The Aesthetic Factors Affecting in Literary Translation

时间:2022-10-24 02:56:10

Abstract. The integration of translation and aesthetics has a long history. China has three thousand years history of translation. China’s translation history came from Buddhist translation in the Eastern Han Dynasty till the Tang and Song Dynasties. The translation of Buddhist scriptures is divided into "Refined" and "Plain" factions. These two parties express a desire to explore the beauty of Chinese traditional translation. In literary translation, because there are differences in language, culture and social background, resulting in the lack of translation. In order to better express the author's thoughts and feelings, translation is often combined with aesthetics to compensate for the lack of translation. This paper analyzes the impact of aesthetic factors in poetry and prose translation, and aesthetic factors that influence literary translation criteria and principles.

Keywords: Literary Translation; Aesthetics; Appreciation of the Beauty

1. Introduction

The literary work is through various forms of literature, using language as a tool, to express the social life and emotion, attitude of art product. It reflects its aesthetic value in appreciation at the same time, so the literary creation cannot do without the aesthetic. Literary translation is in appreciation of literary works and aesthetic representation of literary works, realization, involving the translation of art, also known as the Chinese translation aesthetics. Aesthetics is the study of translation aesthetics in literary translation, which is an independent discipline.

In literary translation, because the genre of literary works is not the same, resulting in translation method, emphasis and the aesthetic factors are different. This paper discusses about the poetry and prose.

2. Factors of aesthetics in poetry translation

Poetry is the earliest translation genre of Chinese literary translation. Poems emphasize the beauty, harmony and rhythm, and subtle of language. It will be a combination of art and aesthetics. In poetry translation, we should translate the surface meaning of words, but also meet the poetry, embody the inherent meaning of poetry, and the injection of emotional characteristics, so the poetry is the most difficult translation genre in the history of translation. The analysis is from the following several aspects:

2.1 The form of poetry translating

The beauty of visual image is in the first place of the aesthetic poetry. The form of poetry is unique, which adopts arranged branches written form, reflecting the unique beauty of form. Chinese poems include ancient poetry, modern style poetry, Miscellaneous Poems, and free verse. Different forms result in different artistic effects. The poetry in literature has a vivid form, especially shows the beauty of form. Integration of form and content can make the work get distillation. In poetry translation, not only the content to be expressed accurately, but also to retain the original verse form, to the original beauty show, especially in the translation of English poetry, to make full use of Chinese vocabulary is rich, and has polysemy, synonyms, homonyms and other characteristics, as far as possible to play the language features we will the form of a perfect reproduction. As in Alfred Tennyson's poem:

The original poem: Crossing the bar

Sunset and evening star, / and one clear call for me!/And may there be moaning of the bar,/when I put out to sea.

Translation: guò shā lǒng

rì xī xià chū hūn xīng,huǎng qīng shēng huàn wú míng!dēng lán zhōu fú hǎi shàng,guò shā lǒng mò bēi míng.

The translation is basically similar to the original poem in sentence structure, pause, and words. Translators try to maintain the original poem in the form of beauty and the aesthetic value of the poem. The translator expresses culture, form, meaning and expression, not only showing the author's thoughts and feelings, but also keeping the original form of poetry. The poetry translation has a quite high level.

2.2 The rhyme of poetry translation

Rhythm is the lifeline of the verse. Chinese poets pay more attention to rhythm, because the rhythm can endow poetry musicality and increase the aesthetic value of poetry, which is also the author of emotional display. Two rows of rhyme, line rhyme is the most common. English poetry and Chinese poetry aesthetic, due to different cultural traditions and features of language, the poetry rhythm is different.

For example, Li Bai’s jìng yè sī

The original poem: chuáng qián míng yuè guāng,yí shì dì shàng shuāng.jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè ,dī tóu sī gù xiāng.

There are many interpretations of this poem. Here chose the most representative translation by professor Xu Yuanchong as a comparison:

《A Tranquil Night》

A bed, I see a silver light, /I wonder if it’s frost aground./Looking up, I find the moon bright;/Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned.

The original poem rhyme has a rhyme in the first, second, and fourth lines. The translation conversed the mode from AABA to ABAB, in line with the characteristics of English poetry, but also kept the original poems rhyme. The translation not only reflects the original poem artistic conception of the original poem, also showed the sentence sound, neat antithesis, and rhythm. The original poetic rhythm embodied the original poetry’s beauty and made a perfect reproduction of the beauty.

2.3 The artistic conception of poetry translation

The beauty of scene in a poem is reflected in the use of language, making its way into the author's thoughts and feelings, having a deeper meaning. Readers can produce a kind of poetic space in appreciation, the thoughts and feelings of resonance of the author at the same time, so that works can have a high aesthetic value. For example, Changxu Jin’s chūn yuàn, translated by Professor Yuanchong.

The original poem: dǎ qǐ huáng yīng ér ,mò jiāo zhī shàng tí .tí shí jīng qiè mèng,bú dé dào liáo xī.

Translation: 《A Complaint in Spring》

Drive orioles off the tree,/For their songs awake me./From dreaming of my dear,/ Far off on the frontier!

