What’s With Indian Men?

时间:2022-10-28 03:02:23

Delhi dudes—mostly loud and aggressive or also large-hearted? Bengali men—all fascinatingly creative, intellectual and a bit of mama’s boys too? Are Goan men totally laidback or have they cracked it early in life? Model Indrani Dasgupta and actress Sugandha Garg attempt to decipher Indian men while undertaking a journey across the length and breadth of India—only with FOX History & Traveller’s new edgy show What’s With Indian Men?

Here’s what Indrani and Sugandha have to say about the cities they visited and the men they encountered…

Destination Delhi: The city has been torn down and rebuilt several times, and has been the capital of seven empires. And since only the hardy survive, you need a level of hardiness to enjoy Delhi. Some find its men possessive and protective, others a tad overbearing and chauvinistic. Either way, Delhi men have a reputation. Perhaps they get their aggressiveness from Butter Chicken.

Onward to Amritsar: Makki di Roti and Sarson ka Saag aren’t the only things to go to Amritsar for. It has centuries-old history and shopping that will add colour and bling to your wardrobe. And one reason to look colourful is that when you’re riding an open jeep—checking others out and being checked out in the famous drive around ‘gedi’—a little bit of sparkle helps.

Facial hair is a power symbol for the men here. And may we ask why is that moustache being twirled so often?

Jaipur Beckons: If they aren’t wearing jewellery, they’re making it—that’s Jaipur men for you. This city is Kundan Central. If you have worn so many carats in diamonds ever, you’re probably Queen Elizabeth! The horses, the dance, the music, the forts and the fabled valour and charisma of the Rajput men are enough to make you return for more.

Everywhere you look you’ll see pearl necklaces, diamonds earrings, gold and silver ornaments. The jewellery dazzles your eyes so much that you forget, even if for a moment, that you are actually looking at a man.

Over to Goa: We reached the beach destination of Goa to figure out what’s with ‘susegad’ (Goan for‘take it easy’)… so are Goan men laidback? The adventure and pace here is anything but that. From soaring high above the waves to making waves with a local band as they take centrestage, the Goan men sure know how to make the right moves.

Catch Sugandha and Indrani as they explore other exciting cities and find out more about their men.

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