
时间:2022-10-29 11:32:37


Just after relocating to a new town, my father was let go from his job as a welder(焊工). Dad diligently (坚持不懈地) searched for work, and Mom tried to scrape1 together meals for my brother, sister and me. Soon my parents had spent all their savings. When things got desperate, a nearby farmer offered us potatoes from his field. We ate potatoes three times a day: fried(油炸) for breakfast, baked(烘,烤) for lunch and mashed (把……捣成糊) for dinner. Several weeks passed and Dad was still unem- ployed. Mealtimes grew quiet and morose(阴郁的).

After breakfast one morning Dad pushed his chair away from the table and headed outside. I followed, and saw him rummaging (仔细查找) under the seats in the car. He found some coins, pocketed them and said, "Tell your mother I'm going to town. I'll be back before supper."

What is he doing? I wondered.When he returned he was clutching2 a small brown bag. He whispered to Mother,who shooed3 us out of the kitchen.

"We're going to have a special meal to celebrate,'' Dad announced.

"Celebrate what?" I asked. It didn't seem like we had much to be happy about. And surely Dad would have told us if he had found work.

"Life, Roy. We're celebrating life. Things may be tough for us right now, but I know that with God's help we will get through this. He has truly blessed us."

Then Mom brought out dinner.Mounds4 of pink, green, blue and orange were piled on our plates! What' s this? After devouring5 the first bite (一口食物), I knew: mashed potatoes. But because of all the colors, they were fun to eat. My brother, sister and I giggled(咯咯地笑) as we ate, and the cloud that had been hanging over (笼罩) us at mealtimes was lifted (解除,结束).

A couple of weeks later Dad found a job. We happily quit our potato diet. My father had bought food coloring with those coins. His purchase brightened our meals that night, and his philosophy(哲学) continues to color my life. Now, when my family experiences tough times,I make rainbow mashed potatoes as a reminder6 of how fortunate we are.


1.scrapevt.(艰难地)凑集,勉强过(日子) 4.moundn.(一)堆,(一)垛

2.clutchvt. .紧抓,紧握 5.devourvt. 狼吞虎咽地吃光

3.shoovt. 用“嘘声”赶走,吓走6.remindern. 提示,帮助记忆的记号









上一篇:人生最重要的就是生命本身 下一篇:9月19日 星期五 晴