor language is difficult to translate,but there are still many translation methods for us to utilize.The translator shall first be able to identify and appreciate humor language,then use the appropriate translation strategies.We will be surprised to find that some humorous language which may seems to be not translatable but turned out to be translatable.(作者单位:北华大学)



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