新目标英语八年级(下)疑难解析(Units 1-2)

时间:2022-10-26 10:37:58

新目标英语八年级(下)疑难解析(Units 1-2)

Unit 1

1. People will live to be 200 years old. 人们将能活到200岁。

live to be意为“活到……”。例如:

Some people can live to be 100 years old,but few people can live to be 130 years old. 有人能活到100岁,但很少有人能活到130岁。

[知识拓展] live还可表示“居住,过生活,过着”,其后可接地点状语或同源宾语。例如:

She lives about ten miles from my house. 她的住处离我家约十英里远。

We eat to live but not live to eat. 我们吃饭是为了活着,而活着不是为了吃饭。

I am living a happy life. 我过着幸福的生活。

2. What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为五年后萨莉会干什么?

句中的do you think是插入语,意为“你认为”,用来对某句话作一些附加的解释或说明,其后的句子中是主语在前,谓语在后,为自然语序。常见的这种插入语有I think/hope/believe,do you know/think等。插入语在句子中的位置较为灵活。例如:

Everything goes well,I hope. 我希望一切顺利。

注意:像do you think这样的插入语前后通常没有逗号,其前面的疑问词通常是其后句子中的主语、宾语或状语。例如:

Why do you think it is the most interesting story of all? 你为什么认为这个故事是最有趣的?

Who do you think told me so? (= Do you think who told me so?) 你知道是谁告诉我这件事的吗?

3. I’ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我将会居住在上海,因为我去年去了上海并且爱上了这个城市。

fall in love with意为“与……恋爱,爱上”,通常指突然间爱上某人或某物。例如:

As soon as I got to the school,I fell in love with it. 我一到这所学校,就爱上它了。

After working together for many years,they fell in love with each other. 他们在一起工作多年,最后相爱了。

[知识拓展] fall可用作连系动词,意为“变得”,后面常接asleep,ill等形容词作表语。例如:

She fell ill as soon as she got to London. 她一到伦敦就生病了。

He was just falling asleep when there was a knock at the door. 他刚要入睡,就有人敲门。

4. At the weekends,I’ll be able to dress more casually. 在周末我穿着更随意一些。

“be able to + 动词原形”意为“能够/会做某事”。 be able to与can通用,但前者可用于各种时态,而can只有一般现在时和一般过去时形式。例如:

No one was able to answer the question. (= No one could answer the question.) 没有人能回答这个问题。

I can swim. (= I am able to swim.) 我会游泳。

I think the boy will be able to walk soon. 我认为这个男孩很快就会走路了。

5. The head of one of the biggest movie companies in the United States predicated that no one would want to see actors talk. 美国最大的一家电影公司的老板预言没有人愿意看到演员们说话。

(1) “one of + the + 形容词最高级 + 复数名词”意为“最……之一”。用其作主语时,谓语动词为第三人称单数形式。例如:

Tom is one of the youngest students in our school. 在我们学校里,汤姆是年纪最小的学生之一。

One of the most popular foods here is hamburger. 这儿最受欢迎的食品之一就是汉堡包。

(2) seedo sth意为“看见某人做了某事”。例如:

I saw her pass across the road. 我看见她穿过了马路。

[知识拓展] seedoing sth意为“看见某人正在做某事”。例如:

I saw her passing across the road. 我看见她正在穿过马路。

6. He thought that computers would never be used by most people. 他认为电脑将不会被大多数人使用。

本句中的that computers would never be used by most people作thought的宾语。其中的“be + used”是被动语态。介词by表示“被,由”的意思。又如:

I think that she is right. 我认为她是对的。(宾语从句)

This kite was made by Tom. 这只风筝是汤姆做的。(被动语态)

7. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. 科学家们正努力使机器人看上去像人并且和我们一样做事情。

(1) try to do sth表示“尽力去做某事”。例如:

He always tries to finish his homework before supper. 他总是尽力在晚饭前做完作业。

I’m trying to draw a horse. 我正在尽力画一匹马。

try doing sth意为“(用某种办法)试着做某事”。例如:

Why not try doing it in some other way? 你为什么不用别的方法试一试做这件事呢?

You’d better try doing the experiment in another way. 你最好用别的方法试着做这个实验。

(2) “make sb/sth do sth”意为“使某人或某物做某事”。其中的make是个使役动词,do sth是省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语用。例如:

The teacher made Ann get her book back. 老师让安马上把她的书拿回来。

The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him. 那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑。

[知识拓展] “make + sb/sth + adj”意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。例如:

The bad news makes her sad. 那个坏消息使得她伤心不已。

A boy broke the window. It made the headmaster angry. 一个孩子打碎了玻璃。这使得校长很生气。

(3) “the same + 名词 + as”意为“……和……一样”。 the same size as ... 表示“与……的大小一样”,the same colour as ... 意为“与……的颜色一样”,the same age as ... 意为“与……年龄一样大”。例如:

This coat is the same length as that one. 这件上衣与那件上衣一样长。

Her hair’s the same colour as her mother’s. 她的头发颜色跟她母亲的一样。

[知识拓展] the same as ... 与be different from ... 意义相对。例如:

Your pen is the same as mine. 你的钢笔和我的一样。

This book of his has the same cover as yours. 他这本书的封皮和你那本书的封皮一样。

My uniform is different from his. 我的校服和他的不一样。

8. He thinks it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 他认为对机器人来说,很难和人做一样的事。

此句中的it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person是个宾语从句。宾语从句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do the same things as a person。 在“It’s + 形容词 + to do sth”结构中常用of或for引出动词不定式的逻辑主语。究竟用of还是用for,要取决于前面的形容词。若形容词是描述人或事物的性格、品质,要用of。 这类形容词有kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等。 例如:

