Herbart's Educational Theory in Little Women

时间:2022-10-23 09:20:13

中图分类号:G4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0745(2012)08-0120-01

Abstract:Family education counts much in developing children's characteristics. In this regard, the educator's ways of teaching are the focus of this paper. The author suggests that Herbart's educational theory can be well reflected in Little Women.

Key words:education Herbart Little Women


Little Women is prevalent among American girls as a book of enlightenment. Over years, analyses of the heroine, Jo, have been well studied. However, family education from the mother is less focused on comparatively. In this paper, Herbart’s educational theory on this book is considered, including both purposes and methods of education.

1.Cultural background

Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) was a German educator known for his theory of education which was founded on experience and on philosophical reflection. Herbart believed that educational methods and purposes should be based on psychology and ethics: psychology to furnish necessary knowledge of the mind and ethics to prepare for determining the social ends of education. Louisa May Alcott wrote the famous Little Women in 1868, setting the background as the Civil War, roughly 1861–1876.?In this book, “the March sisters struggle to improve their various flaws as they grow into adults. (SparkNotes Editors, 2002) ”

2. Purposes of education

The idea of educational teaching is central to Herbart’s theory of education which is founded on experience and on philosophical reflection. Specifically, according to this theory, the ultimate goal of education is to perfect moral and character.

The story began with four sisters talking about the coming Christmas. All of them were not satisfied without presents. As a result, they reached a consensus to prepare gifts for their beloved mother in order to offer gratitude for mother’s moral love in return. Mrs. March never forgot to give her children gracious instruction however hard life was. When Mrs. March discovered that a poor family was starving in cold winter, she encouraged her children to give out the tempting breakfast for the poor babies. The little women agreed sincerely after deliberation.

3. Methods of education

3.1 Characteristics of the educator

Characters of a teacher count much in education, including moderate temper, calmness, and teaching with care and perseverance.

Mrs. March was a terrific educator who met all the requirement of Herbart’s theory. She used to create cozy atmosphere that she led the family to sing beautiful songs every night before they went to bed. Girls were big funs of their mother and she treated them gently in return.

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