2.4 Whether the poetry can be translated

Poetry is the most difficult to translate in the history of translation literature, especially in poetry translation China rhythm of classical poetry, in translation into English will have great difficulties and challenges, so many scholars to explore the translatability of poetry, as follows:

①Difficult problems exist in the expression of poetry translation.

②The translation of poetry shows the beauty of form.

③There are obstacles in poetry transmission.

3. The aesthetic factors in prose translation

Prose is a wide range of subjects, although not poetry, but rich in poetic, refining short but express volumes. Prose can be divided into three kinds: lyric prose, narrative prose and the argumentative prose. In the prose translation, we should pay attention to the beauty of sound and form, but also pay special attention to the style beauty.

3.1 The style of prose translation

The essay is a literary genre. Prose’s style can reflect the author's view of the world, and represents the personality of the writer. Each writer's works show a different style. This is also one of the main reasons why works are of aesthetic value. It is because of the writers’ different styles in prose translation, the translator should pay special attention to the reproduction of the original beauty of style. Chinese usually pays attention to parataxis, while English puts more emphasis on hypotaxis. There are a lot of non-subject sentences in Chinese prose, while in English, a sentence without a subject is not grammatically correct. The translator will encounter obstacles in the process of translation. When Chinese prose is translated into English, we should pay attention to the conversion of hypotaxis and parataxis grammar, but also meet the requirements. The translation of English prose is just opposite. The most important is to reproduce the original style in translation.

For example, a small part of Glories of the Storm:

The original poetry: Everything has suddenly gone quiet. /Birds do not chirp. /Leaves do not rustle. /Insects do not sing.

Translation: shā nà jiān,shì jiān wàn wù chén jì wú shēng ./niǎo ér bú zài zhōu jiū ,/shù yè bú zài zuò xiǎng ,/kūn chóng bú zài huān chàng.

3.2 The implication of prose translation

The rational connotation implication is permeated by works, is a deeper level of artistic expression, can show the inherent character, theme works, spirit, it can make the work more vitality, and make the works has a high aesthetic value. In the prose translation, not only see the surface meaning, but also a careful scrutiny of the author's intention, will show the original hidden character, spirit, emotion and purpose to the reader, the reader and the original writers resonate, so that the translator will be the original flavor of the perfect goodbye, and achieve the highest realm of translation, to improve the aesthetic value the translation.

4. The aesthetic factors in literary translation criteria

and principles

4.1 The literary translator's aesthetic accomplishment

Re creation in literary translation belongs to the art of translation; the translator determines the level of quality. Based on the original intention of the translator, but also a positive artistic re creation, but the "creation" and does not equate the creative freedom, can not be altered and play any of the original, must reach the spiritual harmony. At the same time, as far as possible not to use their own view and view of life, to replace the original author aesthetic. Not only to express the original literal meaning, but also make full use of the advantages of the target language, and the translator's aesthetic mechanism, the aesthetic value of the author's thoughts and feelings, the aesthetic image, the original meanings and the original is a perfect reproduction. But the translation quality depends on the translator's aesthetic ability, thinking ability and language expressive understanding.

4.2 The differences between Chinese culture and western culture in the aesthetic orientation

Due to the existence of large differences in economic, political, cultural and other aspects, so that the West has formed different aesthetic orientation, leading to differences in western culture, which a great influence on the determination of the criterion for literary translation. The aesthetic orientation China affected China traditional culture. But the opposition in western culture is the relationship between nature and man. The western aesthetic writer most take nature as the basis, the paintings on display is the structure characteristics of the natural object. Western aesthetics is about the subject to the object image, and China traditional aesthetics mainly is embodied in the works of artistic conception.

4.3 The aesthetic quality of readers to appreciate the literary translation

The aesthetic value of literary translation works does not depend on the translator's subjective will, but depends on the readers who appreciate the objective response. As readers also exist between the cultural literacy, gender, age, education and other different in many aspects, causing them to enjoy the same literary works show that differences exist in the response. The same works of different version as required readers' aesthetic qualities of the different. Therefore, in the evaluation of whether the translation is successful, but also take into account the different needs of readers.

4.4 Reproduction of aesthetic imagery in literary translation

Simply speaking, literary works is the aesthetic image, which is converted into the language symbols. Literature collects aesthetic images, thoughts and language forms. The aesthetic image reproduction of the original is the core content of literary translation. In literary translation, the translator should first read the original form of written language, and then make an analysis on using image of original thinking, and the proper use of the target language.

Literary translation is the artistic recreation based on aesthetics translation. In literary translation, the translator should translate the original work in the aspects of form, rhythm, and many aesthetic factors in artistic conception. Translation's success also connected with the aesthetic image and the main object of aesthetic quality and aesthetic orientation of culture. Therefore, literary translation is not the simple literal translation. The translator needs in-depth interpretation of the author and the original text, analyzing the aesthetic value of the original and the aesthetic orientation. This also requires the translator to have certain aesthetic ability, and should not change the original intention as the premise, but also consider the needs of readers, to make full advantages of the use of the target language, but also integrated into the aesthetic factors that are appropriate to esthetic recreate the original work, making the translation have the same aesthetic value as the original, so as to achieve the highest realm of literary translation.


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