
时间:2022-10-24 01:52:11


Vernon: Okay guys, is everyone settled? Good. ①Wendy, why don’t you get the ball rolling?

Wendy: Thanks, Vern. As you all know, Delcom has decided to throw a lot of 1)green into internet marketing. We’re here today to 2)brainstorm ways to increase internet traffic to their various sites and hopefully expand their target base. So everyone put their thinking caps on and let’s get to it. Ideas?

Fran: Why don’t we take a look at SEO?

Vernon: SEO?

Wendy: Search engine optimization.

Fran: Right.






Vernon: I’m not quite with you.

Wendy: Go ahead, Fran. ②Give him the basics.

Fran: Basically the concept revolves around figuring out how search engines work, what people search for, which search engines are the most popular, and what terms or keywords are used most often. Then we put two and two together and try to optimize a company’s website to meet those criteria.

Vernon: I’m still not clear on how this benefits anyone.

Fran: Ah, sorry. The point is this: the higher and more frequently a website shows up in the search results, the more traffic that site will get from search engine users.

Vernon: This sounds like it has a lot of promise.

Wendy: ③The only problem is that it hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell in the American market.

Vernon: What? Why?

Fran: Wendy’s got a point. What with Google having something 3)akin to a 4)monopoly over there, ④this kind of marketing is just walking the green mile.

Vernon: How so?

Wendy: Google personalises search results now.

Vernon: Ah. And there’s no point discussing how a site is ranked if the ranking is potentially different for every user. Wendy: Bingo.

Vernon: ⑤So SEO is essentially pushing up the daisies? Fran: In the US market, yes. But Google hasn’t cornered the market in China yet, and I believe we could still utilize SEO to our advantage.

Vernon: Wendy, you’re the expert here. Do you want to add your two cents?

Wendy: I think Fran may have something. ⑥But let’s take this nice and easy so that this doesn’t turn into a poisoned 5)chalice.

Fran: I’ll get a team to look into whether it’s even a 6)viable option.

Wendy: Perfect. Alright, next on the agenda…




















Smart Sentences

① Wendy, why don’t you get the ball rolling?温迪,何不从你开始呢?

get / set the ball rolling: get a process started, begin sth.(开始某项活动)。例如:

We’ve been trying to get the ball rolling on the construction of a new playground.


② Give him the basics. 给他“科普”一下。

give sb. the basics: give sb. the basic training(让某人学点初级知识)。例如:

As part of the training, Leslie will give you the basics on how papers are made.


③ The only problem is that it hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell in the American market. 唯一的问题是这在美国市场根本不可能发生。

not get a snowball’s chance in hell: sth. impossible, sth. that will never happen, always used negatively(不可能的事,常以否定形式出现)。例如:

With those sales figures, she hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a bonus.


④ This kind of marketing is just walking the green mile. 这种营销手法只会是死路一条。

walk the green mile: head towards the inevitable(走向灭亡)。例如:

Few people would agree that radio is walking the green mile.


⑤ So SEO is essentially pushing up the daisies? 那么SEO根本就是行不通的?

push up (the) daisies: dead and buried(葬在地下)。例如:

I believe that letter writing is pushing up the daisies, as people are using telephone, email, social media, etc.


⑥ But let’s take this nice and easy so that this doesn’t turn into a poisoned chalice. 但是让我们慢慢来,这样它才不会变成圣杯里盛着的毒酒。

poisoned chalice: an apparently very attractive opportunity, but one that will lead to failure(金杯毒酒,看似诱人实为有害的事物)。例如:

The new blog turned out to be a poisoned chalice—the more you explain, the more people believe you are guilty.新的博客结果成了害人的东西——你越解释,人们就越觉得你做错了。

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