
时间:2022-10-24 04:14:46

Mark Twain(1835-1910) was an American writer, journalist and humorist. He was the founder of American critical realism literature, and the world famous master of short stories.马克・吐温(1835-1910)是美国作家、记者和幽默家。他是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,也是世界著名短篇小说大师。

He was born into a rural poor lawyer’s family by Mississippi River. When he was young, he has been a typesetter, sailor, soldier in the South Army. And he ran a timber industry, mining industry and publishing industry. What he regarded as the most interesting job is to be a journalist and write humors.他出生于密西西比河畔乡村的一个贫困的律师家庭。小时候,他当过排字工人、水手、南军士兵,还经营过木材业、矿业和出版业。他认为最有趣的工作是当记者和写幽默。


Mark Twain and His Ticket


One day, Mark Twain went to another city by train to visit a friend. He was a busy man andoften forgot something.一天,马克・吐温坐火车去另一个城市探望一个朋友。他是一个很忙的人,经常忘记一些事情。

When he got on the train,the conductor wanted to have a look at his ticket. Mark Twain looked around,but couldn’t find it.他上了火车后,列车员想要看看他的车票。马克・吐温到处找票,但是没有找到。

The conductor said:“If you can’t find it, it doesn’t matter.”列车员说:“如果你找不到也没什么关系。”

“Oh, no!” Mark Twain said,“If I can’t find it, how can I know where I am going?”“哦,不行!”马克・吐温说,“如果我找不到它,我怎么知道我要去哪里呀?”

Mark Twain and Mosquitoes


Once, Mark Twain wanted to go to a town. Before going there, someone advised him not to go. “There are many mosquitoes.” “It doesn’t matter, we are not relatives.” 一次,马克・吐温想要去一个小镇。临走前,有人劝他别去。“那里蚊子特别多。”“没关系,我和蚊子不是亲戚。”

Unfortunately, he met a mosquitowhen he checked in at a hotel in the town. 不幸的是,他来到那个小镇登记房间时,遇到了一只蚊子。

Mark Twain made a humorous remark that the attendant burst into laughter. “The mosquito is so smart. It watches me check in so that it can call on me in the evening.” 马克・吐温幽默地说了一句话,逗得旅馆员工哈哈大笑:“这蚊子真够聪明,竟会看我登记房间,以便晚上拜访我。”

That evening Mark Twain slept soundly. Because the staff drove off all the mosquitoes together.那一夜,马克・吐温睡得很香,因为旅馆员工把蚊子都赶跑了。

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