In Defense of Small Talk 为闲谈辩护

时间:2022-10-25 12:16:37

Can you believe this weather? First a major snowstorm, now unseasonable warmth. The election is really a doozy1). And don’t get me started on the Oscars!

Small talk gets a bum rap2) as an enterprise for the shallow, the callow3), and the dull. “Life is more meaningful than the weather,” the modern high priests of depth tell us. Small talk is for “those who are too simple minded or lack the attention span to engage in more weighty conversations.” Chatting about sports or TV is boring, we are told; to ask basic questions about family or current events risks offending with our nosiness4) or our assumptions.

A few weeks ago, a Boston actuary5) named Tim Boomer wrote an installment6) for the New York Times’ “Modern Love” column that perfectly captured the current antiCsmall talk attitude. After a bad breakup, Boomer overhears a couple on a first date chatting about bus routes and the rain. “I wanted no part of this game,” Boomer writes:

Why can’t we replace small talk with big talk and ask each other profound questions right from the start? Replace mindless chatter about commuting times with a conversation about our weightiest beliefs and most potent fears? Questions that reveal who we are and where we want to go?

Well, hold your horses7) there, Tim! There’s something awfully presumptuous8) about pressing people to share their “weightiest beliefs and most potent fears” while you’re still on the appetizer course. Call me old-fashioned, but I wouldn’t want to talk about my most intense past love experience on a first date. I’ll share my deepests and darkests when I’m good and ready.

Small talk saves us from such forced intimacies. Small talk is not wasted talk. It’s a social lubricant9) as essential as wine and laughter that allows strangers to make crucial first connections across demographic10) lines. And it’s far from meaningless. People are rebelling against it today in a misguided dismissal of social graces that seem old-fashioned, boring, or wasteful. In fact, we’ve never needed such graces more.

Dismissiveness toward light conversation is nothing new. The New Testament book of 2 Timothy urges readers to avoid “irreverent babble” because it leads to ungodliness; various translations condemn “foolish talk,” “vain babblings,” “pointless discussions,” and “empty speech.”

Post-industrialization, people became less concerned about the moral dimensions of chit-chat. Instead, they began to fear it was conformist and shallow, a poor reflection of one’s personal depth. Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski, who formulated the first academic theory of small talk, belittled what he termed “phatic11)communion”―conversation whose purpose is social, not informational―as “purposeless expressions of preference or aversions, accounts of irrelevant happenings, comments on what is perfectly obvious.”

The latest anxieties over small talk are even smaller in scope. First, there’s whether it’s bad for our health. A small psychology study a few years ago found that people who spent more time in “substantive” conversations were happier than those who wasted their time on lighter fare. But there’s other evidence that small talk is salubrious12), since social interaction seems to decrease stress. As one recent paper’s subtitle has it, “Minimal social interactions lead to belonging and positive effects.”

Unfortunately, as Boomer’s “Modern Love” essay illustrates, we are living in a low moment for the art of minimal social interactions. “The criteria by which one chooses what to say shift from ‘what’s true; what’s most interesting’ to ‘what lubricates the exchange; what sets people at ease,’ ” a Vox writer lamented last year. “It’s like trying to speak a foreign language.” Small talk feels phony13) to some, in part thanks to its embrace by salesperson types―“My motto is ‘every conversation is an opportunity for success,’ ” a networking expert chirped14) to Fast Company. To others, in an era of ruthless efficiency, pleasantries15) of the past can come to seem like dead weight. With calendars programmed to five-minute increments, and podcasts filling every interstitial16) moment of silence with wit, shouldn’t conversation be economical and nutritious? Small talk looks like a fussy hors d’oeuvre17) in the age of Soylent18).

