Top 10 Thai Food舌尖上的泰国

时间:2022-10-29 12:31:22


Thai cuisine is a favorite of gourmet1) food aficionados2) around the world. It is well known for diversity of ingredients, complex spiciness and intricate flavors and aromas3). Many Thai dishes are even prepared with a blend of herbal4) ingredients that are purported to have health benefits.

An important principle of Thai food is a balance of five flavors—spicy, salty, sweet, sour and bitter. The one indispensable ingredient which is used in seasoning5) many Thai dishes is fish sauce. Fish sauce is considered an essential ingredient in Thai cooking in much the same way as soy sauce6) is important to Chinese cooking. Thai food is eaten either as a single dish or with rice. Steamed rice is the staple food although sticky rice7) is more popular in the north and northeast of Thailand where special rice varieties are produced for their sticky starch qualities.

There is such a broad range of favorite Thai food dishes available that many people will come to Thailand and wonder where to begin; and so, I have prepared this article to present a list of my top 10 favorite Thai dishes.

Gai Pad Met Mamuang (Stir-Fried Chicken with Cashew Nuts8))

Even though Gai Pad Met Mamuang does not represent an overview of Thai food, it is still a very nice treat to your taste buds. Since it is by no means spicy or hot, this slightly sweet and salty chicken fried with crunchy cashew nuts is aptly satiating9) for children or beginners who are not used to spices.

Por Pia Tord (Fried Spring Roll)

Fried spring roll is one of the most popular appetizers10) for foreigners because it is not spicy and comes with sweet and sour dip11). Spring rolls are crispy pastries with fried vegetable fillings. Though spring rolls are commonplace in many Southeast Asian countries, Thai Por Pia is different in flavor with a special dip prepared from Japanese apricots12).

Panaeng (Meat in Spicy Coconut13) Cream)

Panaeng can be cooked using either pork, chicken or beef. Panaeng tastes like Thai red curry14), but the coconut milk sauce is thicker and richer. Compared to Thai red curry, Panaeng is mildly spicy and sweet. Paneang is best served with warm steamed rice. There is nothing to dislike about Panaeng except the fact that it can be too meaty for some people that prefer vegetables with their dishes.

Som Tam (Spicy Papaya15) Salad)

Som Tam is one of the most popular foods among Thai people for its fiercely spicy and sour flavors. Som Tam, which literally means “Sour Pounded,” is a spicy salad made from a mix of fresh vegetables including shredded unripened papaya, yardlong beans and tomato. Som Tam is unique in that the spicy dressing16) and salad vegetables are pounded and mixed in the mortar17) using a pestle18). Som Tam is usually served with grilled chicken and sticky rice. Som Tam is good for your health for it contains no fat, is low in calorie and high in vitamins. Its strong spiciness might leave your tongue burned and swollen19). Just say “mai phed” (not spicy) to your waiter if you want less chili pepper.

Moo Sa-Te (Grilled Pork Sticks with Turmeric20))

These tantalizing21) sweet-flavored grilled pork sticks are refined with rich, juicy sauce made of turmeric and curry powder. Moo Sa-Te makes a savory hors d’oeuvres22) that will appease any taste buds. These juicy grilled pork sticks are usually served with two saucy dips—one is a mildly spicy thick sauce with ground peanuts, coconut milk and curry powder and another one is a sweet and sour vinegar sauce with chopped shallot, pepper and cucumber to mitigate its oiliness.

Tom Yam Gai (Spicy Chicken Soup)

Chicken soup is very good to eat when you have a cold but Tom Yam Gai or spicy chicken soup is a yummy23) treat that you will fall in love with at your first sip. Tom Yam Kai is a clear chicken soup seasoned with a blend of chili, lime and fish sauce. The broth24) is simmered with Thai herbs like lemon grass, shallot and galangal which give it a unique aroma.

Tom Kha Kai (Chicken in Coconut Milk Soup)

Although Tom Kha Kai is another variation of chicken soup, it deserves a place in the Top 10 list because of its unparalleled taste and popularity. Similar to Tom Yam Kai, the broth is prepared with many types of Thai herbs with the special addition of coconut milk that makes this soup unique. Though the soup is seasoned with chili, lime and fish sauce just like Tom Kha Kai, thanks to the coconut milk the broth is milder and less spicy. This is usually more preferred by non-spicy eaters.

Kang Keaw Wan Gai (Green Chicken Curry)

Chicken is one of the popular meats used in Thai cuisine; it is usually available in most curry and soup. Kang Keaw Wan, literally translated as “Sweet Green Curry,” is nicely sweet and slightly spicy and tastes very delightful with a proper blend of the spiciness from green curry chili paste, blandness from coconut milk, sweetness of sugar and saltiness of fish sauce. It is usually eaten with steamed rice or served as a sauce to rice noodle25).

