China’s Economy Is Turning Better

时间:2022-10-24 08:14:21

When the Chinese economic growth began to slow down this year, foreigners had to worry about the possible hard landing of the Chinese economy. They speak more often about the“risks from China”, instead of the “opportunities in China”.

Are the “opportunities” really replaced by“risks”? Is China’s economy meeting a turning point? Will China bring more risks to the world’s economy?

Actually, the slowed economic growth of China is reasonable and even necessary. The 7%-8% growth rate is only slower than the 9%-10% growth rate China used to have. It is still much higher than the world’s average level.

From this, we can see that the opportunities in China are much larger than the risks from China. People need to have a rational and calm mind to review the development trend of the Chinese economy.

IMF’s latest report says that the potential risk of China’s economy might stand in the way of the rebound of Chinese economy.

The potential risks listed include the disruption of real estate market, the crisis of local governmental debts and shadow bank. The report says these risks, once coming true, will lead to the insufficient domestic demand, depressed foreign demand and disruptive financial system.

President Xi Jinping of China says that China indeed faces the difficulties caused by the local governmental debt and the excessive output of some industries, but these problems are controllable and China has the ability to deal with them perfectly.

President Xi says that China will continue to promote the economic structural adjustment, as well as the upgrade and transformation of the economy. China would rather sacrifice some of the GDP growth with the sustainable and healthy development pattern.

China has the conditions and qualifications to maintain the continuous development of its economy and create a bigger market with more opportunities for foreign investors.

The new Chinese leaders have declared and shown their commitment to upgrading and changing Chinese economic growth pattern. The world should see to the challenges and risks China faces during the process. It is not necessary to speak ill of China for just a few scratches in China’s economic development history.

The financial risk of China is actually much lower than the international warning line. In addition, China has got great experiences about reform from the 30 years’ reform and opening up.

Take the banking industry of China for example. Chinese banks are in a higher place in the rankings of assets volume, quality, fluidity and so on. All Chinese banks are state-owned companies, which means that the Chinese government and central bank have a great influence and regulatory power in the financial system of China.

The insufficient domestic demand is the biggest problem for the current economic situation. But the insufficient domestic demand reversely means more development potential. Xiang Songzuo at Renmin University of China says that the improvement of Chinese economic structure is the key to releasing the potential of domestic demand in China. The expanding economy in West China, the upgrade of manufacturing and the further opening of the financial industry are all parts of this.

“The Chinese economy is stably progressing to a better and more efficient pattern. The opportunities are still bigger than risks in China,” Xiang Songzuo says.

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