Then there’s the whole genre of exquisitely sensitive listicles, seemingly designed to scare people off from even attempting small talk. With headlines like “87 Things Never to Say to Your Babysitter,” they make it clear that even the lightest and most well-meaning blather19) will be read as problematic by someone. When speaking with a pregnant woman, for example: Don’t remark on the baby’s sex, don’t joke, “You’ll never sleep again,” don’t exclaim “Wow” or ask “When are you due?” and so on. It’s hard to escape the conclusion that it would be easier just not to talk with pregnant women at all. Be careful, too, when speaking to mothers (don’t ask if they’re going to have more kids), to cancer patients (don’t tell them they’re strong), and to atheists20) (don’t ask them about the origins of the universe). There’s plenty of common sense here―seriously, don’t tell a sick person about a random treatment you read about online!―but the cumulative effect is the conclusion that even the most innocuous chit-chat is a minefield.

Of course small talk has always been a tool to avoid the minefield of unintended boorishness21). Even those who found small talk uninspiring once recognized its utility, like the British statesman Lord Chesterfield, who’s responsible for the first-known use of the phrase. “There is a sort of chit-chat, or small talk, which is the general run of conversation at courts, and in most mixed companies,” Lord Chesterfield wrote to his son in 1751. “It is a sort of middling conversation, neither silly nor edifying22); but, however, very necessary for you to be master of.”













当然,闲聊也一直是躲避无意冒失这一雷区的一种方法。即便是那些认为闲聊没意思的人也一度承认闲聊的作用,比如英国政治家查斯特菲尔德勋爵――他还是已知的第一个使用“small talk”(闲聊)一词的人。他曾在1751年给儿子的信中写道:“有一种拉家常,或者说闲聊,在宫廷里很常见,当形形的人员聚集在一起时通常也会这么交谈。这是一种普普通通的聊天,既不愚蠢,也无法给人启迪,但是,你非常有必要掌握这种聊天方式的技巧。”






1. doozy [?du?zi] n. 〈美口〉极好的东西;好玩(或异乎寻常)的东西

2. bum rap:〈美口〉错误的指控;不公正的训斥

3. callow [?k?l??] adj. 稚嫩无经验的

4. nosiness [?n??zin?s] n. 爱打听,好管闲事

5. actuary [??kt?u?ri] n. (保险)精算师;保险(业务)计算员

6. installment [?n?st??lm?nt] n. (分期连载的)部分;(连载刊物的)一期

7. hold your horses:停一停;停止胡搅蛮缠

8. presumptuous [pr??z?mpt?u?s] adj. 冒昧的;放肆的

9. lubricant [?lu?br?k?nt] n. 剂,油

10. demographic [?dem??r?f?k] adj. 人口的;人口统计的;人口学的

11. phatic [?f?t?k] adj. 交际性的,应酬的

12. salubrious [s??lu?bri?s] adj. 有益健康的

13. phony [?f??ni] adj. 华而不实的;虚伪的

14. chirp [t???(r)p] vi. 嘁嘁喳喳地谈话

15. pleasantry [?plez(?)ntri] n. 寒暄;客套

16. interstitial [??nt?(r)?st??(?)l] adj. 空隙的,间隙的

17. hors d’oeuvre [??(r)?d??(r)v] n. 开胃菜

18. Soylent:一个代餐粉品牌,于2013年开始推出,代餐粉只需冲调便能吃,用于代替吃饭。

19. blather [?bl???(r)] n. 蠢话,废话

20. atheist:请参见35页注释2。

21. boorishness [?b??r??n?s] n. 粗野,粗鲁;笨拙

22. edifying [?ed??fa???] adj. 教导的,启迪的,起教化作用的

23. snobby [?sn?bi] adj. 势利的;谄上欺下的

24. pedigree [?ped?ri?] n. 出身背景

25. badger [?b?d??(r)] vt. 纠缠;困扰;逗弄

26. dredge [dred?] vt. 发掘,收集

27. wintry mix:雨雪交加

28. repertoire [?rep?(r)?tw?(r)] n. 全部本领

29. serendipitously

[?ser?n?d?p?t?sli] adv. 偶然发现地;侥幸得到地

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