Pad Thai (Fried Noodle)

This national dish prides itself on its long history traced back to previous centuries. Pad Thai flaunts26) the authenticity of Thai culinary arts in using only the best fresh ingredients and balancing the five fundamental flavors. The stir-fried noodle has become popular because it tastes yummy and is served with a variety of seasonings to suit your tastes. Pad Thai has two different styles: the classic and the variation. The classic Pad Thai is a stir-fried noodle with eggs, fish sauce, tamarind27) juice, red chili pepper plus bean sprouts, shrimp and tofu and garnished28) with crushed peanuts and coriander while another style is relatively dry and lightly-flavored. The latter is easily found among street vendors and dominant in Thai restaurants in the West.

Tom Yam Goong (Spicy Shrimp Soup)

No other dishes can defeat the renowned Tom Yam Goong as the optimal representative of Thai gourmet. Tom Yam Goong is truly one of a kind29) with its fierce spiciness and sourness and a blatant use of fragrant herbs including galangal, lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, shallot, tamarind and chili pepper. There are two styles of Tom Yam: the clear spicy soup and the thick spicy soup. The latter is cooked by adding coconut milk or milk to the broth in order to thicken the stock and give the dish a milder flavor. Tom Yam is very versatile and can be made with prawns, chicken, fish, a mix of seafood and mushroom. Tom Yam Goong is definitely a signature dish of Thailand.











青木瓜沙拉的味道极酸、极辣,因此成为泰国人最爱的一道菜。“Som Tam”的字面意思为“酸打”,是一种辣味沙拉,由各种新鲜蔬菜混合制成,这些蔬菜包括青木瓜丝、豇豆和西红柿。将辣味调料和做沙拉用的蔬菜放在研钵里用杵敲打、搅拌,就制成了风味独特的青木瓜沙拉。这道菜通常与烤鸡肉和糯米一起吃,由于其不含脂肪、卡路里低,而且维生素含量高,对人们的健康十分有益。青木瓜沙拉非常辣,吃完后你会觉得舌头火烧火燎,跟肿了一样。如果你不想要那么多辣椒,就和服务生说声“Mai phed”,就是“不辣”的意思。








鸡肉是泰国菜中常用的肉类,在大多数的咖喱菜肴和汤中都会有。“Kang Keaw Wan”的字面意思是“甜绿咖喱”,甘甜怡人,味道微辣,恰到好处地融合了青咖喱辣椒酱的辛辣、椰奶的清淡、糖的甜和鱼露的咸,十分可口。这道菜通常配上蒸米饭吃,或者作为米线的酱料。





1. gourmet [g???me?] adj. 珍馐的;美味佳肴的

2. aficionado [??f??i??nɑ?d??] n. 酷爱……者,……迷

3. aroma [??r??m?] n. 芳香,香味

4. herbal [?h??x(r)b(?)l] adj. 药草的

5. season [?si?z(?)n] vt. 调味

6. soy sauce:酱油

7. sticky rice:糯米

8. cashew nut:腰果

9. satiate [?se??ie?t] vt. 使饱足

10. appetizer [??p??ta?z?] n. 开胃品

11. dip [dip] n. 蘸酱,调味酱,果酱

12. Japanese apricot:梅子

13. coconut [?k?uk?n?t] n. 椰子,椰肉

14. Thai red curry:泰式红咖喱,一种以汤菜形式出现的佳肴,以鸡肉、牛肉或羊肉中的任意一种配以各色青菜制成。

15. papaya [p??pai?] n. 番木瓜,木瓜

16. dressing [?dresi?] n. (用油、醋、香料等制成的,拌色拉用的)调料

17. mortar [?m??(r)t?(r)] n. 研钵

18. pestle [?pes?l] n. (捣碎或碾磨用的)杵

19. swollen [?sw??l?n] adj. 肿起的

20. turmeric [?t??(r)m?r?k] n. 姜黄,姜黄根粉

21. tantalizing [?t?nt?la?z??] adj. 逗人的;撩人的

22. hors d’oeuvres:开胃小菜

23. yummy [?j?mi] adj. 美味的

24. broth [br?θ] n. 肉汤

25. rice noodle:米线

26. flaunt [fl??nt] vt. 夸耀,炫耀

27. tamarind [?t?m??r?nd] n. 罗望子,一种常绿乔木

28. garnish [?ɡɑ?(r)n??] vt. 给……加配菜

29. one of a kind:独一无二

Tom Yam Gai Recipe (冬阴功汤做法)

Ingredients (原料)

① 8 oz chicken breast, cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces (with or without bone) ② 4~5 kaffir lime leaves ③ 2~3 pieces galangal, slices ④ 1 1/2 cup straw mushroom, halved ⑤ 4 Tablespoons Thai fish sauce ⑥ 3 cups water ⑦ 1 stalk lemon grass, cut into two-inch long pieces ⑧ 2 Tablespoons lime juice ⑨ 1 Tablespoon Thai chili pepper, chopped

Directions (步骤)

Bring water to boil in a medium-sized pot over high heat. Add kaffir lime leaves, galangal and lemon grass. Cook for 2 minutes.

Add straw mushrooms. Cook for a few minutes more. Add chicken. Do not stir. Cook for 5 minutes or less until the chicken is cooked through—do not overcook.

Remove from heat. Season to taste with fish sauce, lime juice and chili peppers. Serve immediately with steamed jasmine rice.

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