It’s very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我,真好。

It’s clever of you to work out the maths problem. 你真聪明,解出了这道数学题。

若形容词仅仅是对事物的评价,则用for。 这类形容词有difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im) possible等。例如:

It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 孩子们要穿过车水马龙的街道是很危险的。

It’s difficult for us to finish the work in a week. 我们要在一周之内做完这项工作是很困难的。

9. Some will look like humans,and others might look like snakes. 一些将看上去像人,而其他一部分可能看上去像蛇。

some ... others 意为“一些……,另一些(剩下的一部分)……”,所罗列的人或事物不是剩下的全体,即有列举未尽的内涵。例如:

There are a lot of people in the park. Some are walking,some are looking at the flowers,and others are boating. 公园里有许多人。有些人在散步,有些人在赏花,另一些人在划船。

[知识拓展] (1) one ... the other意为“一个……(两者中)另一个……”,隐含这里只有两个人或物。例如:

I have two pens. One is red,and the other is blue. 我有两支钢笔。一支是红色的,另一支是蓝色的。

(2) some ... the others意为“一些……,另一些(剩下的全部)……”,所罗列的是全部的人或物。例如:

We are having a PE class. Some are playing football,and the others are running. 我们正在上体育课。一些学生在踢足球,其余的在跑步。

10. My parents want me to stay at home every night. 我父母要我天天晚上都呆在家里不出去。

wantto do sth意为“想要某人做某事”,want后面跟的是由“宾语 + 宾语补足语”构成的复合宾语,与此相类似的结构还有tell/askto do sth,意为“告诉/请求某人做某事”。例如:

I want you to help me with my English. 我想要你帮助我学英语。

The teacher told us not to talk in class. 老师告诉我们不要在课堂上讲话。

I asked her to clean the room just now. 刚才我要她打扫一下房间。

11. I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. 我非常心烦,不知道怎么办。

what to do是“连接代词 + 动词不定式”结构,作don’t know的宾语。后面可以用此种结构作宾语的动词有know,decide,find out,tell,forget,remember,see,understand等。这种结构在意义和语法上都相当于一个宾语从句。例如:

She didn’t know which blouse to buy. (= She didn’t know which blouse she should buy.) 她不知道买哪件衬衫。

I’m thinking about what to say. (= I’m thinking about what I should say.) 我在考虑该说什么。


What to begin with hasn’t been decided. 一开始做什么还没有决定。(作主语)

Our problem is where to get the novel. 我们的问题是从哪儿弄到这本小说。(作表语)

[注意] 此处的what,which是连接代词,常作动词不定式的宾语。若动词不定式是不及物动词,就要在动词后面加介词。 how,when,where是连接副词,常在意义上作动词不定式的状语。试比较:

I can’t decide what to do next. 下一步该做什么,我决定不了。

He doesn’t know what to talk about first. 他不知道首先该讨论什么。

I don’t know how to do it. 我不知道该如何做这件事。

12. Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。


It must be somebody else’s bag. 这一定是其他什么人的包。

Would you like anything else to drink? 你还想喝点什么吗?

What else do you want to say? 你还想说点别的什么吗?

Where else do you want to go? 你还想去别的什么地方吗?

13. Their school days are busy enough. 他们的学习太忙了。

(1) 此句中的enough是副词,修饰形容词busy,表示程度。 enough修饰形容词或副词时,一般放在被修饰的词之后。例如:

The girl is old enough to go to school. 这个女孩到了上学的年龄。

(2) enough作形容词时,意为“充分的、足够的”,可放在被修饰的名词之前,也可放在被修饰的词之后。例如:

I have enough time/time enough to do my homework today. 今天我有足够的时间做家庭作业。

(3) enough用作名词时,意为“足够、充分”。例如:

The boy didn’t have enough to eat,so he was a little hungry. 这个男孩有点饿,他没有足够的东西吃。

14. The tired children don’t get home until 7 pm. 这些疲惫的孩子直到下午七点才能到家。

本句中的until是介词,until 7 pm作时间状语。

注意:until还可以用作连词,引导时间状语从句。与until从句连用的谓语动词通常是非延续动词的否定形式或延续性动词的肯定形式。若谓语动词为非延续性动词的否定形式,即“not ... until”,意为“直到……才……”。例如:

We didn’t leave here until they came back. 直到他们回来我们才离开这里。


Let’s wait until the rain stops. 让我们等到雨停。

15. They take their children from activity to activity,and try to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives. 他们带孩子参加各种活动,设法尽可能地融入到孩子们的生活中去。

(1) fit into意为“适应,适合”。例如:

I’m afraid I will not fit into the future society. 我怕我会与未来的社会格格不入。

The house fits into the scenery so well that you can hardly see it. 这个房子与这儿的风景浑然一体,你几乎看不出房子来。

(2) as much as possible意为“尽可能多地”。例如:

Please speak to her in English as much as possible every day. 请每天尽可能多地用英语同她讲话。

[知识拓展] as quickly as possible意为“尽早(快)地”,多指速度快;as soon as possible意为“尽早地”,多指时间短。例如:

Read this story as quickly as possible. 尽快地读一读这个故事吧。

I would like to see him as soon as possible. 我想尽快地见到